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Meteorological Satellite (MetSat) applications team

The Meteorological Satellite (MetSat) applications team at CIRA focuses on developing cutting-edge satellite products for research-to-operational use, utilizing a variety of satellite platforms covering the full spectrum of satellite observations.

MetSat research substantially supports the RAMMB group, working with NOAA partners on GOES-R and Suomi NPP/NOAA 20 product development, research, and calibration/validation.  Our work also supports tropical storm and severe weather research, and training and outreach efforts, and is integral to reporting and engaging with the larger NOAA community through RAMMB research.

MetSat research also engages outside of the RAMMB group within NOAA, partnering with NASA, the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, and other federal, state, and private organizations, and are designed to support operational forecasting, aviation, marine operations, fire weather, and numerical weather prediction model integration.

MetSat group members support a wide range of projects, from small, experimental programs developing new technologies, to large research-to-operations projects integrating with the National Weather Service and other organizations. The MetSat group also proposes new missions designed to leverage emerging technologies to develop new observations and observational platforms for satellite remote sensing. Data distribution and access are a partnering priority for the MetSat group, as is coordinating with education and training partners to better disseminate the research products created by the group.