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Cassidy Johnson

Satellite Application Support Specialist

About Me:

Cassidy (Cas) is a Wisconsin native who received both her BS and MS in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Her MS thesis was focused on simulating far-infrared satellite data over polar regions for the Polar Radiant Energy in the Far-InfraRed Experiment (PREFIRE) mission. Her research interests include remote sensing, radiative transfer, and polar climates.

Cas is currently supervised by Dr. John Haynes as a part of the OVERCAST project and GeoXO project. Using python, she analyzes data from polar-orbiting satellites and GOES satellites to understand their discrepancy in cloud data at high latitude regions. She also uses the python interface of the community radiative transfer model to simulate cloud data in visible and infrared channels in order to compare simulations against observations.

In her free time, Cas enjoys spending time with her tabby cat, reading & writing fiction, skiing, longboarding, sewing, and going to concerts.