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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at CIRA

Sunset at CIRA

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at CIRA

Along with the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee at the Department of Atmospheric Science, and within the Walter Scott Jr. College of Engineering at CSU, CIRA is committed to upholding high standards regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion issues in our workplace, research, and culture.

Among our commitments, CIRA provides:

Focused efforts to co-advise students at minority-serving institutions, providing research expertise and networking opportunities for eventual employment within NOAA and other Federal research agencies.

Support for diverse research experiences for undergraduates by supporting students through the Research Experiences for Undergraduates program with the Department of Atmospheric Science at CSU.

CIRA is a signatory member of the No Time for Silence statement, and actively works to implement policy and cultural challenges wherever CIRA has agency.

CIRA also supports efforts within the College and the Department of Atmospheric Science for community outreach and education, including seminars and workshops.  Upcoming events related to DEI topics can be found on our online calendar.

More resources online:

If you are interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion discussions, or wish to engage more with CIRA on this topic, please contact our committee representative.