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CIRA Publications

Year Detail
Title Author(s) More Type Journal Conference
1999 Threedimensional transport and concentration of SF6: A model intercomparison study (Transcom 2) Denning, A.S. M. Holzer, K.R. Gurney, M. Heimann, R.M. Law, P.J. Rayner, I.Y. Fung, S. Fan, S. Taguchi, P. Friedlingstein, Y. Balkanski, M. Maiss, and I. Levin Research Article Tellus
2000 TransCom 3 Experimental Protocol Gurney, K., R. Law, P. Rayner, and S. Denning Paper Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University
2001 Global observations of the carbon budget: I. Expected satellite capabilities in the EOS and NPOESS eras Engelen, R.J., A.S. Denning, K.R. Gurney, and G.L. Stephens Research Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2002 Global observation of urban areas based on nocturnal lighting Elvidge, C.D., V.R. Hobson, I.L. Nelson, J.M. Safran, B.T. Tuttle, K.E. Baugh, and J.B. Dietz Newsletter Article The Land Use and Land Cover Change Newsletter of the LUCC project of the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme and the International Human Dimensions Programme
2002 Satellite observation of Keppel Islands (Great Barrier Reef) coral bleaching using IKONOS data Elvidge, C.D., J.B. Dietz, R. Berkelmans, S. Andrefouet, W. Skirving, and A.E. Strong Journal Article Coral Reefs
2002 The use of atmospheric models to improve differential GPS positioning accuracy, Session 65 on GPS User Accuracy Models Gutman, S.I., S.M. Wagoner, M. Codrescu, and T.F-Rowell Conference Proceeding 2002 Core Technologies for Space Systems
2002 Impact of geomagnetic storms on GPS tropospheric delay estimates Gutman, S.I., and S.M. Wagoner Seminar NOAA Space Environment Laboratory Science Seminar
2002 Probabilistic convection initiation forecasts in support of IHOP during the 2002 SPC/NSSL Spring Program Janish, P.R., S.J. Weiss, R. Schneider, J.P. Cupo, E. Szoke, J.M. Brown, and C. Ziegler Conference Proceeding 21st Conference on Severe Local Storms
2002 Observations of effects of mountain blocking on traveling gravity-shear waves and associated clouds Reinking, R., D. Korn, A.S. Frisch, B.W. Orr, L.R. Bissonnette, and G. Roy Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2002 Validation of SSM/I and AMSU Derived Tropical Rainfall Potential (TRaP) During the 2001 Atlantic Hurricane Season Ferraro, R., P. Pellegrino, S. Kusselson, M. Turk, and S. Kidder Conference Proceeding NOAA Tech. Rep. NESDIS 105
2002 Towards robust regional estimates of CO2 sources and sinks using atmospheric transport models Gurney, K.R., R.M. Law, A.S Denning, P.J. Rayner, D. Baker, P. Bousquet, L. Bruhwiler, Y.H. Chen, P. Ciais, S. Fan, I.Y. Fung, M. Gloor, M. Heimann, K. Higuchi, J. 52 John, T. Maki, S. Maksyutov, K. Masarie, P. Peylin, M. Prather, B.C. Pak, J. Randerson, J. Sarmiento, S. Taguchi, T. Takahashi, C.W. Yuen Journal Article Nature
2002 On Error Estimation in Atmospheric CO2 Inversions Engelen, R.J., A. Scott Denning, K.R. Gurney, and TransCom 3 modelers Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2002 Incremental approach to the optimal network design for CO2 surface source inversion,” Patra, P.K., and S. Maksyutov Research Letter Geophysical Research Letters
2002 Global observations of the carbon budget: III. Initial assessment of the impact of satellite orbit, scan geometry and cloud on measuring CO2 from space Rayner, P.J. and R. M. Law and D. M. O'Brien and T. M. Butler and A. C. Dilley Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2002 Southern hemisphere ocean CO2 uptake: Reconciling atmospheric and oceanic estimates Roy, T. P. J. Rayner, R. Matear and R. Francey Research Article Tellus
2003 Overview of DMSP OLS and scope of applications Elvidge, C.D., Hobson, V.R., Nelson, I.L., Safran, J.M., Tuttle, B.T., Dietz, J.B., Baugh, K.E., Book Chapter Remotely Sensed Cities, Taylor and Francis, London
2003 Use of federal and state departments of transportation continuously operating GPS reference stations for NOAA weather forecasting Gutman, S.I., R. Pursaud, and S.M. Wagoner Conference Proceeding AMS 19th Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
2003 LAPS diabatically initialized MM5 for the IHOP_2002 campaign Shaw, B.L., D. Birkenheuer, S. Albers, J. McGinley, E. Szoke, and P. Schultz Conference Proceeding 13th PSU/NCAR Mesoscale Model User's Workshop.
2003 D3D update: Is it being used? Szoke, E.J., U.H. Grote, P.T. McCaslin, and P.A. McDonald Conference Proceeding 19th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
2003 A preliminary examination of the performance of several mesoscale models for convective forecasting during IHOP Szoke, E.J., B. Shaw, M. Kay, J.M. Brown, P. Janish, and R. Schneider Conference Proceeding 21st Conference on Severe Local Storms
2003 Multicast data distribution on the AWIPS Local Area Network. Biere, M. and D.L. Davis, Conference Proceeding AMS 19th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology,
2003 FAS: An international version of AWIPS Jung, Y.-S., F. Moeng, B.H. Lim, M. Biere, H. Lee, and S.K. Chung Conference Proceeding AMS 19th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
2003 Harnessing the spare computing power of desktop PCs for improved satellite data processing and technology transition, Preprints Guch, I. C., A. S. Jones, R. Ferraro, M. Kane, and C. Karlburg, S. Q. Kidder Conference Proceeding for improved satellite data processing and technology transition, Preprints, 19th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology
2003 NOAA HPCC Final Report: Harnessing the Spare Computing Power of Desktop PCs for Improved Satellite Data Processing and Technology Transition Guch, I. C., A. S. Jones, I. Tcherednitchenko, M. Kane, R. Ferraro, and C. Karlburg, S. Q. Kidder Report NOAA HPCC Final Report
2003 On the vertical profile of stratus liquid water flux using a millimeter cloud radar Frisch, S. and P. Zuidema Conference Proceeding AMS 31st Conference on Radar Meteorology
2003 The Tropical Rainfall Potential (TRaP) Technique. Part 1 and Part 2 Kidder, S. Q., S. J. Kusselson, J. A. Knaff, R. R. Ferraro, R. J. Kuligowski, and M. Turk Validation Validation
2003 Transcom 3 CO2 Inversion Intercomparison: 1. Annual mean control results and sensitivity to transport and prior flux information Gurney, K.R., R.M. Law, A.S Denning, P.J. Rayner, D. Baker, P. Bousquet, L. Bruhwiler, Y.H. Chen, P. Ciais, S. Fan, I.Y. Fung, M. Gloor, M. Heimann, K. Higuchi, J. John, E. Kowalczyki, T. Maki, S. Maksyutov, P. Peylin, M. Prather, B.C. Pak, J. Sarmiento, S. Taguchi, T. Takahashi, C.W. Yuen Research Article Tellus
2003 TransCom3 CO2 inversion intercomparison: 2. Sensitivity of annual mean results to data choices Law, R., Y.H. Chen, K.R. Gurney, P. Rayner, A.S. Denning, and TransCom 3 modelers Research Article Tellus
2003 Effect of recent observations on Asian CO2 flux estimates with transport model inversions Maksytuov, S., T. Machida, H. Mukai, P. Patra, T. Nakazawa, G. Inoue, and TransCom 3 modelers Research Article Tellus
2003 Optimal network design for improved CO2 source inversion Patra, P.K., S. Maksyutov, and TransCom 3 modelers Research Article Tellus
2004 An operational statistical typhoon intensity prediction scheme for the Western North Pacific Knaff, J.A., C.R. Sampson, and M. DeMaria Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2004 An introduction to the statistical typhoon intensity prediction scheme (STIPS) Knaff, J.A., C.R. Sampson, and M. DeMaria Conference Proceeding AMS 26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2004 Retrieval of global microwave surface emissivity over land Jones, A. S., J. M. Forsythe, and T. H. Vonder Haar Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2004 The effect of antenna pattern corrections on AMSU-B radiances Nielsen, M., J. M. Forsythe, A. S. Jones, and T. H. Vonder Haar Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2004 On the Influences of Vertical Wind Shear on Symmetric Tropical Cyclone Structure Derived from AMSU Knaff, J.A., S.A. Seseske, M. DeMaria, J.L. Demuth Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2004 M. S. thesis Ahlgrimm, M. Thesis Colorado State University
2004 On smoke suppression of clouds in Amazonia Feingold, G, H. Jiang, and J.Y. Harrington Journal Article Geophysical Research Letters
2004 Evaluation of Two Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensors for National Weather Service Automated Surface Observing System Brazenec, W.A., N.J. Doesken, and S.R. Fassnacht Paper American Geophysical Union Annual meeting
2004 Transcom 3 Inversion Intercomparison: Control results for the estimation of seasonal carbon sources and sinks Gurney, K.R., R.M. Law, A.S. Denning, P.J. Rayner, B. Pak, and the TransCom 3 L2 modelers Research Article Global Biogeochem. Cycles
2004 Towards robust regional estimates of carbon sources and sinks using atmospheric transport models – the TransCom 3 Experiment Gurney, K.R Research Article World Resource Review
2005 Retrieval of global microwave surface emissivity over land using AMSU Jones, A. S., P. S. Shott, J. M. Forsythe, C. L. Combs, T. H. Vonder Haar Paper
2005 AMSU-B antenna pattern corrections Nielsen, M., P. J. Stephens, A. S. Jones, J. M. Forsythe, R. W. Kessler, T. H. Vonder Haar
2005 Global microwave surface emissivity error analysis Jones, A. S., P. C. Shott, J. M. Forsythe, C. L. Combs, R. W. Kessler, M. J. Nielsen, P. J. Stephens, T. H. Vonder Haar Conference Proceeding BACIMO
2005 Characterization of global microwave surface emissivity over land Jones, A., S., J. M. Forsythe, C. L. Combs, and T. H. Vonder Haar Poster 9th Symposium on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface
2005 DPEAS CPE Process Document NOAA Shott, P. C., and A. S. Jones Journal Article 16 AMSU
2005 Global Microwave Surface Emissivity Error Analysis Dr. A. S. Jones Workshop 3rd JCSDA Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation
2005 Further Improvements to the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) DeMaria, M., M. Mainelli, L.K. Shay, J.A. Knaff, and J. Kaplan Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2005 CIRA contributions to the Joint Hurricane Testbed DeMaria, M., J.A. Knaff, J. Demuth, R.M. Zehr, and J.F. Dostalek Newsletter CIRA Magazine
2005 Development of a Multiplatform Satellite Tropical Cyclone Wind Analysis System Presentation 59th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2005 Results from the Incorporation of Ocean Heat Content and GOES Data in the Operational Ships Model During the 2004 Hurricane Season Presentation 59th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2005 Improvements in Deterministic and Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Wind Predictions: A Joint Hurricane Testbed Project Update DeMaria, M., J.A. Knaff, K.J. Mueller and R.M. Zehr Presentation 59th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2005 Tropical cyclone applications of satellite observations M. DeMaria Class CSU Satellite Meteorology Class
2005 Updates to the SHIPS, AMSU and Monte Carlo Wind Probability Algorithms for 2005 M. DeMaria Presentation Training presentation at the Tropical Prediction Center
2005 Potential for improving tropical cyclone wind speed probabilities J.A. Knaff Workshop Department of Defense Tropical Cyclone Workshop
2005 Diagnosing monthly mean boundary-layer properties from re-analysis data using a bulk boundary-layer model Ahlgrimm, M., and D. A. Randall Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2005 Dreams of a stratocumulus sleeper. In Atmospheric Turbulence and Mesoscale Meteorology Randall, D. A., and W. H. Schubert Journal Article Cambridge University Press
2005 Entraining cloud-topped boundary layers Yamaguchi, T Thesis Colorado State University
2005 The effect of aerosol on warm convective clouds: Aerosol-cloud-surface flux feedback in a new coupled large eddy model Jiang, H. and G. Feingold Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2005 A meteorological distribution system for high resolution terrestrial modeling (MicroMet) Liston, G. E., and K. Elder Research Article MicroMet
2005 NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX): Atmospheric analyses data sets Liston, G. E., D. L. Birkenheuer, C. A. Hiemstra, D. Cline, and K. Elder Research Article
2005 Evaluation of Two Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensors for National Weather Service (NWS) Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS) Sites Brazenec,W.A. N.J. Doesken, and S.R. Fassnacht Conference Proceeding 25th Annual AGU Hydrology Days
2005 An Evaluation of Two Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensors for Potential Use At Automated Surface Observing Sites Brazenec, Wendy A., and Nolan J. Doesken Paper 15th AMS Conference on Applied Climatology
2005 The North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) 2004 Field Campaign and Modeling Strategy Higgins, W., et al Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2005 “Radar Observations During NAME 2004. Part I: Data Products and Quality Control Lang, T. J., D. Ahijevych, R. Carbone, R. Cifelli, S.W. Nesbitt, G. Pereira, and S. A. Rutledge Conference Proceeding 32nd Conf. On Radar Meteorology
2005 Radar Observations During NAME 2004. Part II: Preliminary Results Lang, T. J., D. Ahijevych, R. Carbone, R. Cifelli, S.W. Nesbitt, G. Pereira, and S. A. Rutledge Conference Proceeding 32nd Conf. On Radar Meteorology
2005 Radar Observations During NAME 2004 – Data Products and Initial Results Lang, T. J., D. Ahijevych, R. Carbone, R. Cifelli, S.W. Nesbitt, G. Pereira, and S. A. Rutledge Workshop NOAA Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop
2006 A high-resolution simulation of TRMM-LBA Khairoutdinov, M., and D. A. Randall Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2006 Large-eddy simulation of evaporatively driven entrainment into cloud-topped mixed layers Yamaguchi, T., and D. A. Randall Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2007 Determining solid precipitation on Alaska’s Arctic Slope Berezovskaya, S., G. E. Liston, and D. L. Kane Conference Proceeding XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
2007 Using high-resolution atmospheric and snow modeling tools to define spatially-variable snow distributions Hiemstra, C. A., and G. E. Liston Workshop North American Mountain Hydroclimate Workshop
2007 Using high-resolution atmospheric and snow modeling tools to define spatially-variable snow distributions Liston, G. E., and C. A. Hiemstra Conference Proceeding International Symposium on Snow Science
2007 Using high-resolution atmospheric and snow modeling tools to define pan-arctic spatial and temporal snow-related variations Liston, G. E., C. A. Hiemstra, S. Berezovskaya, S. H. Mernild, and M. Sturm Conference Proceeding 16th Northern Research Basins International Symposium and Workshop
2007 Simulating complex snow distributions in windy environments using SnowTran-3D Liston, G. E., R. B. Haehnel, M. Sturm, C. A. Hiemstra, S. Berezovskaya, and R. D. Tabler Conference Proceeding Journal of Glaciology
2007 “The Space-Based Component of the World Weather Watch’s Global Observing System (GOS).” Measuring Precipitation from Space: EURAINSAT and the Future, Levizzanni, Bauer and Turk, eds Hinsman, D. and J. F.W. Purdom Book Chapter Advances in Global Change Research 28, Springer
2007 Environmental Satellites Purdom, J.F.W Journal Article Handbook on Weather, Climate, and water: Dynamics, Physical Meteorology, Weather Systems, and Measurements
2007 “The CGMS/WMO Virtual Laboratory for Education and Training in Satellite Matters.” Measuring Precipitation from Space: EURAINSAT and the Future Purdom, J.F.W. and D. Hinsman Book Chapter
2007 A blended total water vapor product for the analysis and forecast of weather hazards Kusselson, S. J. Kidder, S. Q., and J. M. Forsythe Poster 22nd AMS Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting
2007 Let it Rain Doesken, N. Weatherwise
2007 Multiscale variability of the flow during the North American Monsoon Experiment Johnson, R. H., P. E. Ciesielski, B. D. McNoldy, P. J. Rogers, and R. K. Taft Journal Article Journal of Climate
2007 Analysis of the 13-14 July gulf surge event during the 2004 North American Monsoon Experiment Rogers, P. J., and R. H. Johnson Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2008 Sensitivity, uncertainty and time dependence of parameters in a complex land surface model Prihodko, L., Baker, I. T. and Davis, K. J. and Denning, A. S. and Hanan, N. P. Journal Article Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
2008 Documenting historical climate network stations in Colorado Pielke, R. A., Sr., Doesken, N. J. Research Article
2008 CIRA’s Plans for the GOES-R Proving Ground Brummer, R. Conference Proceeding Satellite Workshop
2008 NASA Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX): Atmospheric analyses datasets Liston, G. E., D. L. Birkenheuer, C. A. Hiemstra, D. W. Cline, and K. Elder Journal Article Journal of Hydrometeorology
2008 A simple data assimilation system for complex snow distributions (SnowAssim) Liston, G. E., and C. A. Hiemstra Journal Article Journal of Hydrometeorology
2008 Meso-cell study area (MSA) snow distributions for the Cold Land Processes Experiment (CLPX) Liston, G. E., C. A. Hiemstra, K. Elder, and D. W. Cline Journal Article Journal of Hydrometeorology
2008 Tropical cyclone inner core kinetic energy evolution Maclay, K.S., M. DeMaria and T.H. Vonder Haar Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2008 “Development of Probabilistic Forecast Guidance at CIRA” Schumacher, A. Presentation Workshop on AWIPS Tools for Probabilistic Forecasting
2008 “An Overview of Research to Operations Activities at CIRA for 2008/2009” Conference Proceeding National Hurricane Center Invited Seminar
2008 Synthetic Satellite Imagery for Current and Future Environmental Satellites Grasso, L.D., M. Sengupta, J. Dostalek, R.L. Brummer, and M. DeMaria Journal Article International Journal of Remote Sensing
2008 CIRA’s multisensor blended total precipitable water products serve forecaster needs Forsythe, J. M., S. Q. Kidder, A. S. Jones, and S. J. Kusselson CIRA Magazine
2008 Reply. Knaff, J.A. and R.M. Zehr Weather and Forecasting
2008 An analysis of the 22 May 2008 Windsor, Colorado, tornado Lindsey, D.T., S.D. Miller, J. Braun, and D. Bikos Conference Proceeding 24th Conference on Severe Local Storms
2008 The North American Carbon Cycle as Seen In Models and Observations Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union Fall 2008 Meeting
2008 Gulf Coast Atmospheric Inflow: A Key Element of the North American CO2 Budget Denning, A. S., N. Parazoo, A. Schuh, and M. Uliasz Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union Fall 2008 Meeting
2008 “An Overview of Research to Operations Activities at CIRA for 2008/2009” Conference Proceeding National Hurricane Center Invited Seminar
2008 Combining Model/Satellite Information for Cyclone Forecasts Schumacher, A.S. Conference Proceeding CoRP 5th Annual Science Symposium
2008 Evaluation of microphysical algorithms in WRF-ARW model simulations of atmospheric river events affecting the California coast Jankov, I., J. W. Bao, P. J. Neimen, P. J. Schultz, and A. B. White Conference Proceeding European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU)
2008 Hurricane Dennis simulation by using various initial and boundary conditions with HRPS Kim, J.Y., I. Jankov, S. Albers, J. A. McGinley, J. H. Oh, S. G. Gopalakrishnan, and X. Zhang Meeting AGU Fall Meeting
2008 Effect of meteorological observations from aircraft on NWP short-term forecasts of aviation-impact fields including precipitation, ceiling, and visibility Szoke, E., S. Benjamin, E. Dash, B. Jamison, W. Moninger, A. Moosakhanian, T. Schlatter, B. Schwartz, and T. Smith Conference Proceeding European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU)
2008 Mesoscale moisture transport by the low-level jet during the IHOP Field Experiment Tollerud, E. I., F. Caracena, S. E. Koch, B. D. Jamison, R. M. Hardesty, B. J. McCarty, C. Kiemle, R. S. Collander, D. L. Bartels, S. Albers, B. Shaw, D. L. Birkenheuer, and W. A. Brewer Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2008 Diagnosis and optimization of ensemble forecasts Vukicevic, T., I. Jankov, and J. McGinley Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2008 Implementation of the radar-enhanced RUC Benjamin, S., S. Weygandt,, J. M. Brown, T. Smirnova, D. Devenyi, K. Brundage, G. Grell, S. Peckham, W. R. Moninger, T. W. Schlatter, T. L. Smith, and G. Manikin Conference Proceeding 13th Conf. on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
2008 New TAMDAR fleets and their impact on Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) forecasts Moninger, W., S. G. Benjamin, B. D. Jamison, T. W. Schlatter, T. L. Smith, and E. J. Szoke Conference Proceeding 13th Conf. on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
2008 Convection forecasts from the hourly updated, 3-km High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) model Smith, T. L., S. G. Benjamin, J. M. Brown, S. S. Weygandt, T. Smirnova and B. E. Schwartz Conference Proceeding 24th Conference on Severe Local Storms
2008 Effect of TAMDAR data on RUC short-term forecasts of aviation-impact fields for ceiling, visibility, reflectivity, and precipitation Szoke, E. J., S. Benjamin, R. S. Collander, B. D. Jamison, W. R. Moninger, T. W. Schlatter, B. Schwartz, and T. Smith Conference Proceeding 13th Conf. on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
2008 Relative forecast impact from aircraft, profiler, rawinsonde, VAD, GPS-PW, METAR and mesonet observations for hourly assimilation in the RUC Benjamin, S., B. D. Jamison, W. R. Moninger, B. Schwartz, and T. W. Schlatter Conference Proceeding 12th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2008 Rapid-refresh testing: examples of forecast performance Brown, J.M., T.G. Smirnova, S.G. Benjamin, B. Jamison, and S.S. Weygandt Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
2008 An atmospheric soliton observed with Doppler radar differential absorption lidar, and molecular Doppler lidar Koch, S. E., C. Flamant, J. W. Wilson, B. M. Gentry, and B. D. Jamison Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2008 Effect of TAMDAR data on RUC short-term forecasts of aviation-impact fields for ceiling, visibility, reflectivity, and precipitation Szoke, E. J., S. Benjamin, R. S. Collander, B. D. Jamison, W. R. Moninger, T. W. Schlatter, B. Schwartz, and T. Smith Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology
2008 Effect of meteorological observations from aircraft on NWP short-term forecasts of aviation-impact fields including precipitation, ceiling, and visibility Szoke, E., S. Benjamin, E. Dash, B. Jamison, W. Moninger, A. Moosakhanian, T. Schlatter, B. Schwartz, and T. Smith Conference Proceeding European Geosciences Union General Assembly
2008 Mesoscale moisture transport by the low-level jet during the IHOP Field Experiment. Tollerud, E. I., F. Caracena, S. E. Koch, B. D. Jamison, R. M. Hardesty, B. J. McCarty, C. Kiemle, R. S. Collander, D. L. Bartels, S. Albers, B. Shaw, D. L. Birkenheuer, and W. A. Brewer Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2008 Recovery of Mesoscale background error covariance using time-lagged ensembles Kim, O., C. Lu, J. McGinley, and J. Oh, Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2008 Data assimilation with background error covariance using time-phased ensembles. Kim, O., C. Lu, J. McGinley, and J. Oh Conference Proceeding The Asia Oceanic Geosciences Society (AOGS)
2008 Recovery of mesoscale covariance using time-phased ensembles Lu, C., Kim, O., J. McGinley, and J. Oh Conference Proceeding The 1st China-US international Symposium on mesoscale meteorology and data assimilation
2008 The world water tower: An atmospheric perspective Xu, X., C. Lu, X. Shi, and S. Gao Research Letter Geophysical Research Letters
2008 Rossby wave ray tracing in a divergent barotropic atmosphere Lu, C. and J. Boyd Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2008 Gravity waves and turbulence in spectral, structure functional, and multi-fractal spaces Lu, C., and S. Koch Conference Proceeding First US-China Symposium in mesoscale meteorology
2008 Interaction of upper-tropospheric turbulence and gravity waves as observed from spectral and structure function analysis Lu, C. and S. Koch Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2008 A two-dimensional continuous wavelet algorithm and its application to meteorological data analysis Wang, N. and C. Lu Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2008 Kalman-filter bias correction method applied to deterministic, ensemble averaged, and probabilistic forecasts of surface ozone Delle Monache, L., J. Wilczak, S. McKeen, G. Grell, M. Pagowski, S. Peckham, R. Stull, J. McHenry, and J. McQueen Journal Article Tellus
2008 Turbulent mixing processes in atmospheric bores and solitary waves deduced from profiling systems and numerical simulation Koch, S.E., W. Feltz, F. Fabry, M. Pagowski, B. Geerts, K.M. Bedka, D.O. Miller, and J.W. Wilson Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2008 Carbon source/sink information provided by column CO2 measurements from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory Baker, D. F., H. Bösch, S. C. Doney, and D. S. Schimel Journal Article Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2008 Statistical comparison of properties of simulated and observed cumulus clouds in the vicinity of Houston during the Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study (GoMACCS). Jiang, H., G. Feingold, H. Jonsson, M-L Lu, P. Y. Chuang, R. C. Flagan, and J. H. Seinfeld Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2008 Diurnal cycle of surface flows during 2004 NAME and comparison to model reanalysis Ciesielski, P. E., and R. H. Johnson, Journal Article Journal of Climate
2008 An observational and modeling study of an atmospheric internal bore during NAME 2004 Martin, E. R., and R. H. Johnson Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2009 An automated Global Quality Control/Quality Assurance Tool (GQT) for sea surface temperatures Dash, P. Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2009 Information measures in ensemble data assimilation Zupanski, D. Book Chapter
2009 Theoretical and practical issues of ensemble data assimilation in weather and climate Zupanski, M. Book Chapter
2009 Spatiotemporal variability of precipitation, modeled soil moisture, and vegetation greenness in North America within the recent observational record Castro, C. L., Beltrán-Przekurat, A. B. and Pielke, R. A., Sr. Journal Article Journal of Hydrometeorology
2009 Objective estimation of the 24-h probability of tropical cyclone formation Schumacher, A. B., DeMaria, M. and Knaff, J. A. Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2009 The SST Quality Monitor (SQUAM) GHRSST Users Conference & Tenth International GHRSST Science Team Meeting, Santa Rosa, California, May 28-29, 2009 & June 1-5, 2009 Ignatov, A. Conference Proceeding
2009 Web-based global quality control & monitoring of NESDIS AVHRR SST products 89th Annual AMS Meeting , Phoenix, Arizona, January 11-15, 2009 Dash, P. Conference Proceeding
2009 The influence of entrainment and mixing assumption on aerosol–cloud interactions in marine stratocumulus Hill, A. A., Feingold, G. and Jiang, H. Journal Article Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
2009 Intercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. I: single-layer cloud Klein, S. A., Ackerman, A. S. and Avramov, A. and Chen, Mingxuan and Cole, Jason N. S. and de Boer, G. and Del Genio, A. D. and Falk, Michael and Foster, M. J. and Fridlind, A. and Golaz, J.-C. and Harrington, J. Y. and Hashino, T. and Hoose, C. and Khairoutdinov, M. and Larson, V. E. and Liu, Xiaohong and Luo, Yali and McCoy, R. B. and McFarquhar, G. M. and Menon, S. and Morrison, H. and Neggers, R. A. J. and Park, Sungsu and Poellot, M. R. and Schmidt, J. M. and Sednev, I. and Shipway, B. J. and Shupe, M. and Spangenberg, D. A. and Sud, Y. C. and Turner, David D. and Veron, D. E. and von Salzen, Knut and Walker, G. K. and Wang, Zhien and Wolf, A. B. and Xie, Shaocheng and Xu, Kuan-Man and Yang, Fanglin and Zhang, Gong Journal Article The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2009 Intercomparison of model simulations of mixed-phase clouds observed during the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment. II: Multilayer cloud Morrison, H., Avramov, A. and Chen, M. and Cole, Jason N. S. and Del Genio, A. D. and Falk, Michael and Foster, M. J. and Harrington, J. Y. and Hoose, C. and Khairoutdinov, M. and Klein, S. A. and Larson, V. E. and Liu, Xiaohong and Luo, Yali and McCoy, R. B. and McFarquhar, G. M. and Poellot, M. R. and Shipway, B. J. and Shupe, M. and Sud, Y. C. and Turner, David D. and Veron, D. E. and von Salzen, Knut and Walker, G. K. and Wang, Zhien and Wolf, A. B. and Xie, Shaocheng and Xu, Kuan-Man and Yang, Fanglin and Zhang, Gong Conference Proceeding The Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2009 Monitoring of IR Clear-sky Radiances over Oceans for SST (MICROS): Near-Real Time, Web-Based Tool for Monitoring CRTM-AVHRR Biases Liang, X. M. and A. Ignatov Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2009 Implementation of the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) in Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO) and validation against nighttime radiances Liang, X. M., A. Ignatov, and Y. Kihai Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2009 Monitoring of IR Clear-sky Radiances over Oceans for SST (MICROS): Near-Real Time Web-based Tool to Monitor CRTM – AVHRR Biases for Improved Cloud Mask and SST Retrievals Liang, X. M., A. Ignatov, Y. Kihai, and F. Xu Conference Proceeding AMS Annual Meeting
2009 Effect of out-of-band response in NOAA-16 AVHRR Channel 3B on top-of-atmosphere radiances calculated with the Community Radiative Transfer Model Liu, Q. H., X. M. Liang, Y. Han, P. van Delst, Y. Chen, A. Ignatov, and F. Z. Weng Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2009 Cloud Mask and Quality Control for SST within the Advanced Clear Sky Processor for Oceans (ACSPO) Petrenko, B., A. Ignatov, N. Shabanov, X. Liang, Y. Kihai, and A. Heidinger Conference Proceeding AMS Annual Meeting
2009 Prototyping SST Retrievals from GOES-R ABI with MSG SEVIRI Data Shabanov, N., A. Ignatov, B. Petrenko, Y. Kihai, X. Liang, W. Guo, F. Xu, P. Dash, M. Goldberg, and J. Sapper Conference Proceeding AMS Annual Meeting
2009 Towards Continuous Error Characterization of Sea Surface Temperature in the Advanced Clear-sky Processor for Oceans Xu, F., A. Ignatov, and X. Liang Conference Proceeding AMS Annual Meeting
2009 GOESR Proving Ground Program Gurka, J., A. Mostek, T.J. Schmit, S.D Miller, A. Bachmeier, M. DeMaria Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Contributions from CIRA to the GOES-R Satellite Proving Ground Miller, S.D., M. DeMaria, D.A. Molenar, D.W. Hillger, E. Szokes, R.L. Brummer, A. Kuciauskas, F. Turk, H. Gosden Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 NOAA Satellite Training Mostek, A., M. DeMaria, J. Gurka, T.J. Schmit Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Developing GOES-R Tropical Cyclone Products vis Proxies Knaff, J.A., D.W. Hillger, M. DeMaria, J. Gurka Conference Proceeding 63rd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2009 Contributions from CIRA to the Satellite Proving Ground Miller, S Conference Proceeding 16th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 CIRA – Update on GOES-R Proving Ground Miller, S Conference Proceeding 2nd Annual Proving Ground Meeting
2009 An Overview Of The Goes-R Proving Ground: Current Forecaster Interactions And Future Plans Szoke, E. Conference Proceeding AMS 23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting
2009 The Determination of Optimal Thresholds of Tropical Cyclone Incremental Wind Speed Probabilities to Support Expressions of Uncertainty in Text Forecasts Santos, P., D. Sharp, M. DeMaria, S. Kiser Conference Proceeding AMS Symposium on Urban High Impact Weather
2009 An Improved Wind Probability Program: A Year 2 Joint Hurricane Testbed Project Update DeMaria, M., S. Kidder, C. Sampson, J.A. Knaff, C. Lauer, and C. Sisko Conference Proceeding 63rd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2009 Applications of the National Hurricane Center Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed Probability Product to Quantifying Potential Impacts of Hurricane Forecast Improvements Schumacher, A.B., M. DeMaria, D. Brown, and E. Rappaport Conference Proceeding 63rd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2009 An assessment of aerosol-cloud interactions in marine stratus clouds based on surface remote sensing McComiskey, A.M., G. Feingold. A.S. Frisch, D.D. Turner, M.A. Miller, J.C. Chiu, Q. Min, and J. A. Ogren Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2009 “Wildfire-Induced Thunderstorms: Observations and Possible Climate Impacts” D. Lindsey Conference Proceeding
2009 Developing GOES-R Tropical Cyclone Products vis Proxies Knaff, J.A., D.W. Hillger, M. DeMaria, J. Gurka Conference Proceeding 63rd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2009 An Example of the use of Synthetic 3.9 μm GOES-12 Imagery for Two-Moment Microphysical Evaluation Grasso, L. and D. Lindsey Journal Article International Journal of Remote Sensing
2009 Comparison between Observed and Synthetic 6.5 and 10.7 μm GOES-12 Imagery of Thunderstorms Grasso, L., M. Sengupta, and M. DeMaria Journal Article International Journal of Remote Sensing
2009 Assimilating synthetic GOES-R radiances in cloudy conditions using an ensemble-based method Zupanski D., M. Zupanski, L. Grasso, R. Brummer, I. Jankov, D. Lindsey, M. Sengupta and M. DeMaria Journal Article International Journal of Remote Sensing
2009 Synthetic satellite datasets for GOES-R ABI Bands Brummer, R.L., M. Sengupta, L. Grasso, D. Hillger, D. Lindsey, R. DeMaria, and M. DeMaria Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Synthetic GOES-R imagery of fires at 3.9 μm Grasso, L.D., M. Sengupta, R.L. Brummer, R. DeMaria, and D.W. Hillger Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 GOES-R ABI product development Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Improving fire detection: Current GOES to GOES-R Sengupta, M., L.D. Grasso, R.L. Brummer, and D.W. Hillger Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Methods Used at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Part I: Control Forecasts Based on Climatology and Persistence Knaff, J.A., and C.R. Sampson Journal Article Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
2009 Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Methods Used at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Part II: Statistical – Dynamical Forecasts Knaff, J.A., and C.R. Sampson Journal Article Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
2009 Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Methods Used at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Part III: Statistical – Consensus Forecasts Sampson, C.R. and J.A. Knaff Journal Article Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal
2009 A Simplified Dynamical System for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Prediction DeMaria, M. Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2009 The GOES-13 Science Test Hillger, D.W., J.F. Schmit Journal Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2009 Revisiting the Maximum Intensity of Recurving Tropical Cyclones Knaff, J.A. Journal Article International Journal of Climatology
2009 Objective Estimation of the 24- Hour Probability of Tropical Cyclone Formation Schumacher, A.B., M. DeMaria and J.A. Knaff Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2009 International satellite training activities Connell, B.H., M. Davison, A. Mostek, V. Castro, and T. Whittaker Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Regional satellite climatologies for Central America from GOES Connell, B.H., and L.G. Guirola Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Propagating patterns in 6.7 μm imagery in re-intensifying tropical-toextratropical cyclone transitions Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Regional-scale atmospheric measurements of CO2 sources and sinks Schuh, A., A.S. Denning, M. Uliasz, N.R. Miles, K.J. Davis, and S.J. Richardson Presentation Plenary talk, Air and Waste Management Association First International Greenhouse Gas Measurement Symposium
2009 Seeing the Forest through the Trees: Recovering large scale carbon flux biases in the midst of small scale variability Schuh, A. E., A. S. Denning, M. Uliasz, K. D. Corbin Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2009 Objective Estimation of the 24-h Probability of Tropical Cyclone Formation Schumacher, A.B., M. DeMaria, and J.A. Knaff Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2009 The GOES-13 Science Test: A Synopsis. Hillger, D.W., and T.J. Schmit Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2009 The use of LAPS as an assimilation and model initialization tool for tropical cyclones Albers S., I. Jankov, J. Mcginley, Y. Xie, J.Y. Kim, S.G. Gopalakrishnan, J. Gamache, and S. Aberson Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2009 Evaluation and comparison of microphysical algorithms in WRF-ARW model simulations of atmospheric river events affecting the California coast Jankov, I., J. W. Bao, P. J. Neiman, P. J. Schultz, H. Yuan, and A. B. White Journal Article Journal of Hydrometeorology
2009 Hurricane Dennis simulations by using various initial conditions and WRF dynamic cores Kim, J-Y., I. Jankov, S. Albers, J. H. Oh, J. A. McGinley, S. G. Gopalakrishnan, and X. Zhang Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2009 TAMDAR jet fleets and their impact on Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) forecasts Moninger, W. R., S. G. Benjamin, B. D. Jamison, T. W. Schlatter, T. L. Smith, and E. J. Szoke Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2009 A computationally efficient method for initializing numerical weather models with explicit representation of moist convection Schultz, P., S. C. Albers, C. J. Anderson, D. Birkenheuer, I. Jankov, and J. McGinley Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2009 An examination of FIM performance for a variety of weather scenarios Szoke, E. J., S. Benjamin, J. M. Brown, and M. Fiorino Conference Proceeding 23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting and 19th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction
2009 An overview of the GOES-R Proving Ground: Current forecaster interactions and future plans Szoke, E. J., S. Miller, M. DeMaria, S. Bachmeier, J. Gerth, R. Schneider, J. Gurka, S. Goodman, and K. Fuell Conference Proceeding 23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting and 19th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction
2009 Optimizing precipitation estimates using merged observations and model output: A case study in the California Sierra Nevada Mountains Tollerud, E. I., J. A. McGinley, S. L. Mullen, T. Vukicevic, H. Yuan, C. Lu, and I. Jankov Conference Proceeding AMS Annual Meeting (89th)
2009 Relative shortrange forecast impact in summer and winter from aircraft profiler, rawinsonde, VAD, GPS-PW, METAR, and mesonet observations for hourly assimilation into the RUC Benjamin, S. G., W. R. Moninger, B. D. Jamison, and S. R. Sahm Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2009 TAMDAR jet fleets and their impact on Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) forecasts Moninger, W., S. G. Benjamin, B. D. Jamison, T. W. Schlatter, T. L. Smith, and E. J. Szoke Conference Proceeding 13th Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2009 Evaluation of short-range quantitative precipitation forecasts from a time-lagged multi-model ensemble Yuan, H., C. Lu, J.A. McGinley, P. J. Schultz, B.D. Jamison, L. Wharton, and C. J. Anderson Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2009 Detecting cloud icing conditions using CloudSat datasets Kay, M.P., C. Lu, S. Madine, J. Luppens Mahoney, and P. Li Conference Proceeding Preprints, 23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting
2009 A novel approach for evaluating world area forecast system global icing forecasts using CloudSat data Kay, M.P., S. Madine, C. Lu, and J. Luppens Mahoney Conference Proceeding International Conference on Nowcasting and Short-range Forecasting
2009 CloudSat data and verification of global icing forecasts for aviation Madine S. and C. Lu Conference Proceeding NOAA/NESDIS Cooperative Institute Directors’ and Administrators’ meeting
2009 Initial tests of WRF-NMM for use as a regional seasonal forecast model Anderson, C. J., C. Lu, and J. A. McGinley Conference Proceeding NOAA Climate Program Office, PI’s meeting
2009 On the link between ocean biota emissions, aerosol, and maritime clouds: airborne, ground, and satellite measurements off the coast of California Sorooshian, A., L. T. Padró, A. Nenes, G. Feingold, A. McComiskey, S. P. Hersey, H. Gates, H. H. Jonsson, S. D. Miller, G. L. Stephens, R. C. Flagan, J. H. Seinfeld Journal Article Global Biogeochem. Cycles
2009 On the precipitation susceptibility of clouds to aerosol perturbations Sorooshian, A., G. Feingold, M. D. Lebsock, H. Jiang, and G. Stephens Research Letter Geophysical Research Letters
2009 International satellite training activities Connell, B.H., M. Davison, A. Mostek, V. Castro, and T. Whittaker Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Collaborative training efforts at the NESDIS Cooperative Institutes Guch, I., S.Q. Kidder, P. Menzel, R. Ferraro, S. Ackerman, D. Khanbilvardi, T. Strub, B. Vant Hull, R. Hudson, and M. DeMaria Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 NOAA Satellite Training Mostek, A., M. DeMaria, J. Gurka, T.J. Schmit Conference Proceeding 16th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2009 Effect of aerosol on trade cumulus cloud morphology Jiang, H., G. Feingold, and I. Koren Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2009 Aerosol effects on the intercloud region of a small cumulus cloud field Koren, I., G. Feingold, H. Jiang, and O. Altaratzi Research Letter Geophysical Research Letters
2009 Irradiance in polluted cumulus fields: Measured and modeled cloud-aerosol effects. Schmidt, K. S., G., Feingold, P., Pilewskie, H. Jiang, O., Coddington, and M., Wendisch Research Letter Geophysical Research Letters
2009 Correction of humidity biases in Vaisala RS80-H sondes during NAME Ciesielski, P. E., R. H., Johnson, and J. Wang Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2009 Web-based global quality control and monitoring of NESDIS AVHRR SST products for long term stability and cross-platform consistency in near real-time Dash et al Conference Proceeding American Meteorological Society (AMS) 89th Annual Meeting & 16th 16th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2010 Effects of the urban growth of Houston on convection and precipitation. Part II: Their dependence on instability Carrio, G. G., Cotton, W. R. Journal Article Atmospheric Research
2010 Urban growth and aerosol effects on convection over Houston: Part I: The August 2000 case Carrio, G. G., Cheng, W. Y. and Cotton, W. R. Journal Article Atmospheric Research
2010 The Dynamics of the ENSO Atlantic Hurricane Teleconnection: ENSO-Related Changes to the North African Asian Jet Affect Atlantic Basin Tropical Cyclogenesis Shaman, J., Esbensen, S. K. and Maloney, E. D. Journal Article Journal of Climate
2010 A fast radiative transfer model for stratospheric sounding unit channels Chen, Yong, Han, Y. and Liu, Q. and van Delst, P. and Weng, F. Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmosphere
2010 On water vapor Jacobian in fast radiative transfer model Chen, Yong, Han, Y. and van Delst, P. and Weng, F. Journal Article Journal of Geophysical Research
2010 Performance of an eddy diffusivity – mass flux scheme for shallow cumulus boundary layers Angevine, W. M., Jiang, H. and Mauritsen, T. Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2010 Multidisciplinary analysis of an unusual tornado: Meteorology, climatology, and the communication and interpretation of warnings Schumacher, R. S, Braun, J. J. and Demuth, J. L. and Lindsey, D. T. and Miller, S. D. and Schumacher, A. B. Journal Article Weather and Forecasting: Early Online Release
2010 Using high time resolution aerosol and number size distribution measurements to estimate atmospheric extinction Malm, W. C., Carrico, C. M. and Collett, J. L. Jr. and Day, D. E. and Kreidenweis, S. M. and Lee, Taehyoung (T.) and Levin, E. J. T. and McMeeking, G. R. and Raja, S. and Sullivan, A. P. Journal Article Journal of the Air Waste Management Association
2010 A GIS approach to ingest Meteosat Second Generation data into the Local Analysis and Prediction System Conte, D., Albers, S. C. and Levizzani, V. and Miglietta, M. M. and Moscatello, A. Journal Article Environmental Modeling & Software
2013 Shock-like structures in the tropical cyclone boundary layer Gabriel J. Williams, Richard K. Taft, Brian D. McNoldy, Wayne H. Schubert Research Article Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2014 Improved VIIRS Day/Night Band Imagery With Near-Constant Contrast Calvin K. Liang, Stephen Mills, Bruce I. Hauss, and Steven D. Miller Research Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2014 Removing Solar Radiative Effect from the VIIRS M12 Band at 3.7 μm for Daytime Sea Surface Temperature Retrievals Quanhua Liu, Alexander Ignatov, Fuzhong Weng, and XingMing Liang Research Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2014 An Objective Satellite-Based Tropical Cyclone Size Climatology John A. Knaff, Scott P. Longmore, and Debra A. Molenar Research Article Journal of Climate
2014 Estimating Three-Dimensional Cloud Structure via Statistically Blended Satellite Observations Steven D. Miller, John M. Forsythe, Philip T. Partain, John M. Haynes, Richard L. Bankert, Manajit Sengupta, Cristian Mitrescu, Jeffrey D. Hawkins, and Thomas H. Vonder Haar Research Article Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
2014 Gross Moist Stability and MJO Simulation Skill in Three Full-Physics GCMs James J. Benedict, Eric D. Maloney, Adam H. Sobel, and Dargan M. W. Frierson Research Article Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
2014 Characteristics of atmospheric ice nucleating particles associated with biomass burning in the US: Prescribed burns and wildfires Christina S. McCluskey, Paul J. DeMott, Anthony J. Prenni, Ezra J. T. Levin, Gavin R. McMeeking, Amy P. Sullivan, Thomas C. J. Hill, Shunsuke Nakao, Christian M. Carrico, Sonia M. Kreidenweis Research Article Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2014 Evaluation and selection of SST regression algorithms for JPSS VIIRS Boris Petrenko, Alexander Ignatov, Yury Kihai, John Stroup, Prasanjit Dash Research Article Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2014 Ocean reflectance spectra at the red, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared from highly turbid waters: A study in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea Wei Shi, Menghua Wang Research Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2014 Tropical Biases in CMIP5 Multimodel Ensemble: The Excessive Equatorial Pacific Cold Tongue and Double ITCZ Problems* Gen Li and Shang-Ping Xie Research Article Journal of Climate
2014 Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery Grasso, Lewis, Daniel T. Lindsey, Kyo-Sun Sunny Lim, Adam Clark, Dan Bikos, and Scott R. Dembek Research Article Monthly Weather Review
2014 The moist static energy budget in NCAR CAM5 hindcasts during DYNAMO Walter M. Hannah, Eric D. Maloney Research Article Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2014 Mitigation of stripe noise in MODIS SST products Bouali, M. and A. Ignatov Research Article GRL
2014 Implementation of aerosol assimilation in Gridpoint Statistical Interpolation (v. 3.2) and WRF-Chem (v. 3.4.1) M. Pagowski, Z. Liu, G. A. Grell, M. Hu, H.-C. Lin, and C. S. Schwartz Research Article Geosci. Model Dev.
2014 Process-Oriented Diagnosis of East Pacific Warm Pool Intraseasonal Variability Maloney, E. D., Jiang, X., Xie, S., & Benedict, J. J. Research Article Journal of Climate
2014 Is Tropical Cyclone Intensity Guidance Improving? DeMaria, M., Sampson, C. R., Knaff, J. A., & Musgrave, K. D. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2014 North American Climate in CMIP5 Experiments: Part III: Assessment of Twenty-First-Century Projections* Maloney, E. D., Camargo, S. J., Chang, E., Colle, B., Fu, R., Geil, K. L., Hu, Q., Jiang, X., Johnson, N., Karnauskas, K. B., Kinter, J., Kirtman, B., Kumar, S., Langenbrunner, B., Lombardo, K., Long, L. N., Mariotti, A., Meyerson, J. E., Mo, K. C., Neelin, J. D., Pan, Z., Seager, R., Serra, Y., Seth, A., Sheffield, J., Stroeve, J., Thibeault, J., Xie, S., Wang, C., Wyman, B., & Zhao, M. Research Article Journal of Climate
2014 An Efficient Approach for VIIRS RDR to SDR Data Processing J. Sun, M. Wang, L. Tan and L. Jiang Research Article IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
2014 Tropical cyclone boundary layer shocks Christopher J. Slocum, Gabriel J. Williams, Richard K. Taft, Wayne H. Schubert Research Article arXiv
2014 Lightning in Wildfire Smoke Plumes Observed in Colorado during Summer 2012 Lang, T. J., Rutledge, S. A., Dolan, B., Krehbiel, P., Rison, W., & Lindsey, D. T. Research Article Monthly Weather Review
2014 Lower tropospheric moisture profiling using a microwave imager Boukabara, S., K. Garrett and T. Islam Research Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2014 Development of a hybrid variational-ensemble data assimilation technique for observed lightning tested in a mesoscale model K. Apodaca, M. Zupanski, M. DeMaria, J. A. Knaff, and L. D. Grasso Research Article Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
2014 Satellite-measured net primary production in the Chesapeake Bay Seung Hyun Son, Menghua Wang, Lawrence W. Harding Jr. Research Article Remote Sensing of Environment
2014 Retrieval and validation of atmospheric moisture from SAPHIR onboard Megha-Tropiques: Testing a physical algorithm
2014 Adaptive Reduction of Striping for Improved Sea Surface Temperature Imagery from Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Marouan Bouali and Alexander Ignatov Research Article
2014 Process-Oriented MJO Simulation Diagnostic: Moisture Sensitivity of Simulated Convection Kim, D., Xavier, P., Maloney, E., Wheeler, M., Waliser, D., Sperber, K., Hendon, H., Zhang, C., Neale, R., Hwang, Y., & Liu, H. Research Article Journal of Climate
2014 Suomi NPP VIIRS Imagery evaluation Donald Hillger, Curtis Seaman, Calvin Liang, Steven Miller, Daniel Lindsey, Thomas Kopp Research Article Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2014 Further development of a statistical-dynamical ensemble for tropical cyclone intensity prediction Kate D. Musgrave, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and M. DeMaria Conference Proceeding 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2014 Modeling Reactive Nitrogen in the Western US
2015 An Automated Mobile Phone Photo Relay and Display Concept Applicable to Operational Severe Weather Monitoring Scott Longmore, Steven Miller, Dan Bikos, Daniel Lindsey, Edward Szoke, Debra Molenar, Donald Hillger, Renate Brummer, and John Knaff Journal Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2015 Improved Tropical-Cyclone Flight-Level Wind Estimates Using Routine Infrared Satellite Reconnaissance Journal Article Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
2015 Diffuse attenuation coefficient of the photosynthetically available radiation Kd(PAR) for global open ocean and coastal waters Seung Hyun Son, Menghua Wang Research Article Remote Sensing of Environment
2015 Utilization of the Suomi National Polar-Orbiting Partnership (NPP) Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band for Arctic Ship Tracking and Fisheries Management Straka, W.C., III; Seaman, C.J.; Baugh, K.; Cole, K.; Stevens, E.; Miller, S.D. Journal Article Remote Sens.
2015 Downscaling Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR-E) SoilMoisture Retrievals Using a Multiple Time-Scale Exponential RainfallAdjustment Technique Chengmin Hsu, Lynn E. Johnson, Robert J. Zamora , Timothy Schneider and Robert Cifelli Research Article Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS
2015 A Vertically Flow-Following Icosahedral Grid Model for Medium-Range and Seasonal Prediction. Part I: Model Description Rainer Bleck, Jian-Wen Bao, Stanley G. Benjamin, John M. Brown, Michael Fiorino, Thomas B. Henderson, Jin-Luen Lee, Alexander E. MacDonald, Paul Madden, Jacques Middlecoff, James Rosinski, Tanya G. Smirnova, Shan Sun, and Ning Wang Research Article Monthly Weather Review
2015 Objective Diagnostics and the Madden–Julian Oscillation. Part I: Methodology Brandon O. Wolding and Eric D. Maloney Research Article Journal of Climate
2015 Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones: Observations from CloudSat and A-Train Profilers Natalie Tourville, Graeme Stephens, Mark DeMaria, and Deborah Vane Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2015 Real-Time Applications of the Variational Version of the Local Analysis and Prediction System (vLAPS) Hongli Jiang, Steve Albers, Yuanfu Xie, Zoltan Toth, Isidora Jankov, Michael Scotten, Joseph Picca, Greg Stumpf, Darrel Kingfield, Daniel Birkenheuer, and Brian Motta Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2015 Objective Diagnostics and the Madden–Julian Oscillation. Part II: Application to Moist Static Energy and Moisture Budgets Brandon O. Wolding and Eric D. Maloney Research Article Journal of Climate
2015 After a Decade Are Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Gale Force Wind Radii Forecasts Now Skillful? John A. Knaff and Charles R. Sampson Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2015 On the Convective Coupling and Moisture Organization of East Pacific Easterly Waves Adam V. Rydbeck and Eric D. Maloney Research Article Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
2015 A dynamic scaling algorithm for the optimized digital display of VIIRS Day/Night Band imagery Curtis J. Seaman and Steven D. Miller Research Article International Journal of Remote Sensing
2015 Consequences of systematic model drift in DYNAMO MJO hindcasts with SP-CAM and CAM5 Walter M. Hannah, Eric D. Maloney, Michael S. Pritchard Research Article Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2015 Blended Multisensor Satellite Products for Forecasting Heavy Precipitation Forsythe, J. M., A. S. Jones, S. Q. Kidder, D. E. Bikos, and E. J. Szoke Meeting National Weather Association's 43rd Annual Meeting
2015 Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones: Observations from CloudSat and A-Train Profilers Natalie Tourville, Graeme Stephens, Mark DeMaria, and Deborah Vane Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2015 Real-Time Applications of the Variational Version of the Local Analysis and Prediction System (vLAPS) Jiang, H., Albers, S., Xie, Y., Toth, Z., Jankov, I., Scotten, M., Picca, J., Stumpf, G., Kingfield, D., Birkenheuer, D., & Motta, B. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2015 The great Colorado flood of September 2013 Gochis, D., R. S. Schumacher, K. Friedrich, N. Doesken, M. Kelsch, J. Sun, K. Ikeda, D. T. Lindsey, A. Wood, B. Dolan, S. Matrosov, A. Newman, K. Mahoney, S. Rutledge, R. Johnson, P. Kucera, P. Kennedy, D. Sempere-Torres, M. Steiner, R. Roberts, J. Wilson, W. Yu, V. Chandrasekar, R. Rasmussen, A. Anderson, and B. Brown Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2016 Towards understanding the variability in biospheric CO2 fluxes: using FTIR spectrometry and a chemical transport model to investigate the sources and sinks of carbonyl sulfide and its link to CO2 Wang, Y., Deutscher, N. M., Palm, M., Warneke, T., Notholt, J., Baker, I., Berry, J., Suntharalingam, P., Jones, N., Mahieu, E., Lejeune, B., Hannigan, J., Conway, S., Mendonca, J., Strong, K., Campbell, J. E., Wolf, A., and Kremser, S. Research Article Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2016 VIIRS EDR Imagery Overview and Preparations for J1 Don Hillger, PhD Conference Proceeding STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2016 A forced, balanced model for tropical cyclone intensification Wayne H. SCHUBERT, Christopher J. SLOCUM, Richard K. TAFT Research Article
2016 VIIRS ocean color products over global open oceans and turbid coastal/inland waters Wang, M. ; Jiang, L. ; Liu, X. ; Son, S. ; Sun, J. ; Shi, W. ; Tan, L. ; Mikelsons, K. ; Wang, X. ; Lance, V. P. Research Article American Geophysical Union
2016 Parallelization and Performance of the NIM Weather Model for CPU, GPU and MIC Processors Mark Govett, Jim Rosinski, Jacques Middlecoff, Tom Henderson, Jin Lee, Alexander MacDonald, Paul Madden, Julie Schramm, Antonio Duarte Paper Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2016 Radiometric evaluation of SNPP VIIRS reflective solar band sensor datarecords via inter-sensor comparison with Aqua MODIS Mike Chu, Juniqiang Sun, Menghua Wang Conference Proceeding SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications
2016 The environment associated with significant tornadoes in Bangladesh Bikos, D. E., J. Finch, and J. L. Case Journal Article Atmos. Res.
2016 S4: An O2R/R2O Infrastructure for Optimizing Satellite Data Utilization in NOAA Numerical Modeling Systems: A Step Toward Bridging the Gap between Research and Operations Boukabara, S. A., T. Zhu, H. L. Tolman, S. Lord, S. J. Goodman, R. Atlas, M. D. Goldberg, T. Auligne, B. Pierce, L. Cucurull, M. Zupanski, M. Zhang, I. Moradi, J. Otkin, D. Santek, B. Hoover, Z. Pu, X. Zhan, C. Hain, E. Kalnay, D. Hotta, S. Nolin, E. Bayler, A. Mehra, S. P. F. Casey, D. T. Lindsey, L. D. Grasso, V. Krisna Kumar, A. Powell, J. Xu, T. Greenwald, J. Zajic, J. Li, J. Li, B. Li, J. Liu, L. Fang, P. Wang, and T. Chen Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2016 Training Effects on Emergency Management Activation Response Fast, L. C., J. F. Weaver, S. D. Miller, and T. E. Ferrin, Jr. Journal Article J. Org. Psyche.
2016 Improved VIIRS and MODIS SST Imagery Gladkova, I., A. Ignatov, F. Shahriar, Y. Kihai, D. W. Hillger, and B. Petrenko Journal Article Remote Sensing
2016 [The Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Content [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2015”] Goni, G. J., J. A. Knaff, and I.-I. Lin Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2016 Using routinely available information to estimate tropical cyclone wind structure Knaff, J. A., C. J. Slocum, K. D. Musgrave, C. R. Sampson, and B. R. Strahl Journal Article Mon. Wea. Rev.
2016 A Sight for Sore Eyes: The Return of True Color Imagery to Geostationary Satellites Miller, S. D., T. J. Schmit, C. J. Seaman, D. T. Lindsey, M. M. Gunshor, R. A. Kohrs, Y. Sumida, and D. W. Hillger Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2016 Satellite-Based Estimation of Temporally Resolved Dust Radiative Forcing in Snow Cover Miller, S. D., F. Wang, A. B. Burgess, M. Skiles, M. A. Rogers, and T. H. Painter J. Hydromet
2016 VIIRS Day/Night Band—Correcting striping and nonuniformity over a very large dynamic range Mills, S. P., and S. D. Miller Journal Article J. Imaging,
2016 Estimating Nocturnal Opaque Ice Cloud Optical Depth from MODIS Multispectral Infrared Radiances Using a Neural Network Method Minnis, P., G. Hong, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, W. L. Smith, Jr., and S. D. Miller Journal Article JG R Atmospheres
2016 Evolution of the upper-level thermal structure in tropical cyclones Rivoire, L., T. Birner, and J. A. Knaff Research Letter Geophys. Res. Lett
2016 Wave probabilities consistent with official tropical cyclone forecasts Sampson, C. R., J. Hansen, P. Wittmann, J. A. Knaff, and A. B. Schumacher Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2016 The GSI capability to assimilate TRMM and GPM hydrometeor retrievals in HWRF Wu, T.-C., M. Zupanski, L. D. Grasso, P. J. Brown, C. D. Kummerow, and J. A. Knaff Journal Article
2017 Summer ozone in the northern Front Range metropolitan area: weekend–weekday effects, temperature dependences, and the impact of drought Andrew J. Abeleira and Delphine K. Farmer Research Article Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2017 MJO simulation in CMIP5 climate models: MJO skill metrics and process-oriented diagnosis Min-Seop Ahn, Daehyun Kim, Kenneth R. Sperber, In-Sik Kang , Eric Maloney, Duane Waliser, Harry Hendon, on behalf of WGNE MJO Task Force Research Article Climate Dynamics
2017 Evaluation of NCAR’s AutoNowCaster for Operational Application within the National Weather Service Ba, M., Xin, L., Crockett, J., & Smith, S. B. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Impact of Storm Size on Prediction of Storm Track and Intensity Using the 2016 Operational GFDL Hurricane Model Bender, M. A., Marchok, T. P., Sampson, C. R., Knaff, J. A., & Morin, M. J. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Physical understanding of the tropical cyclone wind-pressure relationship Chavas, D.R., Reed, K.A. & Knaff, J.A. Research Article Nature Communications
2017 High Resolution Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation in the San Francisco Bay Area: Rainfall Monitoring for the Urban Environment Robert Cifelli, V. Chandrasekar, Haonan Chen, and Lynn E. Johnson Research Article Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan
2017 The NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model: Incorporation of Total Lightning and Validation Cintineo, J. L., Pavolonis, M. J., Sieglaff, J. M., Lindsey, D. T., Cronce, L., Gerth, J., Rodenkirch, B., Brunner, J., & Gravelle, C. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Application of GCOM-W AMSR2 and S-NPP ATMS Hydrological Products to a Flooding Event in the United States R. Ferraro, P. Meyers, P. Chang, Z. Jelenak, C. Grassotti and S. Liu Research Article IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
2017 Building the Sun4Cast System: Improvements in Solar Power Forecasting Haupt, S., B. Kosovic, T. Jensen, J. Lazo, J. Lee, P. Jimenez, J. Cowie, G. Wiener, T. McCandless, M. Rogers, S. Miller, M. Sengupta, Y. Xie, L. Hinkelman, P. Kalb, and J. Heiser, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2017 Tropical Cyclone Characterization via Nocturnal Low-Light Visible Illumination Hawkins, J. D., Solbrig, J. E., Miller, S. D., Surratt, M., Lee, T. F., Bankert, R. L., & Richardson, K. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2017 Comparison of Gaussian, logarithmic transform and mixed Gaussian–log‐normal distribution based 1DVAR microwave temperature–water‐vapour mixing ratio retrievals A. J. Kliewer, S. J. Fletcher, A. S. Jones, J. M. Forsythe Research Article Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2017 A Global Statistical–Dynamical Tropical Cyclone Wind Radii Forecast Scheme Knaff, J. A., Sampson, C. R., & Chirokova, G. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Forecasting Tropical Cyclone Eye Formation and Dissipation in Infrared Imagery John A. Knaff and Robert T. DeMaria Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Suomi NPP VIIRS/DNB imagery of nightglow gravity waves from various sources over China Chang Lai, Jia Yue, Jiyao Xu, William C. Straka, Steven D. Miller, Xiao Liu Research Article Advances in Space Research
2017 Solar Irradiance Nowcasting Case Studies near Sacramento Lee, J. A., Haupt, S. E., Jiménez, P. A., Rogers, M. A., Miller, S. D., & McCandless, T. C. Research Article Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
2017 Radiance Preprocessing for Assimilation in the Hourly Updating Rapid Refresh Mesoscale Model: A Study Using AIRS Data Lin, Haidao, Stephen S. Weygandt, Agnes H. N. Lim, Ming Hu, John M. Brown, and Stanley G. Benjamin Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Changes in ozone and precursors during two aged wildfire smoke events in the Colorado Front Range in summer 2015 Jakob Lindaas , Delphine K. Farmer, Ilana B. Pollack, Andrew Abeleira, Frank Flocke, Rob Roscioli, Scott Herndon, and Emily V. Fischer Research Article Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2017 GPM Products From the Microwave-Integrated Retrieval System S. Liu, C. Grassotti, J. Chen and Q. Liu, Research Article IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
2017 A Dynamic Enhancement With Background Reduction Algorithm: Overview and Application to Satellite‐Based Dust Storm Detection Steven D. Miller, Richard L. Bankert, Jeremy E. Solbrig, John M. Forsythe, Yoo-Jeong Noh, Lewis D. Grasso Research Article Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2017 Global assessment of tropical cyclone intensity statistical–dynamical hindcasts S. Neetu, M. Lengaigne, H. B. Menon, J. Vialard, M. Mangeas, C. E. Menkes, M. M. Ali, I. Suresh, J. A. Knaff Research Article Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2017 Cloud-Base Height Estimation from VIIRS. Part II: A Statistical Algorithm Based on A-Train Satellite Data Noh, Y., Forsythe, J. M., Miller, S. D., Seaman, C. J., Li, Y., Heidinger, A. K., Lindsey, D. T., Rogers, M. A., & Partain, P. T. Research Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2017 Tropical Cyclone Gale Wind Radii Estimates for the Western North Pacific Sampson, C. R., Fukada, E. M., Knaff, J. A., Strahl, B. R., Brennan, M. J., & Marchok, T. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 Basic concepts involved in tropical cyclone boundary layer shocks . Wayne H. Schubert, Christopher J. Slocum, and Richard K. Taft Research Article arXiv
2017 Cloud-Base Height Estimation from VIIRS. Part I: Operational Algorithm Validation against CloudSat Seaman, C. J., Noh, Y., Miller, S. D., Heidinger, A. K., & Lindsey, D. T. Research Article Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2017 Characterization of Particle Backscattering of Global Highly Turbid Waters From VIIRS Ocean Color Observations Wei Shi, Menghua Wang Research Article Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
2017 Climate change and the Madden‐Julian Oscillation: A vertically resolved weak temperature gradient analysis Brandon O. Wolding, Eric D. Maloney, Stephanie Henderson, Mark Branson Research Article Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2017 Passive remote sensing of altitude and optical depth of dust plumes using the oxygen A and B bands: First results from EPIC/DSCOVR at Lagrange‐1 point Xiaoguang Xu, Jun Wang, Yi Wang, Jing Zeng, Omar Torres, Yuekui Yang, Alexander Marshak, Jeffrey Reid, Steve Miller Research Article Geophysical Research Letters
2017 Detection of mixed-phase clouds from shortwave and thermal infrared satellite observations Yoo-Jeong Noh, Steven D. Miller Book Mixed-Phase Clouds
2017 Satellite remote sensing of cloud vertical structure AK Heidinger, Y Li, S. Wanzong, Y-J Noh, A Walther, S. Tushaus, S. Miller Book
2017 JPSS Breakout Session – Training Needed for Data ProductApplications. Best, C., L. Zhou, M. D. Goldberg, B. Sjoberg, and J. R. Torres Conference Proceeding NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 VISIT / SHyMet Training on New Applications of GOES-16 Imagery Bikos, D. E., S. S. Lindstrom, A. S. Bachmeier, E. J. Szoke, B. H. Connell, C. Gravelle, D. T. Lindsey, C. Gitro, M. Jurewicz Meeting National Weather Association (NWA) 42nd Annual Meeting
2017 Drought Monitoring Efforts as Part of the NIDIS Intermountain West DEWS Dr. Becky Bolinger Presentation Tenth Biennial U.S. Drought Monitor Forum
2017 Connecting with Operational Forecasters in the GOES-16 Era via the NOAA Satellite Proving Ground Program Brummer, R. L., S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, E. J. Szoke, A. B. Schumacher, and J. Torres Poster EUMETSAT Satellite Conference
2017 Improving tropical cyclone forecast capabilities using the JPSS data suite Galina Chirokova, John Knaff Conference Proceeding Conference: 31st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology 2014 American Meteorological Society
2017 Proxy – Visible Imagery Chirokova, G. Conference Proceeding JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 Next generation geostationary satellite observations in a multi-sensor severe weather nowcasting tool John Cintineo, Michael J. Pavolonis, Justin Sieglaff, Jason Brunner, Dan Lindsey Presentation EUMETSAT Satellite Conference
2017 NOAA’s contributions to International Activities for Training in Satellite Meteorology via the WMO VLab Connell, B Conference Proceeding NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 Linking Data Access and Display, Hands-on Exploratory Training, and Adaptations for Learners of Various Skills Connell, B., E. Dagg, A. Trotman, K.-A. Caesar, M. Garbanzo, and D. Souza Conference Proceeding 12th International Conference on Creating Activities for Learning Meteorology
2017 NUCAPS Boundary Layer Corrections in Pre-Convective environments Dostalek, J Meeting STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 How MiRS Retrievals Enable a Layered Water Vapor Product for Forecasters Forsythe, J. M Presentation JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 CoCoRaHS and the Drought Impact Reporter Goble, Peter Conference Proceeding U.S. Drought Monitor Forum
2017 Evaluating Differences between Measured and Modeled Potential Avapotranspiration in the State of Colorado Peter Goble, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and N. J. Doesken Conference Proceeding 32nd Conference on Hydrology
2017 Launch of CoCoRaHS Soil Moisture Goble, Peter Presentation MOISST Workshop: Integrating Diverse Sources of Soil Moisture Information
2017 JPSS and Instruments Goldberg, M., G. Mandt, J. Taylor, D. W. Hillger, C. Barnet Conference Proceeding NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 Motion of Diffraction Pattern on VIIRS Detectors Grasso, L. D. JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 JPSS Atmospheric EDRs (Imagery, Clouds, Aerosols, Ozone, Soundings) Hillger, D. W. JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 VIIRS Day/Night Band Research and Application Developments ‘On the Eve” of JPSS-1 Hillger, D. W. NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 Imagery Highlights from the First Six Months of the ABI Hillger, D. W., D. T. Lindsey, D. A. Molenar, S. D. Miller, and K. P. Micke Poster NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 Impact of Large-Scale Climate Variability to Long-Haul Flight Route Jung-Hoon Kim, Matt Strahan, Robert Sharman Presentation Aeronautical meteorology Scientific Conference
2017 Integrated Wind and Turbulence Forecasts for Automated Flight Route Planning Jung-Hoon Kim, Matt Strahan, Robert Sharman Presentation Aeronautical meteorology Scientific Conference
2017 Operational Use of GOES-16 Imagery by the National Weather Service Lindsey, D. T., S. D. Miller, T. J. Schmit, and S. J. Goodman EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
2017 SLIDER: Satellite Loop Interactive Data Explorer in Real-time Micke, K. P., S. D. Miller, R. L. Brummer, S. Finley, N. D. Tourville, D. W. Hillger, D. A. Molenar, and D. T. Lindsey Conference Proceeding OAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 Double-Take: Possibilities for Improved Nocturnal Environment using VIIRS Day/Night Band sensors on Suomi NPP and JPSS-1 Miller, S. D., W. C. Straka III, C. J. Seaman, and R. L. Brummer Conference Proceeding EUMETSAT Satellite Conference
2017 Where East Meets West: How Himawari-8 Enables True Color Capabilities for GOES-R ABI Miller, S. D., D. T. Lindsey, T. J. Schmit, C. J. Seaman, D. W. Hillger, R. L. Brummer Conference Proceeding EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
2017 Seeing the Night in a New Light Solbrig, J. E. ; Miller, S. D. ; Straka, W. C. ; Seaman, C. ; Combs, C. ; Heidinger, A. ; Walther, A. Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 The Newly Operational VIIRS Cloud Cover/Layers and Base JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 The Newly Operational VIIRS Cloud Cover/Layers and Base. Imagery Session Noh, Y-J. Presentation JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 The WMO Trainer Resources Portal Parrish, P., and L. Veeck Presentation 12th International Conference on Creating Activities for Learning Meteorology
2017 The WMO Global Campus has arrived Parrish, P., B. Muller, and L. Veeck Presentation 12th International Conference on Creating Activities for Learning Meteorology
2017 New GOES-R Risk Reduction Activities at CIRA Rogers, M., S. D. Miller, L. Grasso, J. Haynes, Y-J. Noh, J. Forsythe, M. Zupanski, and D. Lindsey Poster AGU Fall Meeting
2017 An Early Look at the Imagery from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-16 Schmit, T. J., M. Gunshor, D. T. Lindsey, S. D. Miller, K. Bah, J. Daniels, S. Goodman EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference
2017 VIIRS Day/Night Band
2017 VIIRS Imagery Applications for Fire Weather Monitoring Curtis J. Seaman Presentation Spring 2017 AFSC Remote Sensing Workshop
2017 VIIRS Imagery: Transitioning Novel Ideas into Operations Seaman, C. J. Meeting JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 Night Vision: Illuminating the Capabilities of the VIIRS Day/Night Band Seaman, C. J., S. D. Miller Meeting JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 Multispectral Imagery Applications for the New Generation Weather Satellites Seaman, C. J., S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and D. W. Hillger Presentation EUMETSAT Satellite Conference
2017 Future directions for CIRA’s NWS Proving Ground activities now that GOES-16 is operational Szoke, E. J., D. E. Bikos, B. H. Connell, R. L. Brummer, H. Gosden, D. A. Molenar, D. W. Hillger, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, J. R. Torres and C. J. Seaman Presentation National Weather Association (NWA) 42nd Annual Meeting
2017 Training Resources Thomas, J., L. Spayd, C. Gravelle, B. H. Connell, P. Dills, S. Lindstrom, J. Galvez NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 JPSS Products, Applications and Training Torres, J. R. ; Connell, B. H. ; Miller, S. D. Meeting American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 JPSS Online Training Resources Torres, J. Presentation NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 JPSS Products and Training for NWS Forecasters leading up to JPSS-1 Launch Torres, J. Poster NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 JPSS Training and Products in AWIPS – II for NWS forecasters Torres, J. Presentation JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 JPSS Training Needed for Data Product Applications Torres, J. R. Poster NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 The Day/Night Band Torres, J. R., C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, W. C. Straka III, and D. T. Lindsey Meeting National Weather Association (NWA) 42nd Annual Meeting
2017 Embracing the Translation Challenge Veeck, L. Presentation 12th International Conference on Creating Activities for Learning Meteorology
2017 Satellite and Aircraft Observations of Cross-Tropopause Transport of Water Substance by Thunderstorms Wang, P. K., D. T. Lindsey, and K-Y. Cheng Conference Proceeding EUMETSAT Satellite Conference
2017 Investigating the Role of Aromatic Compounds on Anthropogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol in Urban Environments Ali Akherati Presentation 36th American Association for Aerosol Research Conference
2017 Implementing non-Gaussian background error statistics for cloud-related control variable in the hybrid GSI for improved convective-scale assimilation and prediction Karina Apodaca, NOAA/OAR/ESRL, Boulder, CO; and S. J. Fletcher, S. Weygandt, and H. Lin Conference Proceeding 22nd Conference on Integrated Observing and Assimilation Systems for the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Land Surface (IOAS-AOLS)
2017 Incorporating OCS and SIF Observations into Carbon Cycle Models Baker, I.T. and many coauthors Presentation Next-Generation Approach for Detecting Carbon-Climate Feedbacks Workshop
2017 Himawari-8 Using New Spectral Bands for Meteorological Applications Bikos, D. Presentation Invited lecture for a course at COMET
2017 High-Resolution Quantitative Precipitation Estimation and Nowcast Using Dual-Polarization Radar Network Chandrasekar, V., Chen, H., Petersen, W. A., Cifelli, R Presentation 38th Conference on Radar Meteorology
2017 Presentation on his research remotely presented to the Huntsville AMS Chapter
2017 ATMS-MiRS: Tropical Cyclone Applications Chirokova, G., M. DeMaria, J. Knaff, S. Longmore, and J. L. Beven STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 Proxy-visible Imagery Chirokova, G., J. Knaff, R. DeMaria, and J. L. Beven Meeting STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 The curious case of the intersensor radiometric comparison of SNPP VIIRS M11 with Aqua MODIS B7 Chu, Mike ; Sun, Junqiang ; Wang, Menghua Conference Proceeding Proceedings of the SPIE
2017 The inter-sensor radiometric comparison if SNPP VIIRS reflective solar bands with Aqua MODIS updated through June 2017 Chu, Mike ; Sun, Junqiang ; Wang, Menghua Conference Proceeding Proceedings of the SPIE
2017 Comparison for Precipitation Forecasts from NOAA’s High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model with Polarimetric Radar Observations in the San Francisco Bay Area
2017 Improving Radar Quantitative Precipitation Estimation over Complex Terain in the San Francisco Bay Area Cifelli, R. ; Chen, H. ; Chandrasekar, V. Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 Physicochemical Evaluation of Organic Aerosol from Wildfire Emissions
2017 Seasonal cycles of particle number fluxes over a forest H. DeBolt, J. Ortega, S.R. Fulgham, D.K. Farmer Presentation American Association for Aerosol Research
2017 TROPICS applications for the National Hurricane Center DeMaria, M. and G. Chirokova Meeting TROPICS Science Meeting
2017 ARMS: Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Ocean (ACSPO) Regional Monitor for SST Yanni Ding, Alexander Ignatov, Kai He, Irina Gladkova Conference Proceeding
2017 Toward Regional Validation and Potential Enhancements to NOAA Polar SST Products Ding, Y., A. Ignatov, M. Grossberg, I. Gladkova, and C. Chu Meeting 18th GHRSST meeting
2017 Improving NUCAPS Soundings for CONUS Severe Weather Applications via Data Fusion (Remote Presentation) Dostalek, J. Presentation JPSS PGRR Program Review
2017 NUCAPS Data Fusion and Cold Air Aloft Dostalek, J. F. Meeting JPSS-Satellite Training Advisory Team (STAT) Meeting
2017 Improvements to the Tropical Cyclone Genesis Index (TCGI) Jason Dunion, John Kaplan, Andrea Schumacher, Joshua Cossuth, Paul Leighton, Kate Musgrave Paper
2017 A new chemical ionization mass spectrometer: Applications to atmospheric chemistry
2017 Developing CIMS for atmospheric chemistry field measurements: Targeted quantitative and non-targeted qualitative analysis of reactive trace gases D.K. Farmer Invited Talk Colorado Biological Mass Spectrometry Society
2017 Investigating biosphere-atmosphere exchange: Evidence and implications D. K. Farmer Presentation Evidence and implications. Ozone deposition workshop
2017 Impact of different VOC sources on organic nitrates, ozone, and the NOY budget at the BAO site Farmer, D. K., Abeleira, A. J., Emerson, E. W., Fischer, E. V., Pollack, I. B., Zhou, Y., Lindaas, J., Sive, B., Herndon, S., Roscioli, R Presentation Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
2017 Investigating biosphere-atmosphere exchange of oxidized organic carbon, particles, and black carbon Farmer, D. ; Fulgham, S. R. ; Emerson, E. W. ; DeBolt, H. ; Holder, J. ; Mielnik, A. ; Ortega, J. V. ; McMeeking, G. R. Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 Atmospheric implications of light alkane emissions from the oil and natural gas sector Fischer, E. V. ; Tzompa Sosa, Z. A. ; Henderson, B. ; Travis, K. ; Keller, C. ; Sive, B. C. ; Helmig, D. ; Fried, A. ; Herndon, S. C. ; Yacovitch, T. I. ; Mahieu, E. ; Franco, B.
2017 Tornado and Flash Flood (TORFF) Warnings: Operational Challenges During Multiple Hazards Jen Henderson, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA; and R. S. Schumacher and E. R. Nielsen Presentation Special Symposium on Severe Local Storms
2017 GLM Assessment During ER-2 Campaign over Colorado Hilburn, K Meeting GLM Annual Science Team Meeting
2017 Carbonyl sulfide constraints regional GPP spatial placement and industrial era global GPP historical trends
2017 ACSPO L3U SST Products from SNPP VIIRS and Metop-A and -B ABHRR FRAC Ignatov, Alexander Presentation 18th GHRSST science meeting XVIII
2017 Satellite SST Products at NOAA Ignatov, A., B. Petrenko, Y. Kihai, I. Gladkova, X. Zhou, Y. Ding et al Presentation EUMETSAT Conference
2017 VIIRS SST: from SNPP to J1 Ignatov, A., B. Petrenko, Y. Kihai, I. Gladkova, X. Zhou, Y. Ding, K. He, M. Kramar, M. Pennybacker, O. Jonasson, X. Xi, P. DiGiacomo, and J. Sapper Presentation JPSS Science Team Meeting
2017 From SNPP to J1 Ignatov, A., B. Petrenko, Y. Kihai, I. Gladkova, X. Zhou, Y. Ding et a Presentation JPSS Science Team Meeting
2017 Atmospheric Formation of Secondary Organic Fine Particles from combustion Sources: Tractors, Trees, and Traffic Shantanu Jathar Presentation
2017 The Role of Day- and Night-time Aging on the Evolution and Composition of Aerosols from Wildfire Emissions (poster) Shantanu Jathar Poster 36th American Association for Aerosol Research Conference
2017 Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Using Satellite Passive Microwave Observations Haiyan Jiang, Yongxian Pei, and Cheng Tao Research Article Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
2017 JHT Project 3: “Improvement and Implementation of the Probability-based Microwave Ring Rapid Intensification Index for NHC/JWTC Forecast Basins” Haiyan Jiang, Kate Musgrave Paper NOAA FY 15 Joint Hurricane Testbed (JHT) program
2017 Coupling Fluvial and Oceanic Drivers in Flooding Forecasts for San Francisco Bay Herdman, L. ; Kim, J. ; Cifelli, R. ; Barnard, P. ; Erikson, L. H. ; Johnson, L. E. ; Chandrasekar, V. Meeting American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 San Francisco Bay Integrated Flood Forecasting Project – Summary Report Kim, Jungho;Johnson, Lynn E.;Cifelli, Robert;Coleman, Tim;Herdman, Liv;Martyr-Koller, Rosanne;Finzi-Hart, Juliette;Erikson, Li;Barnard, Patrick L.; Summary Report
2017 Coupling Fluvial and Oceanic Drivers in Flooding Forecasts using Multi/Radar Multi/Sensor Data for San Francisco Bay Kim, J. ; Johnson, L. ; Cifelli, R. ; Chandra, C. V. ; Gochis, D. ; McCreight, J. L. ; Yates, D. N. ; Read, L. ; Flowers, T. ; Cosgrove, B. Meeting American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 Experiments with Interaction between the National Water Model and the Reservoir System Simulation Model: A Case Study of Russian River Basin Kim, J. ; Johnson, L. ; Cifelli, R. ; Chandra, C. V. ; Gochis, D. ; McCreight, J. L. ; Yates, D. N. ; Read, L. ; Flowers, T. ; Cosgrove, B. Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting
2017 SLIDER: Satellite Loop interactive Data Explorer in Real-time live demonstration at NOAA exhibitor’s booth Micke, K. P NOAA Satellite Conference, CREST
2017 A Closer Look at Upper-Air Data and ‘TORFF’ Events Observed During the Second Year of VORTEX-SE Erik R. Nielsen, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and G. R. Herman and R. S. Schumacher Paper 17th Conference on Mesoscale Processes
2017 An Updated U.S. Geographic Distribution of Concurrent, Collocated Tornado and Flash Flood Events and Look at those Observed during the First Year of VORTEX-SE Erik R. Nielsen, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and G. R. Herman and R. S. Schumacher Conference Proceeding Special Symposium on Severe Local Storms
2017 Dynamical Insights into Extreme Short-Term Precipitation Associated with Supercells and Mesovortices Nielsen, E. R., & Schumacher, R. S. Research Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2017 Diurnal cycles in the NOAA ACSPO “depth” and “skin” SSTs from the new generation ABI/AHI geostationary sensors Boris Petrenko, Alex Ignatov, Maxim Kramar, Yury Kihai and Xinjia Zhou Presentation 18th GHRSST Science Team Meeting
2017 Multi-disciplinary investigation of concurrent tornadoes and flash floods in the Southeastern US Russ Schumacher Conference Proceeding
2017 Instability Between the Concentric Eyewalls of Hurricane Maria Christopher J. Slocum, CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and J. P. Kossin, R. K. Taft, and W. H. Schubert Conference Proceeding 33rd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2017 Ice detection for satellite ocean color data processing in the Great Lakes Seunghyun Son; Menghua Wang IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2017 Evaluation of VIIRS ocean color products in open ocean and coastal/inland waters Seung Hyun Son and Menghua Wang Conference Proceeding
2017 RSB calibration of SNPP VIIRS using solar diffuser illuminated by scattered light Sun, Junqiang ; Chu, Mike ; Wang, Menghua Journal Article Proceedings of the SPIE
2017 GOES-R Proving Ground and HRRR Szoke, E. J. Workshop NWS WFO Winter Workshop
2017 GOES-R Proving Ground and HRRR Szoke, E. J. Workshop NWS WFO Spring Workshop
2017 GOES-R training seminar at the NWS WFO Szoke, E.J., and D. Bikos Training Seminar NWS WFO
2017 Incorporating updated emissions of NEI 2011 v6.3 into Geos-Chem Zitely Tzompa Poster The 8th International GEOS-Chem Meeting
2017 VIIRS Mission-long ocean color data reprocessing and demonstration of global ocean color data monitoring tool Wang, M., L. Jiang, X. Liu, S. Son, J. Sun, W. Shi, K. Mikelsons, L. Tan, X. Wang, and V. Lance Workshop 5th Asian/14th Korea-Japan Workshop on Ocean Color
2017 Aerosol Correction for IR SST Xi, X., and A. Ignatov Meeting GMAO – STAR Meeting
2017 Developing an atmospheric correction for tropospheric dust in the IR SST retrieval for the NOAA ACSPO system (poster) Xin Xi, Sasha Ignatov Presentation GHRSST XVIII Science Team Meeting
2017 NOAA in situ SST Quality Monitor Version 2 (iQuam2) Zhou, Xinjia, Alexander Ignatov, Feng Xu, Kai He Presentation
2017 Recent Improvement to the NOAA iQuam2 System Zhou, Xinjia, Alexander Ignatov, Boris Petrenko, Yury Kihai, Prasanjit Dash, Xingming Liang, John Stroup, Conference Proceeding
2017 Using CRTM as A Standalone RTM Zhu, T. Workshop The 1st CRTM User/Developer Workshop
2017 Preparing Release of CRTM REL-2.3.0 and Its New Features Tong Zhu, CIRA/CSU/JCSDA /Co-authors: Benjamin Johnson, Mark Liu, Yong Chen, Ming Chen, Emily Liu, David Groff, Yingtao Ma Meeting THE 15th JCSDA Technical Review Meeting & Science Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation
2017 Webinar discussing results relevant to NWS offices
2017 Comparing Impacts of Satellite Data Assimilation and Lateral Boundary Conditions on Regional Model Forecasting: Case Study of Hurricane Sandy Zhu, T., S. Boukabara, and K. Garrett Weather and Forecasting
2017 Effects of the changing heating profile associated with melting layers in a climate model Hongyan Zhu, Eric Maloney, Harry Hendon, Rachel Stratton Research Article Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society
2017 Exploring MERRA-2 global meteorological and aerosol reanalyses for improved monitoring of VIIRS brightness temperatures and SST retrievals in the NOAA ACSPO system (in prep for submission) Xi, X., A. Ignatov, and X, Zhou Research Article
2017 The VIIRS Ocean Color Products, Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document (ATBD) Versiom 1.0 Wang, M., X. Liu, J. Jiang, & S. Son Research Article
2017 Fundamental Causes of Propagating and Non-propagating MJOs in MJOTF/GASS models Wang, L., T. Li, E. Maloney, and Bin Wang Research Article Journal of Climate
2017 Wind-flux feedbacks and convective organization during the November 2011 MJO event in a high resoluion model Riley Dellaripa, E. M., Maloney, E., & van den Heever, S. C. Research Article Journal of Atmospheric Science
2017 MJO Initiation during the DYNAMO events in the Ocean Atmosphere Land Model
2017 Satellite Radiance Data Assimilation within the Hourly Updated Rapid Refresh Lin, H., Weygandt, S. S., Benjamin, S. G., & Hu, M. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2017 CoCoRaHS Observers Contribute to “Condition Monitoring” in the Carolinas: A New Initiative Addresses Needs for Drought Impacts Information Lackstrom, K., Farris, A., Eckhardt, D., Doesken, N., Reges, H., Turner, J., Smith, K. H., & Ward, R. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2017 Tropical convective onset statistics and establishing causality in the water vapor-precipitation relation Kuo, Y., Neelin, J. D., & Mechoso, C. R. Conference Proceeding Journal of Atmospheric Science
2017 Diurnal currents in the Bohai Sea derived from Korean Gesotationary Ocean Color Imager Jiang, L. and M. Wang Research Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2017 What type of precipitation is represented by different color regions in the NRL 37 GHz color tropical cyclone product? Jiang, H., J. P. Zagrodnik, C. Tao, and E. J. Zipser Research Article Geophysical Research Letters
2017 Madden-Julian oscillation teleconnections: The impact of the basic state and MJO representation in general circulation models Henderson, S. A., E. D. Maloney, and S.-W. Son Research Article Journal of Climate
2017 Tropical Cyclone Heat Content [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2017”] Goni, G. J., J. A. Knaff Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2017 Colorado’s Climate and Forests: An Update on Snowpack’s Developing Relationship with Climate Change and the El Nino Oscillation Goble, P., and Nolan Doesken Journal Article Colorado Water, Newsletter of the Water Center of Colorado State University
2017 The shape of MJO heating in the Indian Ocean: relationship to background moisture and MJO propagation or decay DeMott, C., B. Wolding, E. Maloney, and D. Randall Journal of Geophysical Research
2017 SST-driven boundary layer convergence moistening and the MJO in the SPCESM DeMott, C., S. deSzoeke, B. O. Wolding, and E. D. Maloney Journal of Climate
2017 Atmospheric contributions to MJO decay over the Maritime Continent Charlotte A. DeMott, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and B. Wolding, E. D. Maloney, and D. A. Randall Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2017 The shape of MJO heating in the Indian Ocean: Relationship to ocean feedback mechanisms. DeMott, C. A., B. O. Wolding, D. Baranowski, D. Halkides, N. P. Klingaman, and E. D. Maloney Paper Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2017 Advancing atmospheric river forecasts into subseasonal-to-seasonal time scales Cory F. Baggett, Elizabeth A. Barnes, Eric D. Maloney, Bryan D. Mundhenk Research Article Geophysical Research Letters
2017 Tracking Progress to Natural Visibility on Anthropogenically Impaired Days Bret Schichtel, John Vimont and Scott Copeland Presentation
2017 Source Apportionment of Reactive Nitrogen Deposition in the Greater Yellowstone Area using CAMx-PSAT Rui Zhang Conference Proceeding 2017 CMAS Conference
2017 The Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Coarse Aerosol Mass at Remote Sites across the United States Hand, J. L. ; Schichtel, B. A. ; Gill, T. E. Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017
2017 Seasonal, Spatial, and Long-term Variability of Fine Mineral Dust in the United States Hand, J. L. ; White, W. H. ; Gebhart, K. A. ; Hyslop, N. P. ; Gill, T. E. ; Schichtel, B. A. Conference Proceeding American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017
2017 The Recent History of the Composition of Fine Particulate Matter in the Rural United States Schichtel, B. A. ; Hand, J. L. ; Prenni, A. J. ; Copeland, S. ; Gebhart, K. ; Vimont, J. ; Moore, C. T. ; Malm, W. C. Research Article American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2017
2017 Comparative Measurements of Ambient Atmospheric Concentrations of Ice Nucleating Particles using Multiple Immersion Freezing Methods and a Continuous Flow Diffusion Chamber DeMott, P. J., Hill, T. C. J., Petters, M. D., Bertram, A. K., Tobo, Y., Mason, R. H., Suski, K. J., McCluskey, C. S., Levin, E. J. T., Schill, G. P., Boose, Y., Rauker, A. M., Miller, A. J., Zaragoza, J., Rocci, K., Rothfuss, N. E., Taylor, H. P., Hader, J. D., Chou, C., Huffman, J. A., Pöschl, U., Prenni, A. J., and Kreidenweis, S. M. Research Article Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2017 Origin of Fine Particulate Carbon in the Rural United States Bret A. Schichtel, Jenny L. Hand, Michael G. Barna, Kristi A. Gebhart, Scott Copeland, John Vimont, and William C. Malm Research Article Environmental Science & Technology
2017 Enhancing Wind Erosion Monitoring and Assessment for U.S. Rangelands icholas P. Webb, Justin W. Van Zee, Jason W. Karl, Jeffrey E. Herrick, Ericha M. Courtright, Benjamin J. Billings, Robert Boyd, Adrian Chappell, Michael C. Duniway, Justin D. Derner, Jenny L. Hand, Emily Kachergis, Sarah E. McCord, Beth A. Newingham, Frederick B. Pierson, Jean L. Steiner, John Tatarko, Negussie H. Tedela, David Toledo, R. Scott Van Pelt Research Article Rangelands
2017 Data Assimilation for the Geosciences: From Theory to Applications Steven J. Fletcher Book
2017 Impact of storm size on prediction of storm track and intensity using the 2016 operational GFDL hurricane model Bender, M. A., T. P. Marchok, C. R. Sampson, J. A. Knaff, and M. J. Morin Journal Article Weather Forecasting
2017 Impact of storm size on prediction of storm track and intensity using the 2016 operational GFDL hurricane model Bender, M. A., T. P. Marchok, C. R. Sampson, J. A. Knaff, and M. J. Morin Hightlighted in Papers of Note Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2017 Physical understanding of the tropical cyclone wind-pressure relationship Chavas, D. R., K. A. Reed, and J. A. Knaff Journal Article Nature Communications
2017 [The Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Content [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2017”] Goni, G. J., J. A. Knaff, and I – I. Lin Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2017 Tropical Cyclone Characterization via Nocturnal Low-Light Visible Illumination Hawkins, J. D., S. D. Miller, J. E. Solbrig, R. L. Bankert, M. Surrat, K. A. Richardson Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2017 Satellite remote sensing of cloud vertical structure. In S. Liang (Ed.) Heidinger, A. K., Y. Li, S. Wanzong, Y.-J. Noh, A. Walther, S. Tushaus, and S. D. Miller Journal Article Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences
2017 Forecasting tropical cyclone eye formation and dissipation in infrared imagery Knaff, J. A., and R. T. DeMaria Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2017 A global statistical-dynamical tropical cyclone wind radii forecast scheme Knaff, J. A., C. R. Sampson, and G. Chirokova Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2017 Suomi NPP VIIRS/DNB imagery of nightglow gravity waves from various sources over China Lai, C., J. Yue, J. Xu, W. C. Straka III, S. D. Miller, and X. Liu Journal Article Advances in Space Research
2017 Solar irradiance nowcasting case studies near Sacramento Lee, J. A., S. E. Haupt, P. A. Jimenez, M. A. Rogers, S. D. Miller, and T. C. McCandless Journal Article J. Appl. Meteorol
2017 Cloud base height estimation from ISCCP cloud-type classification applied to A-Train data Liang, Y., X. Sun, S. D. Miller, H. Li, Y. Zhou, R. Zhang and S. Li Journal Article Advances in Meteorology
2017 DEBRA – A Dynamic Enhancement with Background Reduction Algorithm: Overview and Application to Satellite-Based Dust Storm Detection Miller, S. D., R. L. Bankert, J. E. Solbrig, J. M. Forsythe, and Y.-J. Noh Journal Article JGR-Atmospheres
2017 Using Synthetic Brightness Temperatures to Address Uncertainties in Cloud Top Height Verification Nachamkin, J. E., Y. Jin, L. D. Grasso, and K. Richardson J. Appl. Meteorol.
2017 Global assessment of tropical cyclones intensity statistical-dynamical hindcasts Neetu, S., M. Lengaigne, N. S., H. B. Menon, J. Vialard, M. Mangeas, C. E Menkes, M. M. Ali, I. Suresh, and J. A. Knaff Journal Article Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc.
2017 Cloud base height estimation from VIIRS. Part II: A statistical algorithm based on A-Train satellite data Noh, Y.-J., J. M. Forsythe, S. D. Miller, C. J. Seaman, Y. Li, A. K. Heidinger, D. T. Lindsey, M. A. Rogers, and P. T. Partain J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.
2017 Detection of mixed-phase clouds from shortwave and thermal infrared satellite observations. In C. Andronache (Ed.) Noh, Y. J., and S. D. Miller Journal Article Mixed-phase Clouds: Observations and Modeling (Chapter 3, p. 43-67)
2017 Tropical cyclone gale wind radii estimates for the western North Pacific Sampson, C. R., E. M. Fukada, J. A. Knaff, B. R. Strahl, M. J. Brennan, and T. P. Marchok Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2017 Basic concepts involved in tropical cyclone boundary layer shocks Schubert, W. H., C. J. Slocum, and R. K. Taft Journal Article Cornell University Library
2017 Cloud base height estimation from VIIRS. Part I: Operational algorithm validation against CloudSat Seaman, C. J., Y.-J. Noh, S. D. Miller, A. K. Heidinger, and D. T. Lindsey Journal Article J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.
2017 Passive remote sensing of altitude and optical depth of dust plumes using the oxygen A and B bands: first results from EPIC/DSCOVR at Lagrange-1 point Xu, X., Y. Wang, J. Zeng, O. Torres, Y. Yang, A. Marshak, J. S. Reid, and S. D. Miller Research Letter Geophys. Res. Lett
2018 Seasonality, sources and sinks of C1-C5 alkyn nitrates in the Front Range A. Abeleira, B. Sive, Robert F. Swarthout, Emily V. Fischer, Y. Zhou, D. K. Farmer Research Article Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
2018 On the Desirability and Feasibility of a Global Reanalysis of Tropical Cyclones Emanuel, K., Caroff, P., Delgado, S., Guard, C. “., Guishard, M., Hennon, C., Knaff, J., Knapp, K. R., Kossin, J., Schreck, C., Velden, C., & Vigh, J. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2018 From Photons to Pixels: Processing Data from the Advanced Baseline Imager Kalluri S, Alcala C, Carr J, Griffith P, Lebair W, Lindsey D, Race R, Wu X, Zierk S. Research Article Remote Sens.
2018 Short-term solar irradiance forecasting via satellite/model coupling Steve D. Miller, Matthew A. Rogers, John M. Haynes, Manajit Sengupta, Andrew K. Heidinger Research Article Solar Energy
2018 NASA’s Black Marble nighttime lights product suite iguel O. Román, Zhuosen Wang, Qingsong Sun, Virginia Kalb, Steven D. Miller, Andrew Molthan, Lori Schultz, Jordan Bell, Eleanor C. Stokes, Bhartendu Pandey, Karen C. Seto, Dorothy Hall, Tomohiro Oda, Robert E. Wolfe, Gary Lin, Navid Golpayegani, Sadashiva Devadiga, Carol Davidson, Sudipta Sarkar, Cid Praderas, Jeffrey Schmaltz, Ryan Boller, Joshua Stevens, Olga M. Ramos González, Elizabeth Padilla, José Alonso, Yasmín Detrés, Roy Armstrong, Ismael Miranda, Yasmín Conte, Nitza Marrero, Kytt MacManus, Thomas Esch, Edward J. Masuoka Research Article Remote Sensing of Environment
2018 Ocean Dynamics Observed by VIIRS Day/Night Band Satellite Observations Shi, W.; Wang, M. Research Article Remote Sens.
2018 Deriving Total Suspended Matter Concentration from the Near-Infrared-Based Inherent Optical Properties over Turbid Waters: A Case Study in Lake Taihu Shi, W.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, M. Research Article Remote Sens.
2018 GHOST: A Satellite Mission Concept for Persistent Monitoring of Stratospheric Gravity Waves Induced by Severe Storms Tratt, D. M., Hackwell, J. A., Valant-Spaight, B. L., Walterscheid, R. L., Gelinas, L. J., Hecht, J. H., Swenson, C. M., Lampen, C. P., Alexander, M. J., Hoffmann, L., Nolan, D. S., Miller, S. D., Hall, J. L., Atlas, R., Marks, F. D., Jr., & Partain, P. T. Research Article Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2018 Prediction of the Midlatitude Response to Strong Madden‐Julian Oscillation Events on S2S Time Scales K.-C. Tseng, E. A. Barnes, E. D. Maloney Research Article Geophysical Research Letters
2018 VIIRS-derived ocean color product using imaging bands Menghua Wang, Lide Jianga Research Article Remote Sensing of Environment
2018 The Latest Nowcast: Improved Visibility Steve Albers, CIRA, Boulder, CO; and D. Nietfeld and Z. Toth Conference Proceeding Eighth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations
2018 Guidance on Optimally Presenting Probabilistic Ceiling & Visibility Forecasts for the Aviation Community Stephanie Avey, S. Alvidrez, S. A. Lack, A. Cross, J. A. Kankiewicz, and R. Bastholm Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 GOES-16 Sensor Data: NRL Ground Station Reception and GeoIPSTM Processing Bankert, R. L. K. A. Richardson, M. L. Surratt, A. P. Kuciauskas, J. H. Cossuth, S. D. Miller, and J. E. Solbrig, Conference Proceeding AMS 14th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems,
2018 An Evaluation of Ensembles Available within the Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE) during the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Jeff Beck, I. Jankov, J. K. Wolff, M. Harrold, T. Hertneky, P. S. Skinner, and J. M. Brown Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Development of a Statewide, Multiuse Surface and Vertical Profiling Network: An Overview of the New York State Mesonet Jerald A. Brotzge, Univ. at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY; and C. D. Thorncroft, E. Joseph, N. Bain, J. Wang, N. Bassill, N. Farruggio, J. M. Freedman, K. Hemker Jr., D. Johnston, E. Kane, S. McKim, S. D. Miller, P. Naple, S. Perez, J. Sicker, and S. Soroka Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Outlook for JPSS DATA and products for Tropical Cyclone Analysis and forecasting Chirokova, G. Conference Proceeding Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2018 Proxy Visible Satellite Imagery Galina Chirokova, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and J. A. Knaff and J. L. Beven Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Improvements to Operational Statistical Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Models Galina Chirokova, John Kaplan, John Knaff Presentation Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2018 17 Years of Interactions between NOAA and the WMO VLab Members in Regions III and IV to Ensure Satellite Usage through Training B. Connell (CIRA, USA), K-A. Caesar (CIMH, Barbados), M. Garbanzo (UCR, Costa Rica), N. Rudorff & D. Souza, (CPTEC, Brazil), and M. Campos (SMN, Argentina) Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 New York State Mesonet: Implementation of an Eddy Covariance Flux Subnetwork Jason M. Covert, SUNY, Albany, NY; and S. D. Miller, J. A. Brotzge, N. Farruggio, J. M. Schwab, N. Bain, E. Kane, J. Sicker, S. McKim, S. Perez, D. Johnston, C. W. Appleby, and P. Naple Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Automated Modifications to SNPP NUCAPS Soundings Using Surface Data for Severe Weather Analysis John F. Dostalek, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Ft. Collins, CO; and D. T. Lindsey, A. Gambacorta, N. Smith, and C. D. Barnet Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 The Use of HRRR Forecasts in True Dynamic Line Rating Kenneth R. Fenton Jr., NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRA, Boulder, CO; and M. S. Wandishin, M. A. Petty, M. Marquis, T. McJunkin, A. Abboud, and J. Gentle Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Tracking Water Vapor with Multisensor Blended Products for Forecasters John M. Forsythe, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and S. Q. Kidder, A. S. Jones, D. Bikos, and E. J. Szoke Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 GOES-16 ABI Observations of Lower Tropospheric Structures of Water Vapor at 1.38 µm Lewis D. Grasso, Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and D. Bikos and S. D. Miller Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 GOES-16 ABI channel differencing used to reveal cloud-free zones of ‘precursors of convective initiation’ Lewis Grasso, Jack Dostalek, D.T. Lindsey Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Hazard Services: Utilizing Recommenders to Create Hazardous Information Daniel Nietfeld, Nate Hardin, Tracy Hansen Poster National Weather Association's 43rd Annual Meeting
2018 Improving Cloud Layer Boundaries from GOES-16 J. M. Haynes, Yoo-Jeong Noh, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, A. Heidinger, J. M. Forsythe Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Using GOES-16 to Improve Short Term Forecasts Kyle Hilburn, CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and M. Marchand, Y. Lee, C. Kummerow, and C. Alexander Presentation 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 First VIIRS Imagery from JPSS-1 Donald W. Hillger, NOAA/NESDIS, Fort Collins, CO; and T. J. Kopp, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and J. Torres Conference Proceeding 22nd Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography
2018 Stochastic Approaches within a High-Resolution Rapid Refresh Ensemble Jamie K. Wolff, Isidora Jankov, Michelle Harrold, Jeff Beck, and James Frimel Poster
2018 Current and Future Efforts Using 3-D Cloud Fraction for Aviation Forecasting J. Adam Kankiewicz, CIRA, Kansas City, MO; and S. Avey, S. A. Lack, and A. Cross Presentation AMS Austin
2018 Global Graphical Turbulence Guidance (G-GTG) for World Area Forecast System (WAFS) Upgrade Jung-Hoon Kim, Colorado State Univ./CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and R. D. Sharman, C. Batholomew, M. Strahan, J. W. Scheck, J. C. H. Cheung, and P. Buchanan Presentation AMS Austin
2018 Impact of Hybrid Vertical Coordinate to the WRF RAP-based Upper-Level Turbulence Forecast Jung-Hoon Kim, Colorado State Univ./CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and R. D. Sharman, J. Brown, S. Benjamin, S. H. Park, and J. Klemp Presentation AMS Austin
2018 Disappearing Dust Plumes: Exploring the Roles of Water Vapor and Dust Properties in Detection from Satellite Observations Sonia Kreidenweis, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and Q. Bian, L. Grasso, X. Xu, J. Bukowski, S. C. van den Heever, J. E. Solbrig, and S. Miller Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Development of the Global Korean Aviation Turbulence Guidance system (G-KTG) using the Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (GDAPS) of Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) Lee, D., Chun, H., Kim, S., Sharman, R. D., & Kim, J. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2018 Satellite radiance data impact in RAP version 4 Haidao Lin, CIRA/Colorado State Univ. and NOAA/ESRL/GSD, Boulder, CO; and S. S. Weygandt, Y. Xie, M. Hu, C. R. Alexander, and S. G. Benjamin Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Highlights of the First Year of GOES-16 Imagery Daniel T. Lindsey, NOAA/NESDIS, Fort Collins, CO; and S. D. Miller, C. J. Seaman, and S. J. Goodman Conference Proceeding Sixth AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
2018 SLIDER: A Satellite Imagery Looper Capable of Viewing Every Pixel of GOES-16 Imagery in Real-Time Over the Web Kevin Micke, CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and S. D. Miller, R. Brummer, S. Finley, N. Tourville, D. W. Hillger, D. A. Molenar, and D. T. Lindsey Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Advanced Imagery Applications Development for GOES-16 ABI Steve Miller Seminar
2018 Proxy-visible Imagery Galina Chirokova, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and J. A. Knaff and J. L. Beven AMS Austin
2018 Chasing the Shadows with the VIIRS Day/Night Band Steven Miller, William Straka, III, Curtis Seaman, Cindy Combs, Jeremy Solbrig - (CSU/CIRA) Andrew Heidinger (NOAA/NESDIS), Andi Walther (UW/CIMSS) Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 GLM Evaluation Updates on Total Lightning Use in the Aviation Weather Testbed and Aviation Weather Center Brian P. Pettegrew, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Kansas City, MO; and A. Terborg and C. B. Entwistle Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Enhancing FAA/NWS Research-to-Operations to Support Global and Domestic Missions through the Unified Post Processor Brian P. Pettegrew, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Kansas City, MO; and D. L. Sims, H. Y. Chuang, J. W. Scheck, and M. Strahan Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 INSITE: IDSS for Aviation Weather Melissa A. Petty, NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRA, Boulder, CO; and A. Terborg, P. Hamer, G. J. Layne, M. S. Wandishin, M. Rabellino, and M. Turpin AMS Austin
2018 An Impact-Based Verification Approach for the TFM Convective Forecast (TCF) Melissa A. Petty, NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRA, Boulder, CO; and G. J. Layne, M. S. Wandishin, J. E. Hart, P. Hamer, and M. Rabellino Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 GOES-R Series: Products and User Applications – Tropical Cyclones Schumacher, A. B. and M. Folmer Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 GOES-R Series: Products and User Applications Janel Thomas Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Development and Communication of Next-Generation Satellite Information for Forecasting Extreme Weather Steve D. Miller, Geoffery T. Stano, Andrea B. Schumacher, Chad M. Gravelle, William Line Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 NOAA Virtual Lab (VLab Services) Kenneth S. Sperow, CIRA NOAA/NWS, Arroyo Grande, CA; and J. E. Burks Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Scaling for Unknown Demand through the Use of Cloud Technology for the Eclipse of 2017 Jebb Stewart, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder and CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and S. McNeil, S. Johnston, and D. Hagerty Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Advancing potential new satellite products into operations: CIRA’s NWS Proving Ground plans Ed Szoke, NOAA/ESRL/GSD and CIRA, Boulder, CO; and D. Bikos, B. H. Connell, S. D. Miller, R. Brummer, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, D. A. Molenar, and C. J. Seaman Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Flying into a New Era of Advanced Satellite Observations: Transitioning GOES-16 Utility for Aviation Forecasting into Aviation Weather Center Operations Amanda Terborg, CIRA, Kansas City, MO; and B. P. Pettegrew Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 GOES-R Series International Training Working Group Janel R. Thomas, Science and Technology Corporation, Greenbelt, MD; and S. J. Goodman, E. Madsen, J. Peronto, B. H. Connell, A. Stevermer, K. W. Mozer, and M. Seybold Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 NOAA CLASS: How to Access JPSS data and products
2018 Training Resources Available for JPSS Data Products Jorel Torres Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Results from an Operational Demonstration of a Gridded CrIS/ATMS Product for Cold Air Aloft Gail M. Weaver, NWS Center Weather Service Unit, Anchorage, AK; and B. T. Zavodsky, N. Smith, J. F. Dostalek, K. D. White, E. B. Berndt, E. Stevens, D. Hoese, L. A. Schultz, C. M. Waterhouse, and C. M. Haisley Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 The Role of Inner-Core and Boundary Layer Dynamics on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensification Christopher J. Slocum Dissertation
2018 Evaluation of the Mountain Mapper Product Generated by the Multi-Radar Multi-Sensor System (MRMS) over the Russian River Basin Region in California Sounak K. Biswas, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and V. Chandrasekar, R. Cifelli, and J. Bytheway Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Improving Satellite-based Rainfall Retrievals by Incorporating High-Resoluion Ground Radar Network Observations Haonan Chen, Colorado State Univ. and NOAA/Earth System Research Laboratory, Fort Collins, CO; and V. Chandrasekar, R. Cifelli, and P. Xie Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Communication of cold-season Tornado Risk: Case Studies from November 2016- February 2017 Childs, S. J., & Schumacher, R. S. Research Article Weather, Climate, and Society
2018 17 years of Interactions between NOAA and the WMO Vlab Members in Regions III and IV to Ensure Satellite Usage through Training B. Connell (CIRA, USA), K-A. Caesar (CIMH, Barbados), M. Garbanzo (UCR, Costa Rica), N. Rudorff & D. Souza, (CPTEC, Brazil), and M. Campos (SMN, Argentina) AMS Austin
2018 Linking Data Access and Display Hands on Exploratory Training, and Adaptations for Learners of Various Skill Bernadette H. Connell, CIRA/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and E. L. Dagg, K. A. Caesar, M. Garbanzo, and D. Souza Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 JPSS Tropical Cyclone Applications DeMaria, M., A. B. Schumacher, and G. Chirokova Conference Proceeding National Hurricane Center
2018 From ozone postcards to glacier grime: New frontiers in measuring sources and sinks of air pollution D.K. Farmer Conference Proceeding Pacific Conference on Spectroscopy and Dynamics
2018 Implementing and Testing of a Lognormal-Based Humidity Control Variable for the NCEP GSI Hybrid EnVAR Assimilation Scheme Steven J. Fletcher, CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and K. Apodaca Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Evaporative Demand. Measurements, Models, and Methods Goble, Peter Conference Proceeding 32nd Conference on Hydrology Poster Session
2018 Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS): Recent Activity, Science Improvements, and First Look at NOAA-20/ATMS Grassotti S., Q. Liu, and S. Liu Conference Proceeding AMS 2018 Annual Meeting
2018 Assessment of Information Products for a Coupled Watershed-Coastal Flood Forecast Modeling System Juliette Finzi Hart, USGS, Santa Cruz, CA; and L. Johnson, L. Herdman, J. Kim, R. Martyr-Koller, R. Cifelli, P. Barnard, L. Erickson, and V. Chandrasekar Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Ocean color remote sensing of oceanic respone to passage of tropical cyclones Jiang, L. and M. Wang Presentation
2018 Integrated Flood Forecast Model (Hydro-CoSMoS) for San Francisco Bay Kim, J., L. Herdman, L.E. Johnson, R. Martyr-Koller, R. Cifelli, P. Barnard, L. Erikson, J. Finzi Hart, and V. Chandrasekar 32nd Conference on Hydrology
2018 Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) for Operational and CubeSat Satellite Applications Liu, Q., T. Zhu, B. Johnson, M. Chen, Y. Chen, L. Lin, and F. Weng Conference Proceeding 98th AMS Annual Meeting
2018 Study of Global Ocean Features Using the Gap-Filled VIIRS Ocean Color Products Xiaoming Liu, Menghua Wang Research Article International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
2018 How Does Sea-Level-Rise Influence Tides, Coastal Storms, and River Flow Interactions? Insights from an Urbanized Estuary Martyr-Koller, Rosanne ; Herdman, Liv ; Kim, Jungho ; Erikson, Li ; Johnson, Lynn ; Stacey, Mark ; Barnard, Patrick Conference Proceeding EGU2018
2018 New methods for incorporating situation-specific track uncertainty into the Monte Carlo Wind Speed Probability Model Mark DeMaria, John A. Knaff, Richard Knabb, Chris Lauer, Charles R. Sampson, and Robert T. DeMaria Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2018 Global Observing System Simulation Experiments (OSSE) for CubeSat Micro Mas-2 Narges Shahroudi, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, College Park, MD; and Y. Zhou, T. Zhu, S. A. Boukabara, K. Ide, R. N. Hoffman, and R. Atlas Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Comparison of GOCI and VIIRS ocean color products in the Western Pacific region Seunghyun Son, Menghua Wang, Lide Jiang Poster Ocean Optics XXIV
2018 GOES-R Series International Training Working Group Thomas, J. R., S. Goodman, E. Madsen, J. Peronto, B. Connell, A. Stevermer, K. Mozer, and M. Seybold Presentation 14th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
2018 Assessments of CIRA’s Impacts on NWP through the Community Global Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) Package Yan Zhou, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD; and N. Shahroudi, S. A. Boukabara, K. Ide, T. Zhu, R. N. Hoffman, and R. Atlas Conference Proceeding AMS Austin
2018 Generation of CRTM Coefficients for JPSS-1 and ORS-6 Mission Sensors Tong Zhu, NESDIS, College Park, MD; and Q. Liu, B. Johnson, Y. Chen, and T. Auligne Conference Proceeding Sixth AMS Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation
2018 Dynamics-oriented diagnostics for the Madden-Julian Oscillations Wang, B., Lee, S., Waliser, D. E., Zhang, C., Sobel, A., Maloney, E., Li, T., Jiang, X., & Ha, K. Research Article Journal of Climate
2018 Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite reflective solar bands on-orbit calibration using solar diffuser illuminated by scattered light through the nadir port Junqiang Sun, Mike Chu, Menghua Wang Research Article Applied Optics
2018 Skillfull empirical subseasonal prediction of landfalling atmospheric river activity using the Madden-Julian oscillation and quasi-biennia oscillation Bryan D. Mundhenk, Elizabeth A. Barnes, Eric D. Maloney & Cory F. Baggett Research Article Climate and Atmospheric Science
2018 Every Pixel of GOES-16 Imagery at Your Fingertips Micke, K. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2018 Volatile chemical products emerging as largest petrochemical source of urban organic emissions McDonald, B. C., de Gouw, J. A., Gilman, J. B., Jathar, S. H., Akherati, A., Cappa, C. D., Jimenez, J. L., Lee-Taylor, J., Hayes, P. L., and McKeen, S. A Research Article
2018 Gap Filling of Missing Data for VIIRS Global Ocean Color Products Using the DINEOF Method Xiaoming Liu; Menghua Wang Research Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2018 Using the GOES-16 Split Window Difference to Detect a Boundary Prior to Cloud Formation Lindsey, D. T., Bikos, D., & Grasso, L. Research Article Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
2018 Cloud base height estimation from ISCCP cloud-type classification applied to A-Train data Yao Liang, Xuejin Sun, Steven D. Miller, Haoran Li, Yongbo Zhou, Riwei Zhang, Shaohui Li Research Article Advances in Meteorology
2018 Global Graphical Turbulence Guidance (G-GTG) for World Area Forecast System Jung-Hoon Kim, Colorado State Univ./CIRA, Fort Collins, CO; and R. D. Sharman, C. Batholomew, M. Strahan, J. W. Scheck, J. C. H. Cheung, and P. Buchanan Conference Proceeding Eighth Conference on Transition of Research to Operations
2018 Impact of Large-Scale Variability on Trans-Oceanic Flights during the Strong NAO and ENSO Phases Jung-Hoon Kim Research Article
2018 A unified moisture mode framework for seasonality of the Madden-Julian Oscillation Jiang, X., Adames, Á. F., Zhao, M., Waliser, D., & Maloney, E. Research Article Journal of Climate
2018 Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees, but Forecasts Do: Forecasting Extreme Precipitation with Random Forests Herman, G. R., & Schumacher, R. S. Research Article Monthly Weather Review
2018 The impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on high-latitude winter blocking during El Nino-Southern oscillation events Henderson, S. A., & Maloney, E. D. Research Article Journal of Climate
2018 Using the multisensor advected layer precipitable water product in the operational forecast environment Christopher M. Gitro, Michael L. Jurewicz, SR., Sheldon J. Kusselson, John M Forsythe, Stanley Q. Kidder, Edward J. Szoke, Daniel Bikos, Andrew S. Jones, Chad M. Gravelle, Christopher Grassotti Research Article
2018 Radiometric Evaluation of SNPP VIIRS band M11 via Sub-Kilometer Intercomparison with Aqua MODIS Band 7 over Snowy Scenes Chu, M.; Sun, J.; Wang, M. Remote Sens.
2018 A Generalization of the Unified Parameterization (in prep) Chikira, M., and D. A. Randall Research Article Journal of Advances in Modeling the Earth System
2018 Community global observing system simulation experiment (OSSE) package :: CGOP. Part II: Observations simulation validation Boukabara, Sid-Ahmed;Ide, Kayo;Shahroudi, Narges;Zhou, Yan;Zhu, Tong;Li, Ruifang;Cucurull, Lidia;Atlas, Robert;Casey, Sean P. F.;Hoffman, Ross N.; Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2018 An Adaptive Approach for the Calculation of Ensemble Grid-Point Probabilities Blake, B. T., Carley, J. R., Alcott, T. I., Jankov, I., Pyle, M. E., Perfater, S. E., & Albright, B. Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2018 What Visibility Metrics Best Represent Individuals’ Judgments of Visual Air Quality?
2018 Do Sulfur Dioxide Emissions from Ships Impact Sulfate Concentrations at IMPROVE Coastal Sites? Robert Paine Conference Proceeding A&WMA's 111th Annual Conference & Exhibition
2018 Use of Cameras for Monitoring Visibility Impairment William Malm, Scott Cismoski, Anthony Prenni, Melanie Peters Research Article Atmospheric Environment
2018 Relationships between Deep Convection Updraft Characteristics and Satellite-Based Super Rapid Scan Mesoscale Atmospheric Motion Vector–Derived Flow Apke, J. M., J. R. Mecikalski, K. Bedka, E. W. McCaul, C. R. Homeyer, and C. P. Jewett Mon. Wea. Rev.
2018 The NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model: Incorporation of Total Lightning and Validation. Cintineo, J. L., M. J. Pavolonis, J. M. Sieglaffa, D. T. Lindsey, L. Croncea, J. Gertha, B. Rodenkircha, J. Brunnera, and C. Gravelle Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2018 On the desirability and feasibility of a global reanalysis of tropical cyclones Emanuel, K. A., P. Caroff, S. Delgado, C. Guard, M. Guishard, C. Hennon, J. A. Knaff, K. R. Knapp, J. P. Kossin, C. Schreck, C. S. Velden, and J. L. Vigh Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2018 Using the multisensor advected layered precipitable water product in the operational forecast environment Gitro, C. M., M. L. Jurewicz, S. J. Kusselson, J. M. Forsythe, S. Q. Kidder, E. J. Szoke, D. E. Bikos, A. S. Jones, C. M. Gravelle, and C. S. Grassotti, Journal Article J. Operational Meteor.
2018 Contributions of Operational Satellites in Monitoring the Catastrophic Floodwaters Due to Hurricane Harvey Goldberg, M. D., S. Li, S. J. Goodman, D. T. Lindsey, B. Sjoberg, and D. Sun Journal Artricle Remote Sensing
2018 [The Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Content [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2017”] Goni, G. J., J. A. Knaff, and I – I. Lin Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2018 Observations of lower tropospheric water vapor structures in GOES-16 ABI Imagery Grasso, L. D., D. E. Bikos, and S. D. Miller JGR-Atmospheres
2018 Improvements to cloud top brightness temperatures computed from the CRTM at 3.9 µm Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, Y.-J, Noh, C. O’Dell, T.-C. Wu, and F. Kong Journal Article Mon. Wea. Rev.
2018 Building the SUN4CAST System: Improvements in Solar Power Forecasting Haupt, S. E., B. Kosovic, T. Jensen, J. Lazo, P. A. Jimenez, J. Cowie, G. Wiener, T. C. McCandless, M. A. Rogers, S. D. Miller, M. Sengupta, Y. Xie, L. Hindelman, P. Kalb, and J. Heiser Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2018 60 Years of Earth Imaging from Satellites Hillger, D. W., and G. Toth Journal Article Topical Time
2018 The Great Slave Lake PyroCb of 5 August 2014: Observations, simulations, comparisons with regular convection, and impact on UTLS water vapor Kablick, G. P., M. D. Fromm, S. D. Miller, P. T. Partain, D. Peterson, S. Lee, Y. Zhang, A. Lambert, and Z. Li Journal Article JGR-Atmospheres
2018 From photons to pixels: Processing data from the Advanced Baseline Imager Kalluri, S., C. Alcala, J. Carr, P. Griffith, W. Lebair, D. T. Lindsey, R. Race, X. Wu, and S. Zierk Journal Article Rem. Sens
2018 An Operational Rapid Intensification Prediction Aid for the Western North Pacific Knaff, J. A., C. R. Sampson, and K. D. Musgrave Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2018 Statistical Tropical Cyclone Wind Radii Prediction using Climatology and Persistence: Updates for the Western North Pacific Knaff, J. A., C. R. Sampson, and K. D. Musgrave Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2018 Using the GOES-16 Split Window Difference to Detect a Boundary prior to Cloud Formation Lindsey, D. T., D. E. Bikos, and L. D. Grasso Journal Article Bull. Amet. Soc.
2018 Tracking oceanic nonlinear internal waves in the Indonesian seas from geostationary orbit Lindsey, D. T., S. Nam, and S. D. Miller Journal Article Rem. Sens. Environ.
2018 Short-Term Solar Irradiance Forecasting via Satellite/Model Coupling. Miller, S. D., M. A. Rogers, J. M. Haynes, M. Sengupta, A. K Heidinger Journal Article Solar Energy
2018 The Dark Side of Hurricane Matthew-Unique Perspectives from the Day/Night Band Miller, S. D., W. C. Straka III, J. Yue, C. J. Seaman, S. Xu, C. D. Elvidge, L. Hoffman, and S. I. Azeem Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc
2018 NASA’s Black Marble Standard Product Suite Roman, M., Z. Wang; Q. Sun, V. Kalb, S. D. Miller, A. L. Molthan, L. A. Schultz, J. R. Bell, E. Stokes, K. Seto, B. Pandey, D. K. Hall, T. Oda, R. E. Wolfe, G. Lin, N. Golpayegani, S. Devadiga, C. C. Davidson, S. Sarkar, C. Praderas, J. Schmaltz, R. A. Boller, J. Stevens, O. M. Ramos Gonzalez, E. Padilla, J. Alonso, Y. Detres, R. Armstrong, I. Miranda, Y. Conte, N. Marrero, K. MacManus, T. Esch, and E. J. Masuoka Journal Article Remote Sensing of the Environment
2018 Tropical cyclone gale wind radii estimates, forecasts and error forecast for the western North Pacific Sampson, C. R., J. S. Goerss, J. A. Knaff, B. R. Strahl, E. M. Fukada, E. A. Serra Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2018 Dust detection and aerosol properties over Arabian Sea using MODIS data Singh, J., Y.-J. Noh, S. Agrawal, and B. Tyagi Journal Article Earth Syst. Environ
2018 The Role of Inner-Core and Boundary Layer Dynamics on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensification Slocum, C. J. Dissertation
2018 Mesospheric Bore Observations using Suomi-NPP VIIRS DNB during 2013-2017 Su, Y., J. Yue, X. Liu, S. D. Miller, W. C. Straka III, S. M. Smith, D. Guo, and S. Guo Journal Article Rem. Sens.
2018 GHOST: A Satellite Mission Concept for Persistent Monitoring of Stratospheric Gravity Waves Induced by Severe Storms Tratt, D. M., J. A. Hackwell, B. L. Valant-Spaight, R. L. Walterscheid, L. J. Gelinas, J. H. Hecht, C. M. Swenson, C. P. Lampen, M. J. Alexander, L. Hoffmann, D. S. Nolan, S. D. Miller, J. L. Hall, R. Atlas, F. D. Marks, Jr., and P. T. Partain Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2018 Tropical cyclone intensity prediction in the western North Pacific basin using SHIPS and JMA/GSM Yamaguchi, M., H. Owada, U. Shimada, M. Sawada, T. Iriguchi, K. D. Musgrave, and M. DeMaria Journal Article Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere (SOLA)
2019 Stochastic Parameter Perturbation in HRRR-Based Ensemble Jankov, Isidora;Beck, Jeffrey;Wolff, Jamie;Harrold, Michelle;Olson, Joseph B.;Smirnova, Tatiana;Alexander, Curtis;Berner, Judith; Research Article Monthly Weather Review
2019 Quantification of optimal choices of parameters in lognormal variational data assimilation and their chaotic behavior Fletcher, S.J., Kliewer, A.J. & Jones, A.S. Research Article Mathematical Geosciences
2019 Semi-Lagrangian Advection Methods and Their Applications in Geoscience Steven Fletcher Book
2019 Using a Coevolutionary Postprocessor to Improve Skill for Both Forecasts of Surface Temperature and Nowcasts of Convection Occurrence Paul J. Roebber and John Crockett Research Article Monthly Weather Review
2019 The relationship between overshooting tops in a tornadic supercell and its radar-observed evolution Bluestein, H. B., D. T. Lindsey, D. E. Bikos, D. W. Reif, and Z. B. Wienhoff Journal Article Mon. Wea. Rev
2019 Remotely Sensed Winds and Wind Stresses for Marine Forecasting and Ocean Modeling Bourassa, M. A., T. Meissner, I. Cerovecki, P. S. Chang, X. Dong, G. DeChiara, C/ Donlon, D. S. Dukhovskoy, J. Elya, A. Fore, M. R. Fewings, R. C. Foster, S. T. Gille, B.K. Haus, S.Hristova-Veleva, H. M. Holbach, Z. Jelenak, J. A. Knaff, S. A. Kranz, A. Manaster, M. Mazloff, C. Mears, A. Mouche, M. Portabella, N. Reul, L. Ricciardulli, E. Rodriguez, C. Sampson, D. Solis, A. Stoffelen, M. R. Stukel, B. Stiles, D. Weissman, and F. Wentz Frontiers in Marine Science
2019 Correcting Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager data for the production of vivid true colour imagery. Broomhall, M., L. Majewski, V. Villani, I. Grant, and S. D. Miller Journal Article J. Atmospheric Ocean. Technol
2019 Operational perspectives on tropical cyclone intensity change Part 1: Recent advances in intensity guidance Courtney, J. B., S. Langlade, C. R. Sampson, J. A. Knaff, T. Birchard, S. Barlow, S.D. Kotal, T. Kriat, W. Lee, R. Pasch, and U. Shimada Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
2019 Operational Perspectives on Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change Part 2: Forecasts by Operational Agencies Courtney, J. B., S. Langlade, C. R. Sampson, J. A. Knaff, T. Birchard, S. Barlow, S.D. Kotal, T. Kriat, W. Lee, R. Pasch, and U. Shimada Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
2019 Ocean observations in support of studies and forecasts of tropical and extratropical cyclones. Domingues R., A. Kuwano-Yoshida, P. Chardon-Maldonado, R.E. Todd, G. Halliwell, H.-S. Kim, I.-I. Lin, K. Sato, T. Narazaki, L.K. Shay, T. Miles, S. Glenn, J.A. Zhang, S.R. Jayne, L. Centurioni, M. Le Hénaff, G.R. Foltz, F. Bringas, M.M. Ali, S.F. DiMarco, S. Hosoda, T. Fukuoka, B. LaCour, A. Mehra, E.R. Sanabia, J.R. Gyakum, J. Dong, J.A. Knaff, and G. Goni Front. Mar., Sci.
2019 [The Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Content [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2019”] Goni, G. J., J. A. Knaff, and I – I. Lin Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2019 Quantification and Exploration of Diurnal Oscillations in Tropical Cyclones Knaff, J. A., C. J. Slocum, and K. D. Musgrave Mon. Wea. Rev.
2019 Remote sensing of night lights: a review and an outlook for the future Levin, N., C. C. Kyba, Q. Zhang, A. Sánchez de Miguel, M. O. Román, X. Li, B. A. Portnov, A. L. Molthan, A. Jechow, S. D. Miller, Z. Wang, R. M. Shrestha, and C. D. Elvidge Remote Sensing of Environment
2019 A Tale of Two Dust Storms: Analysis of a Complex Dust Event in the Middle East Miller, S. D., L. D. Grasso, Q. Bian, S. M. Kreidenweis, J. F. Dostalek, J. E. Solbrig, J. Bukowski, S. C. van den Heever, Y. Wang, X. Xu, J. Wang A. Walker, T.-C. Wu, M. Zupanski, C. Chiu, and J. S. Reid Journal Article Atmos. Meas. Tech.
2019 Copolarized and cross‐polarized SAR measurements for high‐resolution description of major hurricane wind structures: Application to Irma category 5 hurricane Mouche, A., B. Chapron, J. A. Knaff, Y. Zhao, B. Zhang, and C. Combot Journal Article J. Geophys. Res. Oceans
2019 Satellite-based detection of daytime supercooled liquid-topped mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean using the Advanced Himawari Imager Noh, Y.-J., S. D. Miller, A. K. Heidinger, G. Mace, A. Protat, and S. P. Alexander JGR Atmospheres
2019 The influence of simulated surface dust lofting and atmospheric loading on radiative forcing Saleeby, S. M., S. C. van den Heever, J. Bukowski, A. L. Walker, J. E. Solbrig, S. A. Atwood, Q. Bian, S. M. Kreidenweis, Y. Wang, J. Wang, and S. D. Miller Journal Articles Atmos. Chem. Phys.
2019 Addressing the Cold Air Aloft Aviation Challenge with Satellite Sounding Observations Weaver, G. M., N. Smith, E. B. Berndt, K. D. White, J. F. Dostalek, and B. T. Zavodsky Journal Article National Weather Association’s Journal of Operational Meteorology
2019 All-Sky Radiance Assimilation of ATMS in HWRF: A Demonstration Study Wu, T.-C., M. Zupanski, L. D. Grasso, C. D. Kummerow, and S.-A. Boukabara Journal Article Mon. Wea. Rev.
2019 Detecting layer height of smoke aerosols over vegetated land and water surfaces via oxygen absorption bands: Hourly results from EPIC/DSCOVR satellite in deep space Xu, X., J. Wang, Y. Wang, J. Zeng, O. Torres, J. S. Reid, S. D. Miller, J. V. Martins, and L. A. Remer Atmos. Meas. Tech.,
2019 Dynamical Coupling Between Hurricane Matthew and the Middle to Upper Atmosphere via Gravity Waves Xu, S., J. Yue, X. Xue, S. L. Vadas, S. D. Miller, I. Azeem, W. C. Straka III, L. Hoffman, and S. Zhang JGR: Space Physics,
2019 Characterization and application of artificial light sources for nighttime aerosol optical depth retrievals using the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band Zhang, J., S. L. Jaker, J. S. Reid, S. D. Miller, J. E. Solbrig, and T. D. Toth Journal Article Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions
2019 Impact of Atmospheric and Aerosol Optical Depth Observations on Aerosol Initial Conditions in a strongly-coupled data assimilation system Zupanski, M., A. Kliewer, T.-C. Wu, K. Apodaca, Q. Bian, S. Atwood, Y. Wang, J. Wang, and S. D. Miller Journal Article Atmos. Chem. Phys.
2020 The Drought of 2020 in Colorado Schumacher, R., P. Goble, and B. Bolinger Journal Article Newsletter Water Center-CSU
2020 Assessing United States county-level exposure for research on tropical cyclones and human health Anderson, G.B., J. Ferreri, M. Al-Hamdan, W. Crosson, A. B. Schumacher, S. Guikema, S. Quiring, D. Eddelbuettel, M. Yan, and R.D. Peng Journal Article Environmental Health Perspectives
2020 Towards objective identification and tracking of convective outflow boundaries in next-generation geostationary satellite imagery Apke, J. M., K. A. Hilburn, S. D. Miller, and D. A. Peterson Atmos. Meas. Tech
2020 Indicator patterns of forced change learned by an artificial neural network Barnes, E. A., J. W. Hurrell, B. Toms, I. Ebert-Uphoff, C. Anderson, and D. Anderson Conference Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems AGU
2020 Extensive high-resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data analysis of tropical cyclones: Comparisons with SFMR flights and best track Combot, C., A. Mouche, J. A. Knaff, Y. Zhao, Y. Zhao, L. Vinour, Y. Quilfen, and B. Chapron Mon. Wea. Rev
2020 [The Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2019”] Domingues, R., G. J. Goni, J. A. Knaff, I-I Lin, and F. Bringas Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc
2020 Adapting Satellite Soundings for Operational Forecasting within the Hazardous Weather Testbed Esmaili, R., N. Smith, E. Berndt, J. F. Dostalek, B. Kahn, K. White, C. Barnet, W. Sjoberg, and M. Goldberg Remote Sensing
2020 Mapping, monitoring, and prediction of floods due to ice jam and snowmelt with operational weather satellites Goldberg, M. D., S. Li, D. T. Lindsey, W. Sjoberg, L. Zhou, and D. Sun Journal Article Rem. Sensing
2020 Application of the GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager: Morphology of a preconvective environment on 17 April 2019 Grasso, L. D., D. E. Bikos, J. F. Dostalek, T.-C. Wu, K. A. Hilburn, E. J. Szoke, J. R. Torres, J. W. Zeitler, W. E. Line, and A. E. Cohen Journal Article Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor.
2020 A tropical cyclone rapid intensification prediction aid for the Joint Typhoon Warning Center’s areas of responsibility Knaff, J.A., C.R. Sampson, and B.R. Strahl Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2020 GeoColor: A Blending Technique for Satellite Imagery Miller, S. D., D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, and J. E. Solbrig Journal Article J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech
2020 Quantifying the Benefits of Nonlinear Methods for Global Statistical Hindcasts of Tropical Cyclones Intensity Neetu, S., M. Lengaigne, J. Vialard, M. Mangeas, C. E. Menkes, I. Suresh, J. Leloup, and J. A. Knaff Journal Article Wea. Forecasting
2020 Environmental Controls on Tropical Sea Breeze Convection and Resulting Aerosol Redistribution Park, J. M., S. C. van den Heever, A. L. Igel, L. D. Grant, J. S. Johnson, S. M. Saleeby, S. D. Miller, and J. S. Reid Journal Article J. Geophys. Res. Atmos
2020 A Workshop on the Next Generation Environmental Satellite Constellation Rehbein, A., M. Rugna, and M. P. Hobouchian, A. d. Moral, S. J. Goodman, D. T. Lindsey, and J. Thomas Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc
2020 Quantifying the Radiative Impact of Clouds on Tropopause Layer Cooling in Tropical Cyclones Rivoire, L., T. Birner, J. A. Knaff, and N. D. Tourville Journal Article J. Climate
2020 Evaluating geostationary lightning mapper flash rates within intense convective storms Rutledge, S. A., K. A. Hilburn, A. Clayton, B. Fuchs, and S. D. Miller Journal Article J. Geophys. Res. Atmos.
2020 A Causality-Based View of the Interaction between Synoptic-and Planetary-Scale Atmospheric Disturbances Samarasinghe, S.M. Y. Deng, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Journal Article Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences
2020 Hurricane Laura was the latest storm to strengthen fast, but is rapid intensification really becoming more common? Slocum C. J. Journal Article The Conversation
2020 Assessing the Stability of Surface Lights for use in Retrievals of Nocturnal Atmospheric Parameters Solbrig, J. E., S. D. Miller, J. Zhang, L. D. Grasso, and A. Kliewer Journal Article Atmos. Meas. Tech
2020 Physically Interpretable Neural Networks for the Geosciences: Applications to Earth System Variability Toms, B.A., E.A. Barnes, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Journal Article Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems (JAMES)
2020 Development of a nighttime shortwave radiative transfer model for remote sensing of nocturnal aerosols and fires from VIIRS Wang, J., M. Zhou, X. Xiaoguang, S. Roudinin, S. P. Sander, T. J. Pongett, S. D. Miller, J. S. Reid, E. Hyer, and R. Spurr Journal Article Remote Sens. Env
2020 On-orbit calibration and characterization of GOES-17 ABI IR bands under dynamic thermal condition Wang, Z., X. Wu, F. Yu, J. P. Fulbright, E. Kline, H. Yoo, T. J. Schmit, M. M. Gunshor, M. Coakley, M. Black, D. T. Lindsey, H. Qian, and R. Iacovazzi Journal Article J. Appl. Remote Sens.
2020 Preliminary dual-satellite observations of atmospheric gravity waves in airglow Yue, J., S. Perwitasari, S. Xu, Y. Hozumi, T. Nakamura, T. Sakanoi, A. Saito, S. D. Miller, W. C. Straka III, and P. Rong Atmosphere
2021 Overview of Regional Modeling Development at NOAA/GSL Alexander, Curtis Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 On the Origin of Rotation Derived from Super Rapid Scan Satellite Imagery at the Cloud-Tops of Severe Deep Convection Apke, J. M., and J. R. Mecikalski Journal Article Mon. Wea. Rev.
2021 Demonstrations in Satellite Product-Infused Dense Optical Flow Winds and Motions for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Apke, J. M., S. Miller, B. Line, J. Forsythe, and K. Bedka Conference Proceedings EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite User’s Conference
2021 now and in the future AWC feds and D. Vietor Conference Proceedings National Weather Association (NWA) 46th Annual Meeting
2021 AWT Testbed – Virtual Evaluations Overview/Results AWC feds and R. Hepper Conference Proceedings National Weather Association (NWA) 46th Annual Meeting
2021 Thematic Working Group Discussion for Theme #4: Considering new pedagogical approaches and assessment methods, including the future uses of blended learning B. Connell, N. Nurhayati, V. Nietosvaara Presentation WMO Symposium on Education and Training (SYMET)
2021 Convection-Indicating GOES-R products assimilated in the Experimental UFS Rapid Refresh System Back, A., S. Weygandt, C. Alexander, S. Benjamin, M. Hu, G. Ge, E. James, A. Kliewer, J. R. Mecikalski, D. Dowell, E. C. Bruning, K. Hilburn, and A. Sebok Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Convection-indicating GOES-R products assimilating in the experimental UFS Rapid Refresh System Back, A., S. Weygandt, C. Alexander, S. Benjamin, M. Hu, G. Ge, E. James, A. Kliewer, J. R. Mecikalski, D. Dowell, E. C. Bruning, K. Hilburn, and A. Sebok Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 VISIT / SHyMet Training for Operational Forecasters on Satellite Imagery and Products Bikos, D., S. Lindstrom, B. Motta, K. Scharfenberg, B. Connell, E Sanders Conference Proceedings National Weather Association (NWA) 46th Annual Meeting
2021 Using GOES-R and JPSS Satellite Data to Detect and Track Hazardous Sea Spray at High Latitudes Bill Line, Louie Grasso, Aaron Jacobs, Sam Shea, Carl Dierking Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 First-Light Results from the NASA TROPICS Pathfinder Mission and Preparations for the TROPICS Constellation Mission Blackwell W. J, N. Zorn, R. V. Leslie, S. A. Braun, R. Bennartz, C. Velden, T. J. Greenwald, D. Herndon, M. DeMaria, G. Chirokova, R. M. Atlas, J. Dunion, F. Marks, R. F. Rogers, K. E. Ryan, B. A. Dahl, K. Cahoy, and TROPICS_science_team Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 JPSS PGRR Update Bozeman M. and Co-Authors [Including G. Chirokova] Presentation Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2021 Reflecting Remotely: Stories of Virtual Engagement, Capacity Building, and Collaboration Briseño, I., B. Connell, J. Jung, S. Neugebauer, D. Owens Poster AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Representation of Convection in the Future Rapid Refresh Forecast System Using FV3 Brown, John Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Recent Progress in Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting at the National Hurricane Center Cangialosi, J., E.S. Blake, D.A. Zelinsky, A. Latto, M. DeMaria, and E. Rappaport Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Impact of tropical cyclone “Fani” on land, ocean, atmospheric and meteorological parameters Chauhan, A., Singh, R. P., Dash, P., and Kumar, R. Journal Article Mar. Pollut. Bull.
2021 Surface precipitation estimation based on multidimensional polarimetric radar measurements using deep learning Chen, H., and Chandrasekar, V. Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Leveraging artificial intelligence for enhanced satellite retrievals of orographic precipitation Chen, H., R. Cifelli, and P. Xie Conference Proceedings Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2021)
2021 Precipitation identification and quantification using ABI and GLM observations aboard the GOES-R series: A machine learning perspective Chen, H., R. Cifelli, and P. Xie Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Land Surface Temperature from GOES-East and GOES-West Chen, W., Pinker, R. T., Ma, Y., Hulley, G., Borbas, E., Islam, T., ... & Basara, J. Journal Article J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.
2021 Use of JPSS and Geostationary Satellite Data to Improve Tropical Cyclone Situational Awareness and Intensity Forecast Skills Chirokova G. and M. DeMaria Presentation 2021 USINDOPACOM Tropical Cyclone Conference
2021 Use of JPSS and other Polar-Orbiting Satellite Data to Improve Operational Tropical Cyclones Position, Intensity, and Wind Structure Estimates, and Intensity Forecasts Chirokova G., J. Knaff, M. L. Bozeman, R. T. DeMaria, A. Libardoni, J. L. Beven, A. B. Penny, C. Grassotti, and S. Liu Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Analyzing the detection efficiency of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper in isolated convection Clayton, A. Thesis
2021 Mapping and Assessing the Long Term WMO VLab Connections Linked to Building Capacity in the Americas and the Caribbean Connell, B., and E. Sanders Poster AGU Fall Meeting
2021 JPSS Current and Potential Imagery and Products Used for SO2 and Volcanic Ash Detection Connell, B., and K-A. Caesar Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Promoting learning: the fine line between choosing materials that challenge the user to think critically versus those that are too complicated to interpret to provide meaningful usage Connell, B., J. Galvez, E. Sanders Presentation CALMET
2021 Leveraging the WMO-CGMS Virtual Laboratory for AmeriGEO training Connell, B., L. Veeck, M. Campos, E. Podgaisky, M. Garbanzo Poster AmeriGEO Week
2021 SLIDER: A Website for Displaying Realtime, Global Satellite Data at Full Resolution Curtis Seaman, Kevin Micke, Dan Lindsey, Steve Miller, Yoo-Jeong Noh, Natalie Tourville, Steve Finley, Don Hillger, Jack Dostalek, Galina Chirokova, and Matt Niznik Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Hands-on Exercise #3: Using CIRA’s SLIDER Curtis Seaman, Kevin Micke, Dan Lindsey, Steve Miller, Yoo-Jeong Noh, Natalie Tourville, Steve Finley, Don Hillger, Jack Dostalek, Galina Chirokova, and Matt Niznik Presentation AMS GOES-R/JPSS Short Course
2021 Hands-on Exercise #3: Using CIRA’s SLIDER Curtis Seaman, Kevin Micke, Dan Lindsey, Steve Miller, Yoo-Jeong Noh, Natalie Tourville, Steve Finley, Don Hillger, Jack Dostalek, Galina Chirokova, and Matt Niznik Presentation AMS GOES-R/JPSS Short Course
2021 The Value of VIIRS Curtis Seaman, Steve Miller, Bill Line, Carl Dierking, Jorel Torres, William Straka, III Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 VIIRS Imagery and the Cryosphere Curtis Seaman, Steve Miller, Kevin Micke, Carl Dierking, Jason Apke, Bill Line, Jorel Torres Presentation CIRES/NSIDC Seminar Series
2021 VIIRS Imagery and the Cryosphere (URL: Curtis Seaman, Steve Miller, Kevin Micke, Carl Dierking, Jason Apke, Bill Line, Jorel Torres Presentation CIRES/NSIDC Seminar Series
2021 GOES_R PGRR Update DeMaria M. and Co-Authors [Including G. Chirokova] Presentation Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2021 Understanding and Communicating Probabilistic Forecasts DeMaria, M. Presentation WMO Tropical Cyclone-Probabilistic Forecast Products Workshop
2021 GOES-R Proving Ground/Risk Reduction Update: Tropical Cyclone Applications DeMaria, M. Presentation Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2021 A New Framework for Statistical-Dynamical Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Models DeMaria, M. and M. Onderlinde Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Operational Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification at the National Hurricane Center (NHC) DeMaria, M., J. Franklin, and J. Kaplan Presentation Virtual Monthly HFIP Science Meeting
2021 Operational Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification at the National Hurricane Center DeMaria, M., J. Franklin, M. Onderlinde, and J. Kaplan Journal Article Atmos.
2021 M-Band VIIRS EDR Imagery for JPSS-2 Don Hillger, Bill Line, Deb Molenar, Tom Kopp, Daniel Compton, Weizhong Chen, Steve Finley, Curtis Seaman, Steve Miller, and Sue Venter Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Using GOES ABI split-window radiances to retrieve daytime low-level water vapor for convective forecasting Dostalek, J. F., L. D. Grasso, Y.-J. Noh, T.-C Wu, J. W. Zeitler, H. G. Weinman, A. E. Cohen., and D. T Lindsey Journal Article Electron. J. Sev. Storms Meteorol.
2021 CSU’s team and activities Ebert-Uphoff, I., K. Musgrave, M. Rogers, K. Haynes, R. Lagerquist, J. Stewart, C. Kumler, and C. Slocum Presentation NSF Institute For Research on Trustworthy AI in Weather, Climate and Coastal Oceanography (AI2ES)
2021 Identification of Smoldering Peatland Fires in Indonesia via Triple-Phase Temperature Analysis of VIIRS Nighttime Data Elvidge, C., M. Zhizhin, K. Baugh, and F.-C. Hsu Book Chapter
2021 Subpixel Analysis of Primary and Secondary Infrared Emitters with Nighttime VIIRS Data Elvidge, Christopher D., Mikhail Zhizhin, Feng Chi Hsu, Tamara Sparks, and Tilottama Ghosh. Journal Article Fire
2021 New Developments in Multisensor Blended Water Vapor Products Forsythe, J. Presentation 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems
2021 A CONUS-wide standardized precipitation-evapotranspiration index for major U.S. row crops Goble, P.E., R.A. Bolinger, and R.S. Schumacher Research Article Journal of Hydrometeorology
2021 Satellite Imagery and Products of the 16-17 February 2020 Saharan Air Layer Dust Event over the Eastern Atlantic: Impacts of Water Vapor on Dust Detection and Morphology Grasso, L. D., D. E. Bikos, J. R. Torres, J. F. Dostalek, T.-C. Wu, J. M. Forsythe, H. Q. Cronk, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, E. Berndt, H. G. Weinman, and K. B. Kasper Journal Article Atmos. Meas. Tech.
2021 Satellite Microwave Sounder Validation Grassotti, C., Q. Liu, Y.-K. Lee, S. Liu, and Y. Zhou Book Chapter
2021 Low Cloud Detection in Multilayer Scenes using Satellite Imagery with Machine Learning Methods Haynes, J. M., Y. J. Noh, S. D. Miller, K. D. Haynes, I. Ebert-Uphoff, A. Heidinger Journal Article J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.
2021 Low cloud detection in multilayer scenes from GOES ABI using machine learning methods Haynes, J. M., Y. Noh, S. D. Miller, K. D. Haynes, I. Ebert-Uphoff, and A. K. Heidinger Conference Proceedings 3rd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences
2021 Efforts to estimate 89 GHz imagery from GOES-16/17 & Himawari-8 Haynes, K. Presentation CIRA ONR Review Meeting
2021 Using Machine Learning to Simulate 89-GHz Imagery from Geostationary Satellites Haynes, K., C. Slocum, J. Knaff, K. Musgrave, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Conference Proceedings 3rd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences
2021 Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation from the TROPICS Smallsat Constellation Herndon D, W. J. Blackwell, R. V. Leslie, C. Velden, S. Braun, G. Chirokova, R. Bennartz, S, T. Greenwald, M. DeMaria, R. Atlas, F. Marks, R. Rogers, J. Dunion, B. Annane, H. Christophersen, and B. A. Dahl Presentation 3rd International Workshop for Satellite Analysis of Tropical Cyclones
2021 Tropical Cyclone Intensity Estimation from the TROPICS Smallsat Satellite Constellation Herndon D., C. Velden, G. Chirokova, W. J. Blackwell, R. V. Leslie, R. Bennartz, S. Braun, T. Greenwald, M. DeMaria, R. Atlas, F. Marks, R. Rogers, J. Dunion, B. Annane, H. Christophersen, and B. A. Dahl Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Satellite Applications at the Aviation Weather Center Higginbotham, T., and A. Terborg Presentation WMO RIII/RIV satellite workshops
2021 Using deep learning to generate synthetic radar fields from GOES ABI and GLM Hilburn, K Presentation 2nd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences
2021 GOES Radar Estimation via Machine Learning to Inform NWP (GREMLIN) – And Aviation Nowcasting?  Hilburn, K. Presentation Aviation Weather Center Meeting
2021 Machine Learning in Atmospheric Science Hilburn, K. Presentation CIRA Jamboree ATS/CIRA Colloquium
2021 Loss functions for multi-task learning Hilburn, K. Presentation CIRA ML Core Meeting
2021 GOES Radar Estimation via Machine Learning to Inform NWP (GREMLIN) – And Aviation Nowcasting? Hilburn, K. Presentation Aviation Weather Center Meeting
2021 Development and interpretation of a neural network-based synthetic radar reflectivity estimator using GOES-R satellite observations Hilburn, K. A., I. Ebert-Uphoff, and S. D. Miller Journal Article J. App. Meteor.
2021 Improving GREMLIN: A Case Study in AI Application Development Hilburn, K., Y. Lee, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Conference Proceedings 3rd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences
2021 GREMLIN: GOES Radar Estimation via Machine Learning to Inform NWP Hilburn, K., Y. Lee, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Embracing a DevOps Mentality for NWP with the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) Holt, Christina Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Initial Development, Testing, and Evaluation of the RAP/HRRR Similar Data Assimilation Functions for FV3 LAM-Based RRFS Hu, Ming Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 The Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS): Low Earth Orbit NOAA Satellite Data J. Torres Presentation NOAA Environmental Data (NED) Talks
2021 NOAA Satellite Data – Panel Discussion J. Torres, M. Pavolonis, D. Lindsey, C. Jones Presentation NOAA Environmental Data (NED) Talks
2021 Direct Broadcast Operations at the Geographic Information Network of Alaska (GINA) – 20 Years and Counting! Jen Delamere, Carl Dierking, Jay Cable, Chris Smith, Martin Steufer, Greg Wirth Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 A Community Workflow for the Limited Area Model (LAM) Configuration of the FV3 Ketefian, Gerard Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Estimating tropical cyclone surface winds: Current status, emerging technologies, historical evolution, and a look to the future Knaff, J., C. Sampson, M. Kucas, C. Slocum, M. Brennan, T. Meissner, L. Ricciardulli, A. Mouche, N. Reul, & M. Morris, G. Chirokova, P. Caroff Journal Article Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
2021 Cloud Observation Assimilation in Future Operational Convective-Allowing Models Ladwig, Terra Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Using Deep Learning to Emulate and Accelerate a Radiative Transfer Model Lagerquist, R., Turner, D., Ebert-Uphoff, I., Stewart, J. and Hagerty, V. Journal Article J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.
2021 Preliminary Development and Testing of an EPS-SG Microwave Sounder Proxy Data Generator Using the NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System Lee, Y. K., Liu, Q., Grassotti, C., Liang, X., Liu, S., Zhou, Y., & Fang, M. Journal Article IEEE J. Sel. Topics in App. Earth Obs. Rem. Sens.
2021 Exploring Ways to Effectively Use Temporal Satellite Images in Detecting Convection from GOES-16 Lee, Y., K. Hilburn, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Conference Proceedings 3rd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences
2021 Preparation of MetOp-SG A1 Microwave Sounder Proxy Data and Testing with the NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) Lee, Y.-K., Q. Liu, C. Grassotti, X. Liang, S. Liu, Y. Zhou and M. Fang Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Updates to the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) and Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology (SHyMet) Programs in 2020 Lindstrom, Scott Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Satellite Imagery Applications during Burn Scar Flash Flood Events Line, B. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 Satellite Imagery Applications during Burn Scar Flash Flood Events (URL: Line, Bill Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 Satellite Imagery and Products of the 16-17 February 2020 Saharan Air Layer Dust Event over the Eastern Atlantic: Impacts of Water Vapor on Dust Detection and Morphology Louie Grasso, Daniel Bikos, Jorel Torres, John Dostalek, Ting-Chi Wu, John Forsythe, Heather Cronk, Curtis Seaman, Emily Berndt, Harry Weinman, Steven Miller, Kennard Kasper Conference Proceedings EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite User’s Conference
2021 Progress in community radiative transfer model (CRTM) for new satellite sensors and air quality applications Ma, Y., Chen, M., Garrett, K., and Liu Q. Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Updates on Hazard Service – Probabilistic Hazard Information (HS-PHI) Manross,Kevin L., et al Presentation AMS: R20 Conference
2021 The Impacts of Assimilating ADM-Aeolus Wind Profiles on Tropical Cyclone Structure and Forecasts: HWRF Model Experiments Marinescu, P. J., L. Cucurull, K. Apodaca, L. Bucci, I. Genkova Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Global land mask for satellite ocean color remote sensing Mikelsons, K., Wang, M., Wang, X. L., & Jiang, L. Journal Article Rem. Sens. Environ.
2021 Study of Two Impactful Heavy Rainfall Events in the Southern Appalachian Mountains during Early 2020, Part II: Regional Overview, Rainfall Evolution, and Satellite QPE Utility Miller, D., M. Arulraj, R. Ferraro, C. Grassotti, B. Kuligowski, S. Liu, V. Petkovic, S. Wu, and P. Xie Journal Article Rem. Sens.
2021 Night Research and Innovation from the Day/Night-Band for Environmental Remote Sensing (Night RIDER) Miller, S. D, et al. Presentation JPSS PGRR Innovation Initiative Project Meeting
2021 CIRA and CSU – Selected Research Topics Miller, S. D. and S. van den Heever Presentation Visit of Dr. Matthew Hepburn to CSU/CIRA
2021 Exploring the Potential of SmallSats in the Future NOAA Architecture—Big Things in Small Packages Miller, S. D., D. Pack, C. L. Combs, Y.-J. Noh, S. Q. Kidder, C. J. Seaman, A. K. Heidinger, J. M. Forsythe, L. Gelinas, and G. Chirokova Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 First Detection of Bioluminescent Milky Seas by the VIIRS Day/Night Band: Maritime Continent Miller, S. D., et al. Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 False Alarms in Satellite-Based Infrared Detection of Low Clouds at Night Miller, S. D., Y.-J. Noh, L. D. Grasso, C. J. Seaman, A. Ignatov, A. K. Heidinger, S.H. Nam, W. E. Line, and B. Petrenko Journal Article Earth Space Sci.
2021 Honing in on bioluminescent milky seas from space Miller, S.D., Haddock, S.H.D., Straka, W.C., Seaman, C.J., Combs, C.L., Wang, M., Shi, W. and Nam, S.-H. Journal Article Scientific Reports
2021 A Physical Basis for the Overstatement of Low Clouds at Night by Conventional Satellite Infrared-Based Imaging Radiometer Bi-Spectral Techniques Miller, S.D., Y-J Noh, L. D. Grasso, C. J. Seaman, A. Ignatov, A. K. Heidinger, S-H Nam, W. Line, and B. Petrenko Journal Article Earth Space Sci.
2021 NOAA and Partner Sponsored Satellite Training with an Emphasis on User Interaction in a Virtual Setting Morris, S., B. Connell, J. Gálvez, M. Davison, E. Madsen, A. DeGarmo, J. Lewis Poster AmeriGEO Week
2021 A Preliminary Analysis of a Rapid Intensification and Prediction Aid for 2019 and 2020 Musgrave, K., J. Knaff, C. Sampson, and A. Brammer Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Extension of the Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme (SHIPS) and Logistic Growth Equation Model (LGEM) from Five to Seven Days Musgrave, K., M. DeMaria, A. Brammer, A. Libardoni, and S. Stevenson Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 The impact of satellite data in mesoanalysis: Results from the 2021 OPG real-time severe weather experiment Nelson, C. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 The use of satellite data in the spring 2021 OPG grassland fire weather experiment and its implications for future operations Nelson, C. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 A Survey of Global Approaches to Virtual Engagement and Capacity Building Neugebauer, S., J. Jung, B. Briseno, B. Connell, D. Owens Presentation AmeriGEO Week
2021 Improvement of Satellite Cloud Vertical Cross-section Products for Aviation Weather Applications Noh, Y. J, et al. Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Satellite Cloud Products for Aviation Users Noh, Y. J. Presentation Alaska Aviation Coordination Council (AACC) monthly virtual meeting
2021 Development of Satellite Cloud Vertical Structure Products for Aviation Users Noh, Y. J. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 VIIRS Cloud Vertical Structure Information for Aviation Weather Applications Noh, Y. J. Presentation NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) science seminar
2021 Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Cloud Products and Applications in Aviation Noh, Y. J. Presentation 9th Southwest Aviation Weather Safety Workshop (SAWS 9)
2021 Improvement of Satellite 3-D Cloud Structure Information for Aviation Users & Two CIMSS products for Decision Support in Aviation Noh, Yoo-Jeong and Scott Lindstrom Presentation ACCAP Virtual Alaska Weather Symposium
2021 An Ensemble-Based Statistical Hurricane Intensity Prediction Scheme: Computing Ships from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts Ensemble Prediction System Onderlinde, M. and M. DeMaria Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Using NOAA’s SOS Explorer as a Tool for Remote Teaching Peddicord, H., E. Hackathorn, E.L. Russell, and K. Searight Presentation 30th Conference on Education, AMS Annual Meeting
2021 An Impact-based View of Convective Forecasts from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model Upgrade from Version 3 to Version 4 Peevey, Tanya R., et al Presentation AMS: ARAM Conference
2021 Impact-based Validation of Convective Forecasts from the High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Model Upgrade form Version 3 to Version 4 Peevey,Tanya R., et al Presentation AMS: R20 Conference
2021 A Gridded Version of the NHC Official Forecasts to Support Operations at National Centers and Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) Santos Jr., P., M. DeMaria, G. DeMaria, M. Onderlinde, and O. Ostwald Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 The impact of anthropogenic emissions, wildfires, and heat waves on US air quality during the summer of 2020 Schnell, Jordan Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Using hurricane data for health impacts research. International Society for Environmental Epidemiologists ( Schumacher, A. B. Presentation North American Chapter (ISEE-NAC) Workshop on Climate Change, Hurricanes, and Health
2021 An Introduction to the VIIRS Snowmelt RGB Seaman, C. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 An Introduction to the VIIRS Snowmelt RGB (URL: Seaman, C. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 The Value of VIIRS Imagery Seaman, C. Presentation NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) science seminar
2021 SLIDER: A website for displaying geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data Seaman, C. J. Presentation 2021 AMS GOES-R/JPSS Short Course
2021 Multispectral satellite imagery applications for fire detection and monitoring Seaman, C.J. Journal Article J. App. Remote Sens.
2021 Experiences of the NOAA Science On a Sphere Project during the COVID-19 Pandemic Searight, K. Presentation The 2nd Science Museum CEO’s Dialogue
2021 Tropical GLM Applications Slocum, C. Presentation 2021 GLM Science Meeting
2021 GLM Applications for Tropical Cyclone Analysis and Forecasting Stevenson, S., A. Kowaleski, K. Hilburn, K. D. Musgrave, C. J. Slocum, and K. Giannakopoulos Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Towards the Use of GOES GLM Lightning for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Prediction Stevenson, S., C. Slocum, M. DeMaria, M.S. Fischer, and K.L. Corbosiero Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Using Machine Learning to Improve Vertical Profiles of Temperature and Moisture for Severe Weather Nowcasting Stock, J. Thesis
2021 Using Machine Learning to Improve Vertical Profiles of Temperature and Moisture for Severe Weather Forecasting Stock, J., J. Dandy, I Ebert-Uphoff, J. Dostalek, and L. Grasso Conference Proceedings 3rd NOAA Workshop on Leveraging AI in Environmental Sciences
2021 Usage of the VIIRS Day Night Band and other channels in Disaster Response and monitoring of impacts from CoVID-19 Straka III, W. C., S. D. Miller, C. Seaman, M. Goldberg, C. Elvidge, W. Sjoberg Conference Proceedings EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite User’s Conference
2021 Examining the Economic and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 Using Earth Observation Data Straka, III, W. Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 National Weather Service severe weather warnings as Threats-in-Motion (TIM) Stumpf, G. J., and A. E. Gerard Journal Article Weather and Forecasting
2021 Validation of Ensemble-Based Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change Torn, R. and M. DeMaria Journal Article Atmos.
2021 JPSS and GOES Fire Monitoring Capabilities and Observations of the Pine Gulch Fire in Western Colorado Torres, J. Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 JPSS Products, Training Resources, and Teletraining Opportunities available for NWS Users Torres, J. Conference Proceedings National Weather Association (NWA) 46th Annual Meeting
2021 JPSS Fire Monitoring Applications Torres, J. Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 JPSS Fire Monitoring Capabilities for National Weather Service (NWS) Users Torres, J. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 JPSS Fire Monitoring Capabilities for NWS Users (URL: ) Torres, J. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS): Fire Monitoring Applications Torres, J. Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Bias Correcting SHIPS and LGEM Intensity Change Distributions (Poster) Trabing, B., K. Musgrave, M. DeMaria Poster 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 Bias Correcting SHIPS and LGEM Intensity Change Distributions Trabing, B., Musgrave K., and M. DeMaria Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Numerical uncertainties in discretization of the shallow-water equations for weather prediction models Wang, N. Book Chapter
2021 Satellite Fire Products: More Valuable Now than Ever with a Longer Fire Season William Straka, III, Ivan Csiszar, Shobha Kondragunta, Curtis Seaman, Ravan Ahmadov, Amy Huff, Mark Rosenberg, William Brewer Presentation IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
2021 Benchmarking and Retirement – Making Room for the UFS Rapid Refresh Forecast System Wolff, Jamie Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Overview of the Unified Forecast System Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application Release Wolff, Jamie Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Development of VIIRS 3D Cloud Structure Products for Aviation Users Yoo-Jeong Noh, John Haynes, Matthew Niznik, Steve Miller, Jeff Weinrich Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Development of Satellite Cloud Vertical Structure Products for Aviation Weather Monitoring Yoo-Jeong Noh, John Haynes, Steve Miller, Andy Heidinger, and Jeff Weinrich Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 3D Visualization of Tropical Cyclone Model Forecasts and Observations Zelinsky, R., K. Musgrave, M. DeMaria, J. Franklin, and E.S. Blake Conference Proceedings 34th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology
2021 A comparison between in situ SST quality control methods from iQuam and other multiple data sources Zhang, Haifeng, Alexander Ignatov, and Dean Hinshaw Presentation GHRSST 2020 Science Team Meeting
2021 Design and Testing of an FV3-Based LAM Ensemble System Zhou, Chunhua Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Development of A Machine Learning-Based Radiometric Bias Correction for NOAA’s Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) Zhou, Y., C. Grassotti, Lee, Y.-K., S. Liu, and M. Fang Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Applications of Advected Layered Precipitable Water for Hazardous Weather Events Forsythe, J. Conference Proceedings National Weather Association (NWA) 46th Annual Meeting
2021 Integration of WTCM into the NBM Update Crockett, J. Presentation NOAA Hurricane Conference
2021 Use of JPSS and Geostationary Satellite Data to Improve Tropical Cyclone Situational Awareness and Intensity Forecast Skills Chirokova G. and M. DeMaria Presentation 2021 USINDOPACOM Tropical Cyclone Conference
2021 Promoting learning: the fine line between choosing materials that challenge the user to think critically versus those that are too complicated to interpret to provide meaningful usage Connell, B., J. Galvez, E. Sanders Presentation CALMET
2021 GOES_R PGRR Update DeMaria M. and Co-Authors [Including G. Chirokova] Presentation Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2021 Satellite Imagery and Products of the 16-17 February 2020 Saharan Air Layer Dust Event over the Eastern Atlantic: Impacts of Water Vapor on Dust Detection and Morphology Grasso, L.D., D. Bikos, J. Torres, J. F. Dostalek, T.-C. Wu, J. Forsythe, H. Q. Cronk, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, E. Berndt, H. G. Weinman, and K. B. Kasper Journal Article Atmos. Meas. Tech.
2021 Wildland Fire Monitoring in Alaska: JPSS Direct Broadcast Contributions Jen Delamere, Peter Hickman, Jennifer Jenkins, Jay Cable, Carl Dierking, Curtis Seaman, Gary Schmunk, Greg Wirth, Alison York, Robert Ziel Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 Applying Machine Learning Methods to Detect Convection Using GOES-16 ABI Data Lee, Y., C. D. Kummerow, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 Satellite Imagery and Products of the 16-17 February 2020 Saharan Air Layer Dust Event over the Eastern Atlantic: Impacts of Water Vapor on Dust Detection and Morphology Louie Grasso, Daniel Bikos, Jorel Torres, John Dostalek, Ting-Chi Wu, John Forsythe, Heather Cronk, Curtis Seaman, Emily Berndt, Harry Weinman, Steven Miller, Kennard Kasper Conference Proceedings EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite User’s Conference
2021 CIRA and CSU – Selected Research Topics Miller, S. D. and S. van den Heever Presentation Visit of Dr. Matthew Hepburn to CSU/CIRA
2021 SLIDER: A website for displaying geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite data Seaman, C. J. Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 GLM Applications for Tropical Cyclone Analysis and Forecasting Stevenson, S., A. Kowaleski, K. Hilburn, K. D. Musgrave, C. J. Slocum, and K. Giannakopoulos Conference Proceedings AGU Fall Meeting
2021 JPSS Fire Monitoring Capabilities for National Weather Service (NWS) Users Torres, J. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2021 Satellite Fire Products: More Valuable Now than Ever with a Longer Fire Season William Straka, III, Ivan Csiszar, Shobha Kondragunta, Curtis Seaman, Ravan Ahmadov, Amy Huff, Mark Rosenberg, William Brewer Presentation IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
2021 GOES_R PGRR Update Presentation Tropical Cyclone Operations and Research Forum / 75th Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference
2021 Next Generation Satellite Imagery Miller, S. D Presentation CIRA Jamboree ATS/CIRA Colloquium
2021 CIRA and CSU – Selected Research Topics Presentation Visit of Dr. Matthew Hepburn to CSU/CIRA
2021 JPSS Products, Training Resources, and Teletraining Opportunities available for NWS Users – Poster Poster National Weather Association (NWA) 46th Annual Meeting
2021 2020 Weather Events Observed by the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) Conference Proceedings 101st AMS Annual Meeting
2021 On the Origin of Rotation Derived from Super Rapid Scan Satellite Imagery at the Cloud-Tops of Severe Deep Convection Apke, J., M., and J. R. Mecikalski Journal Article Monthly Weather Review
2021 Operational Forecasting of Tropical Cyclone Rapid Intensification at the National Hurricane Center. DeMaria, M., J. L. Franklin, M. J. Onderlinde, and J. Kaplan Journal Article Atmosphere
2021 [The Tropics] Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential [in NOAA “State of the Climate in 2020”] Domingues, R., G. J. Goni, J. A. Knaff, I-I Lin, and F. Bringas Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.,
2021 Using GOES ABI split-window radiances to retrieve daytime low-level water vapor for convective forecasting Dostalek, J. F., L. D. Grasso, Y.-J. Noh, T.-C Wu, J. W. Zeitler, H. G. Weinman, A. E. Cohen., and D. T Lindsey Journal Article Electron. J. Sev. Storms Meteorol.
2021 A practical guide to estimating tropical cyclone surface winds: History, current status, emerging technologies, and a look to the future. Knaff, J.A., C. R. Sampson, M. Kucas, C. J. Slocum, M. J. Brennan, T. Meissner, L. Ricciardulli, A. Mouche, N. Reul, M. Morris, G. Chirokova, and P. Caroff, Journal Article Tropical Cyclone Research and Review
2021 Evaluation of global wave probabilities consistent with official forecasts Sampson, C. R., Serra, E. A., Knaff, J. A., & Cossuth, J. H. Journal Article Weather Forecasting
2021 Satellite Imagery and Products of the 16-17 February 2020 Saharan Air Layer Dust Event over the Eastern Atlantic: Impacts of Water Vapor on Dust Detection and Morphology Grasso, L. D., D.E. Bikos, J. R. Torres, J. F. Dostalek, T.-C. Wu, J. Forsythe, H. Q. Cronk, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, E. Berndt, H. G. Weinman, and K. B. Kasper, Journal Article Atmos. Meas. Tech
2021 Chasing cyclones from space Jackson, C. R., T. W. Ruff, J. A. Knaff, A. Mouche, and C. R. Sampson Eos
2021 Using deep learning to emulate and accelerate a radiative-transfer model Lagerquist, R., D. Turner, I. Ebert-Uphoff, J. Stewart, and V. Hagerty Journal Article J. of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology
2021 Honing in on bioluminescent milky seas from space Miller, S.D., Haddock, S.H.D., Straka, W.C., Seaman, C.J., Combs, C.L., Wang, M., Shi, W. and Nam, S.-H. Sci Rep
2021 Uncertainty of tropical cyclone wind radii on sea surface temperature cooling Pun, I.-F., J. A. Knaff, and C. R. Sampson J. Geophys. Res.: Atmospheres
2021 Evaluation of Global Wave Probabilities Consistent with Official Forecasts Sampson, C. R., E. A. Serra, J. A. Knaff, and J. H. Cossuth Journal Article Weather and Forecasting,
2021 Validation of Ensemble-Based Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Intensity Change Torn, R. D., and M. DeMaria Atmosphere
2021 VIIRS Snowmelt RGB Quick Guide Torres, J. R., C. J. Seaman, D. E. Bikos, C. Dierking, and J. Delamere NOAA/JPSS
2021 Quantifying uncertainties in nighttime light retrievals from Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 VIIRS Day/Night Band data Wang Z., M. O. Román, V. Kalb, S. D. Miller, J. Zhang, and R. M. Shrestha Journal Article Rem. Sens. Env.
2022 Data Assimilation Strategies for the Upcoming Rapid Refresh Forecast System Alexander, C. and J. Carley Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Novel Convection-Indicating Satellite Products Assimilated in Experimental Rapid Refresh Systems Back, A., A. Kliewer, J. R. Mecikalski, K. Hilburn, Y. Lee, E. Sebok, D. Dowell, E. C. Bruning, M. Xue, R. Kong, S. Benjamin, E. P. James, C. R. Alexander, G. Ge, K. Pederson, and S. Weygandt Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Evolution of Increased Temporal Resolution of GOES Data and its Effects on Select Severe Thunderstorm Applications Bikos, D. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2022 Highlights from a Year of Continued Development of the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) Carley, J. and C. Alexander Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Deep learning for bias correction of satellite retrievals of orographic precipitation Chen, H., L. Sun, R. Cifelli and P. Xie Journal Article IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2022 Applications of GOES Derived Motion Winds to Tropical Cyclone Forecasting DeMaria, M., D. Molenar, A. Schumacher, K. Musgrave, G. Chirokova, and J. Knaff Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Updates to the GOES-16 Split-Window Precipitable Water Product E. Luschen, J. Dostalek, L. Grasso Poster 21st Annual Student Conference of the 2022 AMS Annual Meeting
2022 How to Develop Custom Loss Functions for Neural Networks in Meteorology Ebert-Uphoff, I., R. Lagerquist, K. Hilburn, Y. Lee, K. Haynes, J. Stock, C. Kumler, and J. Q. Stewart Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 CIRA Guide to Custom Loss Functions for Neural Networks in Environmental Sciences – Version 1 Ebert-Uphoff, I., R. Lagerquist, K. Hilburn, Y. Lee, K. Haynes, J. Stock, C. Kumler, and J. Q. Stewart Report
2022 How Multisatellite Water Vapor Products Assist Forecasters Forsythe, J. Presentation NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) science seminar
2022 Development and Applications of Multisatellite Water Vapor Products for Forecasters Forsythe, J. Presentation NOAA/NWS/OBS Satellite Book Club Seminar Series
2022 Unified Post Processor Fossell, K., K. Y. Wong Presentation DTC Management Board Meeting
2022 Utilizing METplus Neighborhood Verification Techniques in GSL Ensemble Verification Hamilton, J.A., R. Pierce, D.D. Turner, M.B. Smith, B. Strong Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Identifying multilayer clouds with passive remote sensors in near-realtime using machine learning methods Haynes, J. M., Y. Noh, S. D. Miller, K. D. Haynes, I. Ebert-Uphoff, and A. K. Heidinger Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Simulating 89-GHz Imagery from Operational Geostationary Satellites Using Machine Learning Haynes, K., C. Slocum, J. Knaff, K. Musgrave, and I. Ebert-Uphoff Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Providing Context for Digital Aviation Services: A Climatology of the Occurrence Frequency of Multiple Cloud Layers Based on FAA Flight Rules and METAR Observations Higginbotham, Ty Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Understanding spatial context in convolutional neural networks Hilburn, K. Presentation CIRA ML Core Meeting
2022 Evaluation of Lightning Climatology in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Basin Using Data from the Geostationary Lightning Mapper K. Musgrave, A. Kowaleski, K. A. Hilburn, B. C. Trabing, and S. N. Stevenson Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 The Unified Forecast System (UFS) Short-Range Weather (SRW) Application and Workflow Ketefian, Gerard, et al. Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Development of new observation operators for assimilating GOES-R geostationary lightning mapper flash extent density data using GSI EnKF: Tests with two convective events over the US Kong, R., M. Xue, C. Liu, A. O. Fierro, and E. R. Mansell Journal Article Mon. Wea. Rev.
2022 Examining Consistency of Icing and Cloud Forecasts for GFA Improvement Pettegrew, B., and A. Korner Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 WAFS Probabilisitic Hazard Grids Using An Observationally Adjusted Climatological Diagnostic Korner, A. Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Increasing the Temporal Resolution of LAMP Forecasts for High Impact Aviation Weather Layne, A. K., A. J. Kochenash, G. G. Leone, P. E. Shafer, F. G. Samplatsky, K. Zigner, B. Glahn, and J. E. Ghirardelli Presentation AMS 22nd Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology
2022 In-Depth Evaluation of MiRS Total Precipitable Water from NOAA-20 ATMS Using Multiple Reference Data Sets Lee, Y.-K., C. Grassotti, Q. Liu, S. Liu, and Y. Zhou Journal Article Earth Space Sci.
2022 Characterizing the uncertainty of the latest CMORPH product for estimating orographic precipitation over the Pacific Coast Ranges in Northern California Li, Z, H. Chen, R. Cifelli, and P. Xie Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Deriving Surface Reflectance from Visible/Near Infrared and Ultraviolet Satellite Observations Through the Community Radiative Transfer Model. Liu, Q., Yan, B., Garrett, K, Ma, Y., et al. Journal Article IEEE J. Selected Topics in App. Earth Obs. and Rem. Sens.
2022 Global daily gap-free ocean color products from multi-satellite measurements Liu, X. and Wang, M. Journal Article Int J Appl Earth Obs Geoinf.
2022 The Impacts of Assimilating Aeoulus Observations in NOAA’s Regional Tropical Cyclone Forecast Model Marinescu, P.J., L. Cucurull, K. Apodaca, L. Bucci, I. Genkova Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Interpretation of Nighttime Light Changes during the COVID-19 Pandemic Miller, S. D., W. C. Straka III (presenter), C. D. Elvidge, H. Cutler, A. Pena, D. Carver, F. C. Hsu, T. Ghosh, W. Nugroho, J. E. Solbrig, C. J. Seaman B. Kar, D. Smith Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) Case Study: Assimilation of the IMS Product into the Global Forecast System (GFS) Snow Model Monaghan, G.F., H. Oberlin, K. Berberich, D. McCormick, L. Mallory, J. Edwards-Opperman, and W. Clark Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Developmental Testbed Center: Current Status and Outlook for the Future Nance, L. B., J. Beck, L. Bernardet, M. B. Ek, K. Fossell, M. A. Harrold, M. Hu, T. L. Jensen, E. Kalina, W. Li, W. Mayfield, K. Newman, K. Searight, J. K. Wolff, and K. Y. Wong Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Impact of satellite data in the watch-to-warning gap for fire weather: Results from recent remote experiments by the Operations Proving Ground Nelson, C., and OPG feds Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Working with Forecasters and Pilots to Develop User-Oriented Satellite Cloud Products for Aviation Applications Noh, Y. J., J. M. Haynes, M. Niznik, S. D. Miller, J. Weinrich, and A. Heidinger Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Top of the Atmosphere Reflected Shortwave Radiative Fluxes from GOES-R Pinker, R. T, Ma, Y., Chen, W., Laszlo, I., Liu, H., Kim, H., and Daniels J. Journal Article Atmos. Meas. Tech.
2022 Grid-Agnostic Deep Learning for Parameterizing Radiative Transfer R. A. Lagerquist, D. D. Turner, I. Ebert-Uphoff, J. Q. Stewart, and V. Hagerty Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Panel Discussion: An Inclusive WRN: Reaching Underresourced and Marginalized Communities Rohring, E., Were, V., Sprague-Hilderbrand, J. M., Human, J., Dean, B., Bandy, R., Helgeson, J., Dillard, M., Nierenberg, C., Zycherman, A., Carney, B., and R. W. Spinrad Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Deep Learning for Parameterization of Shortwave Radiative Transfer Ryan Lagerquist, D. D. Turner, I. Ebert-Uphoff, V. Hagerty, C. Kumler, and J. Stewart Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Experimental Air Quality Forecasting with the Rapid-Refresh Model Coupled to Chemistry (RAP-Chem) Schnell, J. L., R. Ahmadov, G. Frost, S. McKeen, B. McDonald, M. Bela, R. Schwantes, B. Baker, J. Olson, W. M. Angevine, E. P. James, K. Y. Wong, and G. A. Grell Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Development of a UFS Real-Time TC Verification Visualization System Smith, M.B., R. Pierce, I. McGinnis, J. Halley Gotway, B. Strong, V. Hagerty, J. Hamilton, K. Searight, G.P. McCabe, D.D. Turner Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Evolution of Stevens, N. and D. Vietor Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 JPSS Products and Applications for Users Torres, J. Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Examination of Missed Rapid Intensification Forecasts from SHIPS-RII Trabing, B., K. Musgrave, and M. DeMaria Poster 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Estimating Landfall Forecast Uncertainty using the Wind Speed Probability Model Trabing, B., K. Musgrave, M. DeMaria, B. Zachry, M. Brennan, and E. Rappaport Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 A View of Early Earth Observing Satellite Technology and Science Vonder Haar, T. and G. Dittberner Presentation National Academy of Engineering, Section 12, Multidisciplinary and Special fields
2022 Initial Benchmarking of Forecast Performance for the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) Wolff, J., et al. Conference Proceedings 102nd AMS Annual Meeting
2022 Latent heating profiles from GOES-16 and its impacts in precipitation forecast Journal Article Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2022 Data Assimilation for the Geosciences: From Theory to Applications (2nd Edition) Data Assimilation for the Geosciences: From Theory to Applications (2nd Edition)
2022 Tropical cyclone heat potential[in “State of the Climate in 2021”] Bringas,F., G. J. Goni, I-I Lin, and J. Knaff Journal Article Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc.
2022 Does ERA5 mark a new era for resolving the tropical cyclone environment? Slocum, C. J., Razin, M. N., Knaff, J. A., & Stow, J. P. Journal Article Journal of Climate
2022 An Upper Ocean Thermal Field Metrics Dataset Sampson, C.R., J. Cummings, J. A. Knaff, M. DeMaria, and E. A. Serra Journal Article Meteorology
2022 A simple model for predicting the tropical cyclone radius of maximum wind from outer size Chavas, D. R., and J. A. Knaff Journal Article Weather Forecasting
2022 Exposure Assessment for Tropical Cyclone Epidemiology Anderson, G.B., Schumacher, A., and Done, J Current Environmental health Reports
2022 Using NOAA Satellite Imagery to Detect and Track Hazardous Sea Spray in the High Latitudes Line, W., L. Grasso, D. Hillger, C. Dierking, A. Jacobs, and S. Shea Weather Forecasting
2022 Why we need to focus on developing ethical, responsible, and trustworthy artificial intelligence approaches for environmental science. McGovern, A., Ebert-Uphoff, I., Gagne II, D.J. and Bostrom Journal Article Journal of Environmental Data Science
2022 A Physical Basis for the Overstatement of Low Clouds at Night by Conventional Satellite Infrared-Based Imaging Radiometer Bi-Spectral Techniques Miller S. D., Y.-J. Noh, L. D. Grasso, C. J. Seaman, A. Ignatov, A. K. Heidinger, S.H. Nam, W. E. Line, and B. Petrenko Journal Article Earth and Space Science
2022 La Soufriere volcanic eruptions launched gravity waves into space Yue, J., Miller, S. D., Straka III, W. C., Noh, Y.-J., Chou, M.-Y., Kahn, R., & Flower, V. Research Letter Geophysical Research Letters
2023 Evaluation of Probabilistic Snow Forecasts for Winter Weather Operations at Intermountain West Airports Dana M. Uden, Matthew S. Wandishin, Paul Schlatter, and Michael Kraus Research Article Weather and Forecasting
2023 Deterministic Rapid Intensity Forecast Guidance for the Joint Typhoon Warning Center’s Area of Responsibility Sampson, C. R., J. A. Knaff, C. J. Slocum, M. J. Onderlinde, A. Brammer, M. Frost, and B. Strahl Journal article Weather & Forecasting