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Project Title: Project Theme:
A CPT for Improving Turbulence and Cloud Processes in the NCEP Global Models - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Accelerate Improvements in National Hurricane Center Forecast Techniques – Statistical Techniques and Advanced Model Diagnostic Tools - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
An Open Framework for Process-Oriented Diagnostics - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
CIRA Support for Tropical Cyclone Model Diagnostics and Product Development (HFIP) - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Collaborative Research: Assessing Oceanic Predictability Sources for MJO Propagation - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Enabling Cloud Condensate Cycling for All-Sky Radiance Assimilation in HWRF - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Enhancing NIDIS drought monitoring and early warning in the Intermountain - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Enhancing NIDIS Drought Monitoring and Early Warning in the Intermountain West - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Enhancing NIDIS Drought Monitoring and Early Warning in the Upper Colorado River Basin - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Forecasting North Pacific Blocking and Atmospheric River Probabilities: Sensitivity to Model Physics and the MJO - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Hydrometeorological and Water Resources Research - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Identifying Drought‐related Triggers and Impacts on Decision Calendars for the Ski Industry - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Identifying Varying Patterns of Combined Change over the 21st Century with Neural Networks - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
MJO and QBO Contributions to U.S. Precipitation Skill at S2S Leads - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Near-field Characterization of Biomass Burning Plumes - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Near-field Characterization of Biomass Burning Plumes - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Observational constraints on the mechanisms that control size- and chemistry-resolved aerosol fluxes over a Colorado forest - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Use of the Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Model (OLAM) with Cloud System-Resolving Refined Local Mesh to Study MJO Initiation - Read the full report Climate Weather Processes
Data Assimilation Internship Program - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Diagnostics of Poor-skill events in FV3GFS and FV3-GEFS, Hurricane Supplemental, 4b-1-1b - Read the full report Data Assimilation
EAR – Data Assimilation for the High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) - Read the full report Data Assimilation
EAR – Rapid Update Cycle (RUC), Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Assimilation Development and Enhancement - Read the full report Data Assimilation
EAR – Rapid Update Cycle (RUC), Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Assimilation Development and Enhancement - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Implementation and Testing of Lognormal Humidity and Cloudrelated Control Variables for the NCEP GSI Hybrid EnVar Assimilation Scheme - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation Summer Colloquium on Satellite Data Assimilation - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Research Collaboration at the NWS Aviation Weather Center in Support of the Aviation Weather Testbed, Aviation Weather Research Program, and the NextGen Weather Program – International Aviation - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Skillfully Predicting Atmospheric Rivers and Their Impacts in Weeks 2-5 Based on the State of the MJO and QBO - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Towards Assimilation of Satellite, Aircraft, and Other Upper-Air CO2 Data into CarbonTracker - Read the full report Data Assimilation
Accounting for Non-Gaussianity in the Background Error Distributions Associated with Cloud-related Variables (microwave-radiances and hydrometeors) in Hybrid Data Assimilation for Convective-scale Prediction - Read the full report Data Distribution
Accounting for Non-Gaussianity in the Background Error Distributions Associated with Cloud-related Variables (Microwave-radiances and Hydrometeors) in Hybrid Data Assimilation for Convective-scale Prediction - Read the full report Data Distribution
CIRA Research Collaborations with the National Weather Service Meteorological Development Lab - Read the full report Data Distribution
CIRA Research Collaborations with the NWS Meteorological Development Lab on Virtual Laboratory, Innovation Web Portal, Impacts Catalog and AWIPS II Projects - Read the full report Data Distribution
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: Integration of JPSS Experimental Products in AWIPS II through EPDT Code Sprints - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Flow-following Finite-volume Icosahedral Model (FIM) Data Distribution Project - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Models Project, Data Distribution and Visualization - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Research Collaborations with Information and Technology Services - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Science On a Sphere® (SOS) Development - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – TerraViz (also branded as SOS Explorer) - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – AWIPS I & AWIPS II Workstation Development - Read the full report Data Distribution
EAR – Forecast Impact and Quality Assessment - Read the full report Data Distribution
HAZARD SERVICES: National Center Evolve - Read the full report Data Distribution
HURRICANE SUPPLEMENTAL 1C Proposal (3A-4) - Read the full report Data Distribution
Research Collaboration at the NWS Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in Support of the Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT), Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP), NextGen Weather Program - Read the full report Data Distribution
Research Collaboration at the NWS Aviation Weather Center in Support of the Aviation Weather Testbed, Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP), and the NextGen Weather Program - Read the full report Data Distribution
Research Collaboration at the NWS Aviation Weather Center in Support of the Aviation Weather Testbed, Aviation Weather Research Program, and the NextGen Weather Program - Read the full report Data Distribution
Weather Satellite Data and Analysis Equipment and Support for Research Activities - Read the full report Data Distribution
Environmental Applications Research – Advanced Computing for Models - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Data Distribution and Visualization for Global Models - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Global and Regional Model Development - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Rapid Update Cycle (RUC) Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) Models Project, Data Distribution and Visualization - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Science On a Sphere® (SOS) Development - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – TerraViz (branded as SOS Explorer) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Unified Post Processor (UPP) Software Support and Community Engagement (DTC Task) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – WRF-Chem Model Development - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – AWIPS I & AWIPS II Workstation Development - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Verification Work to Support Regional and Global Modeling (DTC Task) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research–Data Assimilation: Improving Short-range Forecasts of Severe Weather and Aviation Weather from the Assimilation of Satellite Data - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Forecast Impact and Quality Assessment - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Meteorological Assimilation Data Ingest System (MADIS) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Research Collaborations with Information and Technology Services - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Weather Archive and Visualization Environment (WAVE) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model (HWRF) Support (DTC Task) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Environmental Applications Research – UFS-CAM Software Support and Community Engagement (DTC Task) - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Verification work to support regional and global modeling - Read the full report Education and Outreach
Following emissions from Non-Traditional Oil and Gas Development Through their Impact on Tropospheric Ozone - Read the full report
Forecasting North Pacific Blocking and Atmospheric River Probabilities: Sensitivity to Model Physics and the MJO - Read the full report
Implementation and testing of lognormal humidity and cloud- related control variables for the NCEP GSI hybrid EnVar assimilation scheme - Read the full report
Improvement and Implementation of the Probability-based Microwave Ring Rapid Intensification Index for NHC/JTWC Forecast Basins - Read the full report
Improvement to the Tropical Cyclone Genesis Index (TCGI) - Read the full report
Improvements to Operational Statistical Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Models - Read the full report
Improvements to Operational Statistical Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Models Using Wind Structure and Eye Predictors - Read the full report
Improving CarbonTracker Flux Estimates for North America using Carbonyl Sulfide (OCS) - Read the full report
Improving probabilistic forecasts of extreme rainfall through intelligent processing of high-resolution ensemble predictions - Read the full report
Improving understanding and prediction of concurrent tornadoes and flash floods with numerical models and VORTEX-SE observations - Read the full report
Investigating the Underlying Mechanisms and Predictability of the MJO-NAM Linkage in the NMME Phase – 2 Models - Read the full report
Modeling the Complex and Dynamic Physico chemical Evolution of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol from Wildfire Smoke - Read the full report
Multi-disciplinary investigation of concurrent tornadoes and flash floods in the Southeastern US - Read the full report
Use of the Stochastic-dynamic Approach in a Single Dynamic-Core Storm-Scale Ensemble for Improved Spread and Reliability of QPF and Surface Variables – Joint Technology Transfer Initiative funded (GSD-Task) - Read the full report
Aerosol Size Distribution and Composition Evolution during FIREX Activities: Closure Analyses and Climate Impacts - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Aerosol Size Distribution and Composition Evolution during FIREX Activities: Closure Analyses and Climate Impacts - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Assessment of Distributed Hydrologic Modeling (DHM) for Flash Flood Operations - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Assimilation of Lake and Reservoir Levels into the WRF-Hydro National Water Model - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Collaborative Research: Assessing Oceanic Predictability Sources for MJO Propagation - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Comparison of Model Versus Observationally-Driven Water Vapor Profiles for Forecasting Heavy Precipitation Events - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Development of a Framework for Process-Oriented Diagnosis of Global Models - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Addressing Model Uncertainty through Stochastic Parameter Perturbations within the HRRR Ensemble (DTC-Task) - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Data Assimilation System (GSI and EnKF) Code Management and User Support - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Global Model Development - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – High Performance Computing - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Improving Short-Range Forecasts of Severe Weather and Aviation Weather from the Assimilation of Satellite Data - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Model Evaluation for Research Innovation Transition (MERIT, DTC-Task) - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Refinement and Evaluation of Automated High-Resolution Ensemble – Based Hazard Detection Guidance Tools for Transition to NWS Operations (GSD-Task) - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Unified Post Processor (UPP) Software Support and Community Engagement (DTC-Task) - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – WRF-Chem Model Development - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
EAR – Verification Work to Support Regional and Global Modeling - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Evaluating stochastic physics approaches within select Convection Allowing Model (CAM) members included in the Community Leveraged Unified Ensemble (CLUE) during the Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) Spring Experiment - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Implementation and testing of stochastic perturbations within a stand-alone regional (SAR) FV3 ensemble using the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Improved Understanding of Air-sea Interaction Processes and Biases in the Tropical Western Pacific using Observation Sensitivity Experiments and Global Forecast Models - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Joint GOES-R, JPSS, and NASA Summer Workshop on the Theory and Use of Satellite Data - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Modeling the Complex and Dynamic Physico-chemical Evolution of Primary and Secondary Organic Aerosol from Wildfire Smoke - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Quantifying Stochastic Forcing at Convective Scales - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Use of the Stochastic-dynamic Approach in a Single Dynamic-Core Storm-Scale Ensemble for Improved Spread and Reliability of QPF and Surface Variables - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
Using dynamically-based probabilistic forecast systems to improve the National Hurricane Center wind speed probability products - Read the full report Regional to Global-scale Modeling Systems
A GOES-R Proving Ground for National Weather Forecaster Readiness and Training - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
A GOES-R Proving Ground for National Weather Service Forecaster Readiness and Training - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
ABI (CLP) CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
ADEB Support CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
ATMS Precipitable Water Algorithms and Products (MIRS) – Blended Hydrometeorology Products Validation - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Assessment of New Calibrated NNP and NOAA-20 ATMS Window and Water Vapor Channel Radiance and JPSS-2 - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Development and Evaluation of JPSS-1 Based Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure Estimates – Application of JPSS Imagers and Sounders to Tropical Cyclone Track and Intensity Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting and Training - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting and Training - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for the Generation of Multispectral Imagery Products from MetopSG METImage - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for the Hurricane Intensity and Structure Algorithm (HISA) Migration to STAR Enterprise System - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for the Satellite Loop Interactive Data Explorer in Real-time (SLIDER) Web Interface for the NESDIS/StAR Webpage - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Tropical Cyclone Model Diagnostics and Product Development – Hurricane Forecast Improvement Project (HFIP) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Upgrade to the Multi-Platform Satellite Tropical Cyclone Surface Wind Analysis Product - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support for Upgrade to the Multi-Platform Satellite Tropical Cyclone Surface Wind Analysis Product - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support of NOAA’s Commitment to the Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites: Enhancing the International Virtual Laboratory - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support of the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA support to ATMS Precipitable Water Algorithms and Products (MIRS) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to Connecting GOES-R with Rapid-Update Numerical Forecast Models for Advanced Short-Term Prediction and Data Fusion Capabilities - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to Connecting GOES-R with Rapid-Update Numerical Forecast Models for Advanced Short-Term Prediction and Data Fusion Capabilities Connecting GOES-R High Resolution Temporal Information with Rapid Updating Models - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to Connecting with Rapid-Update Numerical Forecast Models for Advanced Short-term Prediction and Data Fusion Capabilities - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA support to Metop-C Readiness for Blended Hydrometeorological Products - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to NESDIS Environmental Applications Team (NEAT) – Son - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to RAMMB Infrastructure for GOES-R Rebroadcast Data Collection at CIRA/CSU - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: Addressing NWS Desires for a Cloud Cover Layers Product Using Merged VIIRS and ATMS Products - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: Improving NUCAPS Soundings for CONUS Severe Weather Applications via Data Fusion - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: In Pursuit of Shadows: VIIRS Day/Night Band Research Enabling Scientific Advances and Expanded Operational Awareness of the Nocturnal Environment - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: JPSS Satellite Training for NOAA Users - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: The Cold Air Aloft Aviation Hazard: Detection Using Observations from the JPSS Satellites and Application to the Visualization of Gridded Soundings in AWIPS II - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS Proving Ground and Risk Reduction Program: Visiting Scientist Program - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS STAR Science Program: S-NPP VIIRS EDR Imagery Algorithm and Validation Activities and S-NPP VIIRS Cloud Validation - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the JPSS STAR Science Program: S-NPP/NOAA-20/JPSS VIIRS EDR Imagery Algorithm and Validation Activities and S-NPP/NOAA-20/JPSS VIIRS Cloud Validation - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to the Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CIRA Support to Upgrade the Tropical Cyclone Formation Probability (TCFP) Product - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
COLMA CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Comparison of Model versus Observationally-Driven Water Vapor Profiles for Forecasting Heavy Precipitation Events - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Creating Synthetic Microwave Imagery Using Goes-R L1b and L2+ Baseline Products for Improved Hurricane Monitoring and Rainfall Estimation Using Machine Learning - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
CSU/CIRA Support for ATMS SI Traceable Calibration Effort - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
DA of GLM in HWRF/GSI CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES‐R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
DayNightImager – CIRA Science Support to the Day-Night Imager Sensor - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Developing an Environmental Awareness Repertoire of ABI Imagery (‘DEAR-ABII’) to Advise the Operational Weather Forecaster - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES History CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R ABI Channel Differencing Used to Reveal Cloud-free Zones of ‘Precursors of Convective Initiation’. - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R FDTE Sat Training Liaison – CIRA support to GOES-R Training: The Satellite Hydro-Meteorology (SHyMet) Education and Outreach Program & GOES-R commitment to the WMO CGMS Intl VLab & GOES-R FDTD - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R ML ABI Airmass – CIRA Support for GOES-R Risk Reduction projects GOESR ABI Data combined with Machine Learning Techniques - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R Proving Ground Activities – CIRA Tropical Cyclone Group - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R Proving Ground Activities — CIRA Meteorological Satellite Application Group - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R VLAB- CIRA support to GOES-R Training: The Satellite HydroMeteorology (SHyMet) Education and Outreach Program & GOES-R commitment to the WMO CGMS Int VLab & GOES-R FDTD Satellite Training Liaison - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOESR Proving Ground Activities — CIRA Training Team - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOESR Water Vapor Products CIRA Support for Research and Development for GOES-R Risk Reduction for Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Improvements to Operational Statistical Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Model Using Wind Structure and Eye Predictors - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Instructional Development and Learning Support for NOAA’s OMAO’s Chief Learning Officer (CLO), OMAO Kansas City, MO - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-1 Readiness for Blended Hydrometeorological Products - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR DNB VADER CIRA Support to JPSS Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR Gridded NUCAPS in AWIPS CIRA Support to Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR History CIRA Support to Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR Nighttime CCL CIRA Support to Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR NUCAPS Data Fusion CIRA Support to Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR TC ATMS CIRA Support to Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
JPSS-PGRR VIIRS Multispec CIRA Support to JPSS Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Merged Water Vapor CIRA Support to Proving Ground Risk Reduction - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NDE Transition for Blended Hydrometeorological Products - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Yanni Ding – Post Doc - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Tea – Xiaoming Liu, Research Scientist – Ocean Color Algorithm Development and Ocean Process Study with Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team – Xiao -Long Wang, Research Associate – Software Development for Satellite Data Analysis and Processing - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team – Xin Xi, Post Doc – Development of Atmospheric and Aerosol Correction for IR SST Retrievals - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, I-Wen Chu – Research Scientist - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Lide Jiang – Research Scientist - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Liqin Tan – Research Associate - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Seunghyun Son -Research Scientist II - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Shuyan Liu – Research Scientist - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Tong Zhu – Research Scientist – Community Radiative Transfer Model Development and Maintenance - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Wei Shi – Research Scientist – NPP VIIRS Calibration and Validation, Ocean Color Algorithm Development and Ocean Process Study with Satellite Ocean Color Remote Sensing - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NESDIS Environmental Applications Team, Xinjia Zhou – Research Associate – NOAA SST Reanalysis, Validation and Monitoring - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NHC Satellite Application Developer – CIRA Support to a GOES-R Proving Ground for National Weather Service Forecaster Readiness and Training - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
NWS OPG – CIRA Support to the NOAA NWS Operations Proving Ground - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Research Collaboration at the NOAA/NWS Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in Support of the Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Research Collaboration at the NWS Aviation Weather Center (AWC) in Support of the Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT), Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP), NextGen Weather Program. - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Research-to-Operations at the NOAA/Aviation Weather Center (AWC) and Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT) in support of the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Research-to-Operations at the NOAA/Aviation Weather Center (AWC) and Aviation Weather Testbed (AWT) in support of the FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP). - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
SHyMet – CIRA support to GOES-R Training: The Satellite Hydro-Meteorology (SHyMet) Education and Outreach Program & GOES-R commitment to the WMO CGMS Intl VLab & GOES-R FDTD Satellite Training Liaison - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Using JPSS Retrievals to Implement a Multisensor, Synoptic, Layered Water Vapor Product for Forecasters - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
Evaluation of Small-Satellite Architectures to Address the Future Needs of the NOAA Enterprise and its Stakeholders - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R AWG Cloud Team - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
GOES-R AWG Imagery Team - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
ProbSevere: Upgrades and Adaptation to Offshore Thunderstorms - Read the full report Satellite Algorithm Development, Training and Education
AQPI Economic Impacts Study - Read the full report Societal and Economic Impact
Estimating the Economic Value of Improved Weather Forecasts Resulting from NOAA – GSD Research and Technology Transfer - Read the full report Societal and Economic Impact
CIRA Support to JPSS Proving Ground Risk Reduction Training Activities - Read the full report Various
Hydrometeorological and Water Resources Research - Read the full report Various
Improving Convection-Permitting Ensemble Based Uncertainty Communication for Decision Support Using the Weather Archive and Visualization Environment (WAVE) - Read the full report Various
Improving Probabilistic Forecasts of Extreme Rainfall through Intelligent Processing of High-resolution Ensemble Predictions - Read the full report Various
Intelligent post-processing of convection-allowing model output to inform Weather Prediction Center outlooks and forecasts - Read the full report Various
Investigating the Underlying Mechanisms and Predictability of the MJO – NAM Linkage in the NMME Phase-2 Models - Read the full report Various
JPSS PGRR VLAB CIRA Support to JPSS Proving Ground Risk Reduction Training Activities - Read the full report Various
Multi-disciplinary Investigation of Concurrent Tornado and Flash Flood Threats in Landfalling Tropical Cyclones - Read the full report Various
S2S Forecasting of North American Precipitation Anomalies: Using Empirical Forecasts to Challenge Dynamical Forecasts - Read the full report Various
Support of the Virtual Institute for Satellite Integration Training (VISIT) - Read the full report Various
Understanding the Role of the Diurnal Cycle and the Mean State On the Propagation of the Intraseasonal Variability Over the Maritime Continent - Read the full report Various