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Pielke Sr., Roger A.
CIRA Fellow

Roger A. Pielke Sr.

Emeritus Professor, Atmospheric Science Department, Colorado State University

About Me:

Research Interests:

Climate, weather, mesoscale and regional modeling, atmospheric dynamics

Current Research Projects: 

  • Regional climate effects of direct and indirect aerosol forcing with a focus on the SE United States
  • Modeling assessment of LULC change influences on land surface hydrology, regional weather, and climate variability of mesoscale climate models to assess air quality
  • Short Grass Steppe Long Term Ecological Research
  • Numerical modeling investigation of infrasound generated by tornadic storms
  • Integrated regional climate study with a focus on the land-use land-cover change and associated changes in hydrological cycles in the southeastern United States
  • Investigation of the North American monsoon sensitivity to boundary and regional forcing with a focus on land-atmosphere interaction
  • Assessment of Mesoscale Model Dynamics and Methods to Improve Computational Accuracy and Efficiency

Recent research is funded through the National Science Foundation, United States Geological Survey, NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense.
