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Renate Brummer
Directors Office

Dr. Renate Brummer

Acting Deputy Director, Senior Research Associate

Mailing Address:
Dr. Renate Brummer
Global Systems Division/Assimilation and Modeling Branch
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
  • Office Location:
    D. Skaggs Research Center, Room 2B122
  • Phone:
  • 970-491-8446
About Me:

Renate Brummer received the equivalent of a MS in Mathematics and Physics from the Universität München, Munich, Germany in 1981 and a PhD in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography from the University of Miami, Florida in 1986. Her areas of interest include mesoscale forecast modeling, satellite meteorology, and environmental education/outreach. She has been a CIRA employee since 1995 and has been working as project manager for different CIRA projects. During those years she managed the systems development team for the international school program GLOBE. The GLOBE Program is  a worldwide community of students, teachers, scientists, and citizens working together to better understand, sustain, and improve Earth’s environment at local, regional, and global scales. She also managed the so-called FX-Net project, a meteorological forecaster workstation which provides the user interface and functionality of the AWIPS workstation (used by NWS forecasters) via the internet. During the last two years, Renate worked as a project coordinator for CIRA’s Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB).

California fires synthetic ABI 3.9 μm w/ corresponding MODIS image. – Wednesday, March 12, 2014

California fires synthetic ABI 3.9 μm w/ corresponding MODIS image.

The figure depicts a synthetic ABI 3.9 μm image (right) and the corresponding MODIS image (left) for the California fires on 23 October 2007. The MODIS image is a true color image from Aqua, pixel size: 1km, date: 2007/10/23. The Synthetic ABI 3.9 μm image for 2007/10/23 15:30 UTC is a CIRA/RAMM Branch product and is part of the GOES-R AWG proxy datasets which we produce in support of GOES-R ABI algorithm development. The fire proxy data sets are produced by running the RAMS forecast model (400 m spatial resolution, 5 min data over a 6 hour period) and by applying a radiative transfer model. The fire locations come from a CIMSS dataset (ABBA retrieval based on a GOES-12 image). An ABI-like satellite image is then created by applying an ABI wavelength-specific point spread function considering the actual ABI footprint for the area of Southern California.