Dr. Dan Lindsey
GOES-R Program Scientist
Mailing Address:
Dan Lindsey
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University
1375 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1375
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University
1375 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1375
- Office Location:
CIRA Room 11 - 970-491-8773
About Me:
As the GOES-R Program Scientist, Dan Lindsey serves as the primary science authority for the program. Lindsey is a research meteorologist who worked for the NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research for 15 years before moving to the GOES-R Program in March 2020. In this capacity, he manages the GOES-R science portfolio and is helping in the early stages of the Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) program.
His research interests include remote sensing of mesoscale phenomena, especially convective storms, cloud physics, and algorithm development. Prior to the launch of GOES-R, he helped lead an evaluation of the utility of one-minute imagery from GOES-14 by the National Weather Service.
Dan began his NOAA career in 2004. He is a 2016 recipient of the NOAA David Johnson Award for his work in preparing for the optimal use of data and imagery from GOES-R’s ABI prior to launch. Lindsey holds a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the University of Georgia, a Master of Science in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University, and a doctorate in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University.
- PhD, 2008, Colorado State University, Atmospheric Science
- M.S., 2002, Colorado State University, Atmospheric Science
- B.S., 1998, University of Georgia, Mathematics
Career Overview
Dan received an B.S. in Mathematics in 1998 at the University of Georgia. He then worked as a part-time meteorologist at The Weather Channel in Atlanta, Georgia until the summer of 1999, at which time he moved to Fort Collins, Colorado to attend Colorado State University. In 2002 he received an M.S. in Atmospheric Science at CSU, working under the direction of Dr. David Randall on modeling convective downdrafts. During the Spring of 2002, Dan taught three undergraduate meteorology courses at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley.
Dan joined the Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB) at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA) during the spring of 2002. In September 2004, he joined NOAA/NESDIS as a Research Meteorologist, and finished his PhD in 2008. His research interests focus on both geostationary and polar-orbiting satellite detection of mesoscale phenomena, including severe storms. He is currently heavily involved in preparations for the next generation of geostationary satellites (GOES-R), which launched in November 2016.
Refereed Publications
Dostalek, J. F., L. D. Grasso, Y.-J. Noh, T.-C Wu, J. W. Zeitler, H. G. Weinman, A. E. Cohen., and D. T Lindsey, 2021: Using GOES ABI split-window radiances to retrieve daytime low-level water vapor for convective forecasting. Electron. J. Sev. Storms Meteorol., 16(2), 1–19.
Miller, S. D., D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, and J. E. Solbrig, 2020: GeoColor: A Blending Technique for Satellite Imagery. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 37(3), 429-448, https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0134.1. PDF
Goldberg, M. D., S. Li, D. T. Lindsey, W. Sjoberg, L. Zhou, and D. Sun, 2020: Mapping, monitoring, and prediction of floods due to ice jam and snowmelt with operational weather satellites. Rem. Sensing, 12(11), 1865, 1-14, doi: 10.3390/rs12111865. PDF
Rehbein, A., M. Rugna, and M. P. Hobouchian, A. d. Moral, S. J. Goodman, D. T. Lindsey, and J. Thomas, 2020: A Workshop on the Next Generation Environmental Satellite Constellation, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101(6), E763-E770, https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0349.1. PDF
Wang, Z., X. Wu, F. Yu, J. P. Fulbright, E. Kline, H. Yoo, T. J. Schmit, M. M. Gunshor, M. Coakley, M. Black, D. T. Lindsey, H. Qian, and R. Iacovazzi, 2020: On-orbit calibration and characterization of GOES-17 ABI IR bands under dynamic thermal condition, J. Appl. Remote Sens., 14(3), 034527. https://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.14.034527. PDF
Bluestein, H. B., D. T. Lindsey, D. E. Bikos, D. W. Reif, and Z. B. Wienhoff, 2019: The relationship between overshooting tops in a tornadic supercell and its radar-observed evolution. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147(11), 4151-4176. https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-19-0159.1. PDF
Cintineo, J. L., M. J. Pavolonis, J. M. Sieglaffa, D. T. Lindsey, L. Croncea, J. Gertha, B. Rodenkircha, J. Brunnera, and C. Gravelle, 2018: The NOAA/CIMSS ProbSevere Model: Incorporation of Total Lightning and Validation. Wea. Forecasting, 33(1), 331-345, doi/full/10.1175/WAF-D-17-0099.1. PDF
Goldberg, M. D., S. Li, S. J. Goodman, D. T. Lindsey, B. Sjoberg, and D. Sun, 2018: Contributions of Operational Satellites in Monitoring the Catastrophic Floodwaters Due to Hurricane Harvey. Remote Sensing, 10(8), https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10081256. PDF
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, Y.-J, Noh, C. O’Dell, T.-C. Wu, and F. Kong, 2018: Improvements to cloud top brightness temperatures computed from the CRTM at 3.9 µm. Mon. Wea. Rev., 3927-3944, 146(11), https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-17-0342.1.
Kalluri, S., C. Alcala, J. Carr, P. Griffith, W. Lebair, D. T. Lindsey, R. Race, X. Wu, and S. Zierk, 2018: From photons to pixels: Processing data from the Advanced Baseline Imager. Rem. Sens., 10(2), 177, 1-28, doi: 10.3390/rs10020177. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., D. E. Bikos, and L. D. Grasso, 2018: Using the GOES-16 Split Window Difference to Detect a Boundary prior to Cloud Formation. Bull. Amet. Soc., 99(8), 1541-1544. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., S. Nam, and S. D. Miller, 2018: Tracking oceanic nonlinear internal waves in the Indonesian seas from geostationary orbit. Rem. Sens. Environ., 208, 202-209, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2018.02.018. PDF
Noh, Y.-J., J. M. Forsythe, S. D. Miller, C. J. Seaman, Y. Li, A. K. Heidinger, D. T. Lindsey, M. A. Rogers, and P. T. Partain, 2017: Cloud base height estimation from VIIRS. Part II: A statistical algorithm based on A-Train satellite data. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 34(3), 585-598, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0110.1. PDF
Seaman, C. J., Y.-J. Noh, S. D. Miller, A. K. Heidinger, and D. T. Lindsey, 2017: Cloud base height estimation from VIIRS. Part I: Operational algorithm validation against CloudSat. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 34(3), 567-583, doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0109.1. PDF
Boukabara, S. A., T. Zhu, H. L. Tolman, S. Lord, S. J. Goodman, R. Atlas, M. Goldberg, T. Auligne, B. Pierce, L. Cucurull, M. Zupanski, M. Zhang, I. Moradi, J. Otkin, D. Santek, B. Hoover, Z. Pu, X. Zhan, C. Hain, E. Kalnay, D. Hotta, S. Nolin, E. Bayler, A. Mehra, S. P. F. Casey, D. T. Lindsey, L. D. Grasso, V. Krisna Kumar, A. Powell, J. Xu, T. Greenwald, J. Zajic, J. Li, J. Li, B. Li, J. Liu, L. Fang, P. Wang, and T. Chen, 2016: S4: An O2R/R2O Infrastructure for Optimizing Satellite Data Utilization in NOAA Numerical Modeling Systems: A Step Toward Bridging the Gap between Research and Operations. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97(12), 2359-2378, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00188.1. PDF
Line, W. E., T. J. Schmit, D. T. Lindsey, and S. J. Goodman, 2016: Use of Geostationary Super Rapid Scan Satellite Imagery by the Storm Prediction Center. Wea. Forecasting, 31(2), 483-494, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/WAF-D-15-0135.1. PDF
Miller, S. D., T. J. Schmit, C. J. Seaman, D. T. Lindsey, M. M. Gunshor, R. A. Kohrs, Y. Sumida, and D. W. Hillger, 2016: A Sight for Sore Eyes: The Return of True Color Imagery to Geostationary Satellites. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97(10), 1803-1816, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-15-00154.1. PDF
Gochis, D., R. S. Schumacher, K. Friedrich, N. Doesken, M. Kelsch, J. Sun, K. Ikeda, D. T. Lindsey, A. Wood, B. Dolan, S. Matrosov, A. Newman, K. Mahoney, S. Rutledge, R. Johnson, P. Kucera, P. Kennedy, D. Sempere-Torres, M. Steiner, R. Roberts, J. Wilson, W. Yu, V. Chandrasekar, R. Rasmussen, A. Anderson, and B. Brown, 2015: The great Colorado flood of September 2013. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96(9), 1461-1487. PDF
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, B. Stocks, and R. M. Rabin, 2015: Satellite Observations of Plume-Like Streaks in a Cloud Field in Canada. Pure Appl. Geophysics., 173(9), doi:10.1007/s00024-015-1076-z. PDF
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Kopp, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, E. Stevens, J. E. Solbrig, W. C. Straka III, M. Kreller, A. P. Kuciauskas, and A. Terborg, 2015: User Validation of VIIRS Satellite Imagery. Remote Sensing, 8(11), doi: 10.3390/rs8010011. PDF
Longmore, S .P., S. D. Miller, D. E. Bikos, D. T. Lindsey, E. J. Szoke, D. A. Molenar, D. W. Hillger, R. L. Brummer, and J. A. Knaff, 2015: An Automated Mobile Phone Photo Relay and Display Concept Applicable to Operational Severe Weather Monitoring. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech.. 32(7), 1356-1363. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00230.1. PDF
Schmit, T. J., S. J. Goodman, M. M. Gunshor, J. Sieglaff, A. K. Heidinger, S. Bachmeier, A. Terborg, J. Feltz, K. Ba, S. Rudlosky, D. T. Lindsey, R. M. Rabin, and C. C. Schmidt, 2015: Rapid refresh information of significant events: preparing users for the next generation of geostationary operational satellites. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96(4), 561-576, /doi/full/10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00210.1. PDF
Seaman, C. J., D. W. Hillger, T. J. Kopp, R. Williams, S. D. Miller and D. T. Lindsey, 2015: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Imagery Environmental Data Record (EDR) User’s Guide. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 150, 31 pp., https://doi.org/10.7289/V5/TR-NESDIS-150. PDF
Cintineo, J. L., M. J. Pavolonis, J. M. Sieglaff, and D. T. Lindsey, 2014: An empirical model for assessing the severe weather potential of developing convection. Wea. Forecasting, 29(3), 639-653. PDF
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, K.-S. Lim, A. Clark, D.E. Bikos, and S. R. Dembek, 2014: Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery.Mon. Wea. Rev., 142(10), 3635-3650. PDF
Hillger, D. W., C. J. Seaman, C. Liang, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and T. J. Kopp, 2014: Suomi NPP VIIRS Imagery evaluation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 119(11), 6440-6454, doi:10.1002/2013JD021170. PDF
Johnson, R. H., R. S. Schumacher, J. H. Ruppert, Jr., D. T. Lindsey, J. E. Ruthford, and L. Kriederman, 2014: The role of convective outflow in the Waldo Canyon Fire. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142(9), 3061-3080. PDF
Lang, T. J., S. A. Rutledge, B. Dolan, P. Krehbiel, W. Rison, and D. T. Lindsey, 2014: Lightning in wildfire smoke plumes observed in Colorado during summer 2012. Mon. Wea. Rev., 142(2), 489-507, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-13-00184.1. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, J. F. Dostalek, and J. Kerkmann, 2014: Use of the GOES-R Split Window Difference to Diagnose Deepening Low-Level Water Vapor. J. Appl. Meteor. Climat., 53(8), 2005-2016. PDF
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Kopp, T. Lee, D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, J. E. Solbrig, S. Q. Kidder, S. Bachmeier, T. Jasmin, and T. Rink, 2013: First Light Imagery from Suomi NPP VIIRS. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 94(7), 1019-1029, plus cover images, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-12-00097.1. PDF
Meyer, T. C., T. J. Lang, S. A. Rutledge, W. A. Lyons, S. A. Cummer, G. Lu, and D. T. Lindsey, 2013. Radar and lightning analyses of gigantic jet-producing storms. J. Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 118(7), 2872-2888, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50302. PDF
Schmit, T. J., S. J. Goodman, D. T. Lindsey, R. M. Rabin, K. M. Bedka, M. M. Gunshor, J. L. Cintineo, C. S. Velden, A. S. Bachmeier, S. S. Lindstrom, and C. C. Schmidt, 2013: GOES-14 Super Rapid Scan Operations to Prepare for GOES-R. J. Appl. Remote Sens., 7(1), 073462, doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.7.073462. PDF
Setvak, M., K. M. Bedka, D. T. Lindsey, A. Sokol, Z. Charvat, J. Stastka, and P. K. Wang, 2013: A-Train observations of deep convective storm tops. Atmospheric Research, 123, 229-248. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2012.06.020. PDF
Bikos, D. E., D. T. Lindsey, J. Otkin, J. Sieglaff, L. D. Grasso, C. Siewert, J. Correia Jr., M. Coniglio, R. Rabin, J. Kain, and S. Dembek, 2012: Synthetic Satellite Imagery for Real-Time High Resolution Model Evaluation. Wea. Forecasting, 27(3), 784-795. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., T. J. Schmit, W. M. MacKenzie, Jr., C. P. Jewett, M. M. Gunshor, and L. D. Grasso, 2012: 10.35 µm: atmospheric window on the GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager with less moisture attenuation. J. Appl. Remote Sens., 6(1), 12 pp., doi: 10.1117/1.JRS.6.063598. PDF
Miller, S. D., S. Mills, C. Elvidge, D. T. Lindsey, T. Lee, and J. Hawkins, 2012: Suomi satellite brings to light a unique frontier of nighttime environmental sensing capabilities, National Academy of Sciences, http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2012/09/05/1207034109.full.pdf+html?with-ds=yes. PDF
Grasso, L. D., and D. T. Lindsey, 2011: An Example of the use of Synthetic 3.9 µm GOES-12 Imagery for Two-Moment Microphysical Evaluation. Int. J. Remote Sens., 32(8), 2337. PDF
Jankov I., L. D. Grasso, M. Sengupta, P. J. Neiman, D. Zupanski, M. Zupanski, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, D. L. Birkenheuer, R. L. Brummer, and H. Yuan, 2011: An Evaluation of Five WRF-ARW Microphysics Schemes Using Synthetic GOES Imagery for an Atmospheric River Event Affecting the California Coast. J. Hydromet., 12(4), 618-633, doi/pdf/10.1175/2010JHM1282.1. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., B. D. McNoldy, Z. Finch, D. Henderson, D. Lerach, R. Seigel, J. Steinweg-Woods, E. Stuckmeyer, G. Williams, D. Van Cleave, and M. Woloszyn, 2011: A High Wind Statistical Prediction Model for the Northern Front Range of Colorado. Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology, 2011-EJ03. PDF
Zupanski, D., M. Zupanski, L. D. Grasso, R. L. Brummer, I. Jankov, D. T. Lindsey, M. Sengupta, and M. DeMaria, 2011: Assimilating synthetic GOES-R radiances in cloudy conditions using an ensemble-based method. Int. J. Remote Sens., DOI:10.1080/01431161.2011.572094. PDF
Fromm, M. D., D. T. Lindsey, R. Servranckx, G. Yue, T. Trickl, R. Sica, P. Doucet, and S. Godin-Beekmann, 2010: The Untold Story of Pyrocumulonimbus. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91(9), 1193–1209, doi: 10.1175/2010BAMS3004.1. PDF
Lindsey, D. T, S. D. Miller, and L. D. Grasso, 2010: The impacts of the 9 April 2009 dust and smoke on convection. Bull. Amer. Met. Soc., 91(8), 991-995. PDF
Schumacher, R. S., D. T. Lindsey, A. B. Schumacher, J. Braun, S. D. Miller, and J. L. Demuth, 2010: Multidisciplinary analysis of an unusual tornado: meteorology, climatology, and the communication and interpretation of warnings. Wea. Forecasting, 25(5), 1412-1429. PDF
Setvak, M., D. T. Lindsey, P. Novak, P. K. Wang, M. Radova, J. Kerkmann, L. D. Grasso, S. Su, R. M. Rabin, J. Stastka, and Z. Charvat, 2010: Satellite-observed cold-ring-shaped features atop deep convective clouds. Atmos. Research, 97, July, 80-96, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.03.009. PDF
Fromm, M. D., O. Torres, D. Diner, D. T. Lindsey, B. Vant Hull, R. Servranckx, E. P. Shettle, and Z. Li, 2008: Stratospheric impact of the Chisholm pyrocumulonimbus eruption: 1. Earth-viewing satellite perspective, J. Geophys. Res., 113(D8), doi:10.1029/2007JD009153. http://www.agu.org/journals/jd/jd0808/2007JD009153. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., and M. D. Fromm, 2008: Evidence of the cloud lifetime effect from wildfire-induced thunderstorms. Geophys. Res. Lett., 35(22), L22809, doi:10.1029/2008GL035680. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., and L. D. Grasso, 2008: An effective radius retrieval for thick ice clouds using GOES. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 47, 1222-1231. PDF
Rosenfeld, D., W. L. Woodley, A. Lerner, G. Kelman, and D. T. Lindsey: 2008: Satellite detection of severe convective storms by their retrieved vertical profiles of cloud particle effective radius and thermodynamic phase. J. Geophys. Res., 113(D4), doi:10.1029/2007JD008600. PDF
Setvak, M., D. T. Lindsey, R. M. Rabin, P. K. Wang, and A. Demeterova, 2008: Indication of water vapor transport into the lower stratosphere above midlatitude convective storms: Meteosat Second Generation satellite observations and radiative transfer model simulations. Atmospheric Research. 89, 170-180, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2007.11.031. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., D. W. Hillger, L. D. Grasso, J. A. Knaff, and J. F. Dostalek, 2006: GOES Climatology and Analysis of Thunderstorms with Enhanced 3.9 µm Reflectivity. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134(9), 2342–2353. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., and M. J. Bunkers, 2005: Observations of a severe left-moving supercell on 4 May 2003. Wea. Forecasting, 20, 15-22. PDF
Hodanish, S., R. L. Holle, and D. T. Lindsey, 2004: A Small Updraft Producing a Fatal Lightning Flash. Wea. Forecasting, 19, 627-632. PDF
Mostek, A., J. F. Weaver, D. E. Bikos, D. T Lindsey, B. A. Zajac, S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, B. Motta, B. Grant, J. LaDue, and J. Ferree, 2004: VISIT: Bringing Training to Weather Service Forecasters Using a New Distance -Learning Tool. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 85(6), 823-829. PDF
Weaver, J. F., and D. T. Lindsey, 2004: Some frequently overlooked visual severe thunderstorm characteristics observed on GOES imagery – a topic for future research. Mon. Wea. Rev.,132(6), 1529-1533. PDF
Weaver, J. F., D. T. Lindsey, D. E. Bikos, C. C. Schmidt, and E. Prins, 2004: Fire Detection using GOES-11 Rapid Scan Imagery. Wea. Forecasting, 19(3), 496-510. PDF
Nonrefereed and Informal Publications, Presentations, and Posters
http://rammb/cira.colostate.edu/resources/docs/034527_1.pdfEscobar, V. M., R. Lana, D. T. Lindsey, and P. C. Sullivan, 2021: Addressing the Unknowns: NOAA’s User Engagement Efforts for the Next Generation of Geostationary Observations GEO-XO. AMS 11th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 10-14 January.
Gallager III, F., V. Griffin, P. C. Sullivan, E. C. Grigsby, and D. T. Lindsey, 2021: Initial Instrument and Mission Concept Studies for Geostationary and Extended Orbits. AMS 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 10-14 January.
Goldberg, M. D., D. T. Lindsey, S. Kalluri, and J. Privette, 2021: An Enterprise Satellite Proving Ground for NOAA. AMS 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 10-14 January.
Grigsby, E. C., F. Gallagher III, P. C. Sullivan, D. T. Lindsey, V. Griffin, J. McCorkel, A. Krimchansky, and M. M. Coakley, 2021: The Value of a Hyperspectral Sounder to NOAA Operations. AMS 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 10-14 January.
Lindsey, D. T., P. C. Sullivan, K. Schrab, and J. Gerth, 2021: Defining Requirements for NOAA’s Future Geostationary Satellite Observations. AMS 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 10-14 January.
McCorkel, J., W. McCarty, L. Cucurull, K. Garrett, J. Li, T. J. Schmit, N. Prive, I. Moradi, J. Hair, D. T. Lindsey, A. Krimchansky, E. C. Grigsby, and P. C. Sullivan, 2021: Summary of OSSE Results Informing GEO-XO Formulation. AMS 17th Annual Symposium on Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 10-14 January.
Seaman, C. J., K. P. Micke, D. T. Lindsey, S. D. Miller, Y.-J. Noh, N. D. Tourville, S. Finley, J. F. Dostalek, G. Chirokova, and D. W. Hillger, 2021: SLIDER: A Website for Viewing Real-Time, Global Satellite Data at Full Resolution. AMS 30th Conference on Education, 10-14 January.
Lindsey, D. T., 2020: Summary of the Imagery Panel. (Moderator), JPSS/GOES-R Proving Ground/Risk Reduction Summit, 24-28 February, College Park, MD.
Lindsey, D. T., 2020: Next-Generation Satellite Observations of Severe Local Storms: Can We now Detect Storm-Scale Rotation from Space? AMS Severe Local Storms Symposium, 12-16 January, Boston, MA.
Lindsey, D. T., and T. Lee, 2020: Staying at the Forefront of Geostationary Satellite Research: A Joint Effort between NOAA and NASA. AMS 16th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 12-16 January, Boston, MA.
Sullivan, P., F. W. Gallagher III, S. A. Boukabara, D. T. Lindsey, and E. Grigsby, 2020: What Follows GOES-R? AMS 16th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 12-16 January, Boston, MA.
Thomas, J. R., S. J. Goodman, D. T. Lindsey, B. Sjoberg, M. Goldberg, N. Donoho, B. H. Connell, E. Madsen, M. Medina, J. Peronto, J. A. Nelson Jr., A. Stevermer, J. M. Galvez, and K. A. Caesar, 2020: Satellite International Training Working Group Summary of 2019 Events: Lessons Learned and Continuing Education Plans. AMS 16th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 12-16 January, Boston, MA.
Apke, J. M., S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and K. A. Hilburn, 2019: Optical Flow Computation and Applications in Fine-Temporal Resolution Geostationary Satellite Imagery. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Brown, L., B. Keffer, M. Jochum, D. T. Lindsey, and P. Keehn, 2019: Lessons Learned in the First Year of Delivering GOES-16 Imagery to the Public. (poster), AMS 15th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 6-10 January, Phoenix, AZ.
Chirokova, G., J. A. Knaff, M. J. Brennan, D. T. Lindsey, S. D. Miller, R. T. DeMaria, D. W. Hillger, and D. A. Molenar, 2019: Proxy Visible Imagery and Beyond. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
McCorkel, J., M. M. Coakley, J. M. Daniels, D. T. Lindsey, and A. Krimchansky, 2019: GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imager signal-to-noise performance and impact on downstream products using optimized sensor configuration. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Cook, M. J., F. P. Padula, A. J. Pearlman, D. Pogorzala, J. McCorkel, C. Cao, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: An Image Striping Mitigation Strategy for GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI Developed Using Desert Monitoring Special Collections. (poster), AMS 15th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 6-10 January, Phoenix, AZ.
Cook, M. J., F. P. Padula, D. Pogorzala, J. McCorkel, A. Krimchansky, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: On-Orbit Relative Calibration for Image Striping Mitigation Using Advanced Baseline Imager Special Scans. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Dostalek,J. F., L. D. Grasso, Y.-J., Noh, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: A Three Channel, Split Window Retrieval of Low-Level Water Vapor for Convective Nowcasting. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Grigsby, E., P. Sullivan, D. T. Lindsey, J. McCorkel, and A. Krimchansky, 2019: Assessing the Potential Inclusion of an InfraRed Hyperspectral Sounding Capability in the Next Generation GEO Weather Satellite Constellation. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2019: Assessing the Ability of GOES-17 to Meet Forecasters’ Needs. National Weather Association (NWA) Annual Meeting, , 8-12 September, Huntsville, AL.
Lindsey, D. T., V. Griffin, K. Schrab, and P. Sullivan, 2019: The GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imager Anomaly Mission Recovery. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
McCorkel, J., B. Efremova, M. M. Coakley, A. Krimchansky, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imager Signal-to-Noise Performance and Impact on Downstream Products Using Optimized Sensor Configuration. (poster), AMS 15th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 6-10 January, Phoenix, AZ.
Miller, S. D., D. T. Lindsey, and C. J. Seaman, 2019: Geocolor-Taking Value-Added Satellite Imagery to the Next Level in the GOES-R Era. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Padula, F. P., A. J. Pearlman, M. J. Cook, B. Efremova, J. McCorkel, C. Cao, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: Advancements in GOES-R UAS Post-Launch Satellite Sensor Product Validation. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Schmit, T. J., M. M. Gunshor, J. M. Daniels, D. T. Lindsey, J. J. Gerth, S. S. Lindstrom, and C. S. Velden, 2019: Monitoring Tropical Cyclones from Satellite: Improvements from 1966 to 2018. AMS 15th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 6-10 January, Phoenix, AZ.
Schmit, T. J., M. M. Gunshor, J. J. Gerth, D. T. Lindsey, X. Wu, E. Weisz, and W. P. Menzel, 2019: Geostationary Satellite Improvements to Better View the Pacific and Surrounding Areas. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Seaman, C. J., S. D. Miller, W. Straka III, D. T. Lindsey, J. R. Torres, G. Chirokova, K. Strabala, K. P. Micke, S. Finley, Y.-J. Noh, and D. W. Hillger, 2019: Operating in the Dark: The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB) Making a Difference. AMS JPSS Short Course: Applying JPSS Data Products to Better Forecast Challenging Weather Events, 6-10 January, Phoenix, AZ.
Sun, D., S. Li, M. Goldberg, B. Sjoberg, S. J. Goodman, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: Integrate Operational Polar-Orbiting and Geostationary Satellites for Monitoring the Catastrophic Floodwaters Due to Hurricanes. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Szoke, E. J., D. E. Bikos, B. H. Connell, R. L. Brummer, H. Gosden, J. R. Torres, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, D. A. Molenar, and C. J. Seaman, 2019: Some Lessons Learned from the CIRA GOES-R Proving Ground Effort. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Thomas, J. R., D. T. Lindsey, S. J. Goodman, N. Donoho, B. H. Connell, E. Madsen, M. Medina, J. Peronto, A. Stevermer, K. W. Mozer, and M. Seybold, 2019: Satellite International Training Working Group Summary of 2019 Events, Lessons Learned and Continuing Education Plans. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Van Naarden, J., A. Krimchansky, J. McCorkel, and D. T. Lindsey, 2019: Optimization of GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imager to Recover and Maximize Performance with Degraded Thermal System. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Yu, F., M. Black, C. Cao, M. Coakley, M. J. Cook, J. Fulbright, M. M. Gunshor, S. Guo, D. Igli, E. Kline, V. Kondratovich, D. T. Lindsey, J. McCorkel, F. Padula, D. Pogorzala, H. Qian, A. Reth, T. J. Schmit, M. Seybold, J. Van Naarden, Z. wang, X. Wu, and H. Yoo, 2019: GOES-17 ABI L1b and CMI Products Performance. 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, 28 September – 04 October, Boston, MA.
Dostalek, J. F., D. T. Lindsey, A. Gambacorta, N. Smith, and C. D. Barnet, 2018: Automated Modifications to SNPP NUCAPS Soundings Using Surface Data for Severe Weather Analysis. AMS 14th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 7-11 January, Austin, TX.
Grasso, L. D., J. F. Dostalek, and D. T. Lindsey, 2018: GOES-16 ABI channel differencing used to reveal cloud-free zones of ‘precursors of convective initiation’. AMS 22nd Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanograph, 7-11 January, Austin, TX.
Haynes, J. M., Y.- J. Noh, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, A. K. Heidinger, and J. M. Forsythe, 2018: Improving Cloud Layer Boundaries from GOES-16. AMS 14th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, Session: Algorithm Development and New Science Innovation—Part I, 7-11 January, Austin, TX.
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Kopp, C. J. Seaman, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey and J. R. Torres, 2018: First VIIRS Imagery from JPSS-1. AMS 14th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 7-11 January, Austin, TX.
Lindsey, D. T., 2018: GOES-16: A New Tool to Improve Situational Awareness for Operational Forecasters. 43rd National Weather Association (NWA) Annual Meeting, 26-30 August, St. Louis, MO.
Miller, S. D., J. M. Forsythe, L. D. Grasso, J. M. Haynes, Y.-J. Noh, M. Zupanski, R. L. Brummer, J. E. Solbrig, and D. T. Lindsey, 2018: New GOES-R Risk Reduction Activities at CIRA. CIRA Connect, 5 October, Boulder, CO.
Miller, S. D., Y.-J. Noh, D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, J. M. Forsythe, J. M. Haynes, and L. D. Grasso, 2018: Aviation-Relevant Satellite Research and Algorithm Development at CIRA. FAA Aviation Weather Research Program (AWRP) Review Meeting, 10-11 July, Boulder, CO.
Miller, S. D., C. J. Seaman, Y.-J. Noh, D. T. Lindsey, J. M. Forsythe, J. F. Dostalek, J. R. Torres, and K. P. Micke, 2018: CIRA Development of Alaska-Relevant Satellite Applications from Suomi-NPP, JPSS-1 and GOES-R. ACCAP Virtual Alaska Weather Symposium, 22 August. Remote presentation.
Bikos, D. E., D. T. Lindsey, and E. J. Szoke, 2017: Remote Presentations for SOO GOES-R Prep Workshop. 12 January, 2 and 24 February, 9 and 23 March., Kansas City, MO.
Brummer, R. L., S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, C. J. Seaman, E. J. Szoke, A. B. Schumacher, and J. Torres, 2017: Connecting with Operational Forecasters in the GOES-16 Era via the NOAA Satellite Proving Ground Program. EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, (poster), 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Cintineo, J., M. Pavolonis, J. Sieglaff, and D. T. Lindsey, 2017: Next generation geostationary satellite observations in a multi-sensor severe weather nowcasting tool. EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Hillger, D. W., D. T. Lindsey, D. A. Molenar, S. D. Miller, and K. P. Micke, 2017: Imagery Highlights from the First Six Months of the ABI. NOAA Satellite Conference, (poster), CREST, 17-20 July, New York City, NY.
Lindsey, D. T., 2017: A 45-min seminar to the GOES Team highlighting the early results from the GOES-16 ABI. Approximately 100 scientists, engineers, and technicians in attendance. Lockheed Martin, 27 June, Littleton, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., 2017: ABI First Light Highlights. NOAA Testbed & Proving Ground Workshop and the GOES-16: The First Results Workshop, 25-27 April, Kansas City, MO.
Lindsey, D. T., S. D. Miller, T. J. Schmit, and S. Goodman, 2017: Operational Use of GOES-16 Imagery by the National Weather Service. EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Miller, S. D., and D. T. Lindsey, 2017: GOES-16: A New Era in Geostationary Satellite Observations, ATS/CIRA Colloquium, Colorado State University, 25 August, Fort Collins, CO.
Miller, S. D., D. T. Lindsey, T. J. Schmit, C. J. Seaman, D. W. Hillger, and R. L. Brummer, 2017: Where East Meets West: How Himawari-8 Enables True Color Capabilities for GOES-R ABI. (presented by D. T. Lindsey), EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Seaman, C. J., S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and D. W. Hillger, 2017: Multispectral Imagery Applications for the New Generation Weather Satellites. EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Schmit, T. J., M. M. Gunshor, D. T. Lindsey, S. D. Miller, K. Bah, J. Daniels, and S. J. Goodman, 2017: An Early Look at the Imagery from the Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) on GOES-16. (presented by D. T. Lindsey), EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Szoke, E. J., D. E. Bikos, B. H. Connell, R. L. Brummer, H. Gosden, D. A. Molenar, D. W. Hillger, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, J. R. Torres and C. J. Seaman, 2017: Future directions for CIRA’s NWS Proving Ground activities now that GOES-16 is operational. National Weather Association (NWA) 42nd Annual Meeting, 16-21 September, Garden Grove, CA.
Wang, P. K., D. T. Lindsey, and K-Y. Cheng, 2017: Satellite and Aircraft Observations of Cross-Tropopause Transport of Water Substance by Thunderstorms. EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, 2-5 October, Rome, Italy.
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, Y.-J. Noh, and C. O’Dell, 2016: Improving CRTM solar reflection at 3.9 µm. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), June, Monterey, CA.
Grasso, L. D., Y.-J. Noh, and D. T. Lindsey, 2016: Improving CRTM solar reflection at 3.9 µm. JCSDA 14th Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation, (oral presentation), 31 May-2 June 2016, Moss Landing, CA.
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, Y.-J. Noh, and C. O’Dell, 2016: Improving CRTM solar reflection at 3.9 µm. JCSDA 14th Technical Review Meeting and Science Workshop on Satellite Data Assimilation, (oral presentation), 31 May-2 June, Moss Landing, CA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: GOES-R Risk Reduction Program. Science Meeting During GOES-R Launch Week at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Center, 18 November, Cape Canaveral, FL.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Himawari and GOES-16. Chicago Chapter of the AMS Meeting, College of DuPage, October, Dupage, IL.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Himawari and GOES-R: Ushering in a New Generation of Geostationary Satellites. Metro State University Class Lecture, 15 November, Denver, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Himawari Data and Imagery. A 3-hour course given to a group of forecasters from the Korean Meteorological Agency, COMET Residence Course, Boulder, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Himawari-8: A new era of geostationary satellite imagery. Workshop on Monitoring and Forecasting Severe Weather with Remote Sensing Technology, The Research Center for Environmental Changes at the Academia Sinica, 26 November – 2 December, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Himawari-8: Improvements in Temporal and Spatial resolution, and development of True Color Imagery. COMET AHI User Training Workshop, 14 November, Boulder, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Next Generation of Satellites, including both GOES-R and Himawari. Radar and Satellite undergraduate class, Metro State University, 15 November, Denver, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Observing convection with the next generation of geostationary satellites: Himawari, GOES-R, and Meteosat Third Generation. EUMETSAT Convection Working Group Meeting, April, Florence, Italy.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Observing severe storms from satellite in the U.S. Workshop on Monitoring and Forecasting Severe Weather with Remote Sensing Technology, The Research Center for Environmental Changes at the Academia Sinica, 26 November-2 December, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lindsey, D. T., 2016: Satellite observations of hazards. Workshop on Monitoring and Forecasting Severe Weather with Remote Sensing Technology, The Research Center for Environmental Changes at the Academia Sinica, 26 November-2 December, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, and Y.-J. Noh, 2016: Improvements to the CRTM for Cloudy Radiance Calculations. AMS 4th Annual Symposium on the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation (JCSDA), 10-14 January, New Orleans, LA.
Lindsey, D. T., S. D. Miller, C. J. Seaman, D. A. Molenar, D. W. Hillger, T. J. Schmit, W. C. Straka III, and Y.Sumida, 2016: A First Look at Imagery from Himawari-8. AMS 12th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, (poster presentation), 10-14 January, New Orleans, LA.
Miller, S. D., T. J. Schmit, C. J. Seaman, M. M. Gunshor, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, and Y. Sumida, 2016: The Return of True Color to the Geostationary Satellites: Transitioning from Polar, to Himawari, to GOES-R. AMS 12th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, (oral presentation), 10-14 January, New Orleans, LA.
Brummer, R. L., E. J. Szoke, S. D. Miller, C. J. Seaman, D. T. Lindsey, G. Chirokova, A. B. Schumacher, D. W. Hillger, and D. A. Molenar, 2015: Proving Ground Activities at CIRA. 6th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference (AOMSUC), 9-13 November, Tokyo, Japan.
Seaman, C. J., D. W. Hillger, T. Kopp, R. Williams, S. D. Miller and D. T. Lindsey, 2015: Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Imagery Environmental Data Record (EDR) User’s Guide. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 150, 31 pp.
Miller, S. D., C. J. Seaman, D. T. Lindsey, T. J. Schmit, M. M. Gunshor, D. W. Hillger, and Y. Sumida, 2015: Multispectral Application Development for Himawari-8 AHI. 6th Asia Oceania Meteorological Satellite Users’ Conference (AOMSUC), 9-13 November, Tokyo, Japan.
Brummer, R. L., E. J. Szoke, D. E. Bikos, D. T. Lindsey, H. Gosden, S. D. Miller, M. DeMaria, and D. A. Molenar, 2014: CIRA Proving Ground Activities, EUMETSAT 2014 Meteorological Satellite Conference, 22-26 September, Geneva, Switzerland.
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, and D. E. Bikos, 2014: Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery. NOAA Satellite Science Week Virtual Conference, 10-14 March.
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, K.-S. Lim, A. Clark, D. E. Bikos, and S. R. Dembek, 2014: Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery. High Impact Weather Workshop, 1-3 April, Norman, OK.
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, K.-S. Lim, A. Clark, D. E. Bikos, and S. R. Dembek, 2014: Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery. Naval Research Lab, July, Monterey, CA.
Hillger, D. W., C. J. Seaman, C. Liang, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and T. Kopp, 2014: Suomi NPP VIIRS Near Constant Contrast (NCC) Imagery. AMS 10th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems. 2-6 February, Atlanta, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2014: GOES-R synthetic imagery. Glasgow, MT NWS office, (remote presentation), Week of 29 May.
Lindsey, D. T., 2014: Using simulated imagery to visualize model forecasts. AMS 26th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecast/22nd Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction. 2-6 February, Atlanta, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, and K. Apodaca, 2014: Evaluation of and Suggested Improvements to the WSM6 Microphysics in WRF-ARW Using Synthetic and Observed GOES-13 Imagery. High Impact Weather Workshop, 31 March- 3 April, Norman, OK.
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, D. E. Bikos, and E. J. Szoke, 2014: Using Simulated Satellite Imagery to Visualize Model Forecasts. AMS 26th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 2-6 February, Atlanta, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, and E. J. Szoke, 2014: A New Look at the GOES-R ABI Split Window Difference for Convective Initiation Forecasting. AMS 10th Annual Symposium on New Generation Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 2-6 February, Atlanta, GA.
Seaman, C. J., Y.-J. Noh, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey and A. K. Heidinger. 2014: Evaluation of the VIIRS Cloud Base Height EDR Using CloudSat. STAR JPSS Annual Science Team Meeting, 12-16 May, College Park, MD.
Szoke, E. J., and D. T. Lindsey, 2014: Latest GOES-R Proving Ground news and description of the CIRA Proving Ground products available and of use in coming months. Boulder Weather Forecast Office (WFO) Spring Workshops, 7 and 11 April, Boulder, CO.
Szoke, E. J., R. L. Brummer, H. Gosden, C. J. Seaman, D. E. Bikos, S. D. Miller, M. DeMaria, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, and D. A. Molenar, 2014: More opportunities for forecaster interaction for future operational satellite products-CIRA’s activities in the GOES-R and JPSS Proving Grounds. AMS 4th Conference on Transition of Research to Operations, 2-6 February, Atlanta, GA.
Bikos, D. E., D. T. Lindsey, and L. D. Grasso, 2013: Synthetic Imagery of Fog and Wave Clouds, NOAA Satellite Science Week Virtual Conference, 18-22 March.
Hillger, D. W., T. Kopp, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and C. J. Seaman, 2013: Suomi NPP VIIRS Imagery after 1 Year. AMS 9th Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 6-10 January, Austin, TX.
Hillger D. W., T. Kopp, S. D. Miller, D. T. Lindsey, and C. J. Seaman, 2013: Suomi NPP VIIRS Imagery after 1 Year. NOAA Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS Users, 8-12 April, College Park, MD.
Lindsey, D. T., 2013: Improving forecasts of clouds and convection using simulated satellite imagery. National Weather Association Annual Meeting, 8-12 October, Madison, WI.
Lindsey, D. T. and L. D. Grasso, 2013: Simulated ABI Data and Convective Initiation. 2013 Warn-on-Forecast and High Impact Weather Workshop, 4-7 February, Norman, OK.
Miller, S. D., S. Mills, C. Elvidge, D. T. Lindsey, T. F. Lee, and J. D. Hawkins, 2013: A New Frontier of Nighttime Environmental Sensing Brought to Light by the Suomi NPP VIIRSÂ Day/Night Band. AMS 9th Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems. 6-10 January, Austin, TX.
Seaman, C. J., D. W. Hillger, S. D. Miller, and D. T. Lindsey, 2013: Suomi-NPP VIIRS imagery: RGB applications and product development at CIRA. Joint AMS/EUMETSAT Satellite Conference, September, Vienna, Austria,
Seaman, C. J. and D. T. Lindsey, 2013: Suomi-NPP VIIRS Imagery: High-resolution views of thunderstorms and tropical cyclones, NOAA Satellite Science Week Virtual Conference, 18-22 March,Vienna, Austria.
Straka, W. C. III, T. Jasmin, T. Rink, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, S. D. Miller, and T. Achtor, 2013: McIDAS-V, visualization and data analysis for Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership. NOAA Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS Users, 8-12 April, College Park, MD.
Szoke, E. J., D. E. Bikos, D. T. Lindsey, D. A. Molenar, H. Gosden, R. L. Brummer, S. D. Miller, and M. DeMaria, 2013: An overview of CIRA Proving Ground NWS interactions. National Weather Association 38th Annual Meeting, 14-18 October, Charleston, SC.
Grasso, L. D., R. L. Brummer, R. DeMaria, D. T. Lindsey, and D. W. Hillger, 2012: GOES-R ABI as a warning aid. Warn-on-Forecast and High Impact Weather Workshop, 23-25 February, Norman, OK.
Knaff, J. A., M. DeMaria, D. W. Hillger, D. T. Lindsey, D. A. Molenar, J. L. Beven II, M. J. Brennan, H. D. Cobb III, R. L. Brummer. A.B. Schumacher, J. P. Dunion, K. K. Fuell, A. L. Molthan, and C. S. Velden, 2012: Overview of the GOES-R Proving Ground Activities at National Hurricane Center. AMS 30th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 15-20 April, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL.
Lindsey, D. T., 2012: Using Synthetic Satellite Data to Prepare for GOES-R. Seminar at EUMETSAT, 22 March, Darmstadt, Germany.
Lindsey, D. T., and L. D. Grasso, 2012: Predicting Where Convective Clouds Will Form with the GOES-R ABI. 8th Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 23-26 January, New Orleans, LA.
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, J. Mecikalski, J. Walker, L. Schultz, C. S. Velden, S. Wanzong, R. M. Rabin, and B. Vant-Hull, 2012: Convective Storm Forecasting 1-6 Hours Prior to Initiation. NOAA Satellite Science Week Meeting, 30 April-4 May, Kansas City, MO.
Lindsey, D. T., J. Otkin, J. Sieglaff, D. E. Bikos, and L. D. Grasso, 2012: Improving Forecasts of Clouds and Convection using Simulated Satellite Imagery. 37th NWA Annual Meeting, 6-11 October, Madison, WI.
Lindsey, D. T., T. J. Schmit, M. MacKensie, Jr., L. D. Grasso, M. M. Gunshor, and C. P. Jewett, 2012: The 10.35 Micrometer Band: A More Appropriate Window Band for GOES-R ABI Than 11.2?. AMS 8th Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, 23-26 January, New Orleans, LA.
Szoke, E. J., R. L. Brummer, H. Gosden, S. D. Miller, M. DeMaria, D. T., Lindsey, and D. A. Molenar, 2012: The GOES-R Proving Ground: An opportunity for forecasters to shape the satellite products of the future. 46th Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (CMOS) and AMS 21st NWP and 25th WAF Conference, 29 May – 1 June, Montreal, Canada.
Szoke E. J., R. L. Brummer, H. Gosden, S. D. Miller, M. DeMaria, D. T. Lindsey, and D. A. Molenar, 2012: An update on CIRA’s GOES-R Proving Ground activities. NWA Annual Meeting, 6-11 October 2012, Madison, WI.
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Schmit, A. S. Bachmeier, M. M. Gunshor, J. A. Knaff, and D. T. Lindsey, 2011: NOAA science test results from the GOES-14 and -15 imager and sounder. AMS Seventh Annual Symposium on Future Operational Environmental Satellite Systems, (poster), 22-27 January, Seattle, WA. PDF
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, D. E. Bikos, C. Stewart, R. M. Rabin, and J. Kain, 2011: Simulated Satellite Imagery: A New Tool for Real-Time Model Evaluation. 36th NWA Annual Meeting & GOES User Conference, 17-21 October, Birmingham, AL.
Lindsey, D. T., D. W. Hillger, D. A. Molenar, J. A. Knaff, M. DeMaria, S. D. Miller, R. L. Brummer, L. D. Grasso, S. Q. Kidder, D. E. Bikos, J. Braun, B. H. Connell, E. J. Szoke, H. Gosden, K. P. Micke, and R. T. DeMaria, 2011: GOES-R Proving Ground Product Development at CIRA. 36th NWA Annual Meeting and GOES User Conference, 17-21 October, Birmingham, AL.
Brummer, R. L., C. L. Combs, B. H. Connell, M. DeMaria, R. T. DeMaria, J. F. Dostalek, L. D. Grasso, D. W. Hillger, J. A. Knaff, D. Zupanski, and D. T. Lindsey, 2010: GOES-R mesoscale product development at CIRA and STAR/RAMMB. AMS 6th Annual Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellite Systems-NPOESS and GOES-R, 16-21 January, Atlanta, GA.
Grasso, L. D., D. T. Lindsey, and W. M. MacKenzie, Jr., 2010: Detecting boundary layer moisture convergence with GOES-R ABI bands. AMS 25th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 11-14 October, Denver, CO.
Jankov, I., L. D. Grasso, M. Sengupta, P. J. Neiman, D. Zupanski, M. Zupanski, D. T. Lindsey, D. W. Hillger, D. L. Birkenheuer, R. L. Brummer, and H. Yuan, 2010: An evaluation of five WRF-ARW microphysics schemes using synthetic GOES imagery for an atmospheric river event affecting the California coast. AMS 17th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 26-30 September, Annapolis, MD.
Lindsey, D. T., 2010: Development of a Statistical Hail Prediction Product for the GOES-R Proving Ground (and other GOES-R Products). AMS 6th Annual Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellite Systems-NPOESS and GOES-R, 16-21 January, Atlanta GA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2010: The Effect of Smoke on Pyrocumulonimbus: A Satellite Perspective. AMS 6th Annual Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellite Systems-NPOESS and GOES-R, 16-21 January, Atlanta GA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2010: A statistical hail prediction product. AMS 25th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 11-14 October, Denver, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., and M. D. Fromm, 2010: The effect of smoke on pyrocumulonimbus: A satellite perspective. AMS 2nd Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions, 16-21 January, Atlanta, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., L. D. Grasso, D. E. Bikos, J. Sieglaff, J. A. Otkin, R. M. Rabin, and J. S. Kain, 2010: Simulating GOES-R satellite imagery from WRF output. AMS 25th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 11-14 October, Denver, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., and C. W. Siewert, 2010: Development of a statistical hail prediction product for the GOES-R proving ground. AMS 6th Annual Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellite Systems-NPOESS and GOES-R, 16-21 January, Atlanta, GA.
Setvak, M., A. Sokol, D. T. Lindsey, K. Bedka, and J. Stastka, 2010: Study of convective storm top features using data from the A-Train satellites. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 20-24 September, Cordoba, Spain.
Stastka, J., M. Setvak, M. Radova, D. T. Lindsey, and A. Sokol, 2010: Moisture detection above convective storms utilizing the method of brightness temperature differences between water vapour and IR window bands, based on 2008 MSG Rapid Scan Service data. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 20-24 September, Cordoba, Spain.
Brummer, R. L., M. Sengupta, L. D. Grasso, D. W. Hillger, D. T. Lindsey, R. T. DeMaria, and M. DeMaria: 2009: Synthetic satellite datasets for GOES-R ABI Bands. AMS 16th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 11-15 January, Phoenix, AZ.
Schumacher, R. S., D. T. Lindsey, A. B. Schumacher, J. Braun, S. D. Miller, and J. L. Demuth, 2009: The 22 May 2008 Weld County, Colorado tornado: Analysis of meteorological conditions and the communication of weather information. AMS 23rd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting /19th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 1-9 June, Omaha, NE.
Grasso, L. D., M. Sengupta, and D. T. Lindsey, 2008: Improved calculations of legendre coefficients for use in generating synthetic 3.9 µm GOES-R ABI imagery. AMS 5th GOES Users’ Conference, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.
Grasso, L. D., M. Sengupta, and D. T. Lindsey, 2008: Synthetic GOES-R imagery development and uses. 5th GOES Users Conference, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.
Jankov I., M. Sengupta, L. D. Grasso, D. Coleman, D. Zupanski, M. Zupanski, D. T. Lindsey, and R. L. Brummer, 2008: An Evaluation of Various WRF-ARW Microphysics Using Simulated GOES Imagery for an Atmospheric River Event Affecting the California Coast. CIRA Newsletter, 30, Fall 2008, 18-23.
Lindsey, D. T., 2008: Examining a possible relationship between positive dominated storms and cloud-top ice crystal size. AMS 3rd Conference on Meteorological Applications of Lightning Data, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2008: Improving above-surface water vapor analyses using satellite and RUC data. AMS 24th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 27-31 October, Savannah, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., D. W. Hillger, and L. D. Grasso, 2008: Development of severe weather products for the GOES-R advanced baseline imager. 5th GOES Users Conference, 21-25 January, New Orleans, LA.
Lindsey, D. T., S. D. Miller, J. Braun, and D. E. Bikos, 2008: An analysis of the 22 May 2008 Windsor, Colorado, tornado. AMS 24th Conference on Severe Local Storms, 27-31 October, Savannah, GA.
Setvak, M., D. T. Lindsey, P. Novak, R. M. Rabin, R. M., Wang, P. K., Kerkmann, M. Radova, and J. Stastka, 2008: Cold-ring shaped storms in Central Europe. 2008 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, 8-12 September, Darmstadt, Germany.
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Schmit, D. T. Lindsey, and J. A. Knaff, J. Daniels, 2007: An overview of GOES-13 science test. AMS 3rd Symposium on Future National Operational Environmental Satellites, 14-18 January 2007, San Antonio, TX.
Lindsey D. T., and L. D. Grasso, 2007: Exploring the relationship between satellite-retrieved ice crystal size and thunderstorm intensity. 4th European Conference on Severe Storms, 10-14 September, Trieste, Italy.
Lindsey, D. T. and L. D. Grasso, 2007: Modeling GOES-R 6.185-10.35 micron brightness temperature differences above cold thunderstorm tops. AMS 3rd Symposium on Future National Operational and Environmental Satellites, 14-18 January, San Antonio, TX.
Lindsey, D. T. and L. D. Grasso, 2007: Numerical simulation of the effects of CCN on thunderstorm intensity and evolution. EUMETSAT Training Workshop on Interpretation of Satellite Images/ Products of Convective Storms, 5-7 September, Trieste, Italy.
Sengupta, M., L. D Grasso, D. T. Lindsey, and M. DeMaria, 2007: Validation of mesoscale model output with satellite observations. AMS 3rd Symposium on Future National Operational and Environmental Satellites, 14-18 January, San Antonio, TX.
Setvak, M., P. Novak, D. T. Lindsey, R. M. Rabin, P. K. Wang, and M. Radova, 2007: Central European convective storms penetrating deep into the lower stratosphere – MSG IR and radar observations and radiative transfer modeling. 4th European Conference on Severe Storms, 10-14 September, Trieste, Italy.
Grasso, L. D., and D. T. Lindsey, 2006: Analysis of a hook echo and RFD from a simulated supercell on 8 May 2003. AMS Symposium on the Challenges of Severe Convective Storms, 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.
Grasso, L. D., M. Sengupta, and D. T. Lindsey, 2006. A technique for computing hydrometeor effective radius in bins of a gamma distribution. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.
Hillger, D. W., T. J. Schmit, D. T . Lindsey, J. A. Knaff, and J. Daniels, 2006: An Overview of GOES-N Science Test. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2006: A Climatological Study of Ice Cloud Reflectivity over the Continental US. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.
Lindsey, D. T., 2006: Severe weather applications. 3rd CoRP Science Symposium, 15 & 16 August, Fort Collins, CO.
Sengupta, M., L. D. Grasso, D. T. Lindsey, and M. DeMaria, 2006: Statistical comparisons of model output with satellite observations: a severe weather case. AMS 14th Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, 29 January-3 February, Atlanta, GA.
Straka, W. C. III, D. T. Lindsey, and A. K. Heidinger, 2006: A study of cloud top microphysical characteristics in High Plains thunderstorms. AMS 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, 10-14 July, Madison, WI.
Lindsey, D. T., 2005: Using satellite imagery to improve on-air forecasts and nowcasts. AMS 34th Conference on Broadcast Meteorology, August 1-5, Washington, DC.
Lindsey, D. T., and L. D. Grasso, 2005: Reflective storm tops: a satellite method for inferring thunderstorm top microphysical structure. AMS 21st Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, August 1-5, Washington, DC.
Connell, B. H., D. E. Bikos, D. T. Lindsey, J. F. Weaver, and A. Mostek, 2004: National and International Training Activities at CIRA. CIRA Magazine, 21, Spring, 7-9.
DeMaria, M., D. W. Hillger, J. F. W. Purdom, R. M. Zehr, H. Gosden, D. L. Watson, J. A. Knaff, D. T. Lindsey, and D. E. Bikos, 2004: Advance Mesoscale Product Development for GOES-R Using Operational and Experimental Satellite Observations. 3rd GOES Users Conference, 10-13 May, Broomfield, CO.
Lindsey, D. T., 2004: Using satellite imagery to improve forecasts and nowcasts. AMS 33rd Conference on Broadcast Meteorology, June 14-18, New Orleans, LA.
Lindsey, D. T., D. E. Bikos, A. Mostek, S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, J. F. Weaver, B. N. Grant, and J. LaDue, 2004: VISIT — Providing Teletraining for Operational Forecasters. AMS 13th Symposium on Education, paper 3.2, 11-15 January, Seattle, WA.
Lindsey, D. T.., D. E. Bikos, J. F. Weaver, and A. Mostek, 2004: The VISIT Program — Transferring Research to Operations. AMS 20th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, paper 19.1, 11-15 January, Seattle, WA.
Lindsey, D. T. and M. J. Bunkers, 2004: On the motion and interaction between left- and right-moving supercells on 4 May 2003. AMS 22nd Conference on Severe Local Storms, paper 12.2, 3-8 October, Hyannis, MA.
Mostek, A., S. Bachmeier, T. Whittaker, D. E. Bikos, D. T. Lindsey, J. F. Weaver, M. DeMaria, B. Grant, and J. LaDue, 2003: VISITview—Connecting Instructors with Operational Forecasters. AMS 19th Conference on IIPS, CD-ROM, P1.44, 10-14 February, Long Beach, CA.
Lindsey, D. T., and D. A. Randall, 2002: Analysis of convective downdrafts and microbursts using a simple, one-dimensional model. AMS 21st Conference on Severe Local Storms, 12-16 August, San Antonio, TX.
Zajac, B. A., J. F. Weaver, D. E. Bikos, and D. T. Lindsey, 2002: Lightning Meteorology II: An Advanced Course on Forecasting with Lightning Data. AMS 21st Conference on Severe Local Storms, 438-441, 12-16 August, San Antonio, TX.