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Stanley Kidder
CIRA Fellow

Dr. Stanley Q. Kidder

Senior Research Scientist, CIRA, Colorado State University

Mailing Address:
Dr. Stanley Q. Kidder
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University
1375 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1375
  • 970-222-3784
About Me:

Stanley Q. Kidder received the B.S. degree in physics from Harvey Mudd College in 1971 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in atmospheric science from Colorado State University in 1976 and 1979, respectively. He has taught at the University of Illinois and the University of Alabama in Huntsville as well as at Colorado State University and COMET. He has served as a senior research scientist at the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at Colorado State since 1996. Dr. Kidder is the author (with Dr. T. H. Vonder Haar) of the book Satellite Meteorology: An Introduction, published by Academic Press in 1995. His research focuses on the application of satellite data to meteorological problems. Recently these problems have included blending data from different sensors and different satellites into unified products for use by forecasters, forecasting the rainfall to be expected from tropical cyclones making landfall, validation of cloud products using CloudSat and CALIPSO data, and creating specialized imagery products for forecasters.

Research Interest:

Application of satellite data to meteorological problems

Current Research Projects:

  • The use of constellations of satellites for meteorological observations
  • Blending precipitable water products from different satellites to make a unified product
  • Cloud products from Meteosat Second Generation data
  • Retrieval of water vapor profiles over land from AMSU-B data
  • Studies of mid-level, mixed-phase clouds using CloudSat, CALIPSO, and aircraft data
  • Writing a second edition of Kidder and Vonder Haar, Satellite Meteorology: An Introduction, Academic Press, 1995.
Total Precipitable Water – Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Total Precipitable Water (TPW, the column integrated amount of water vapour from the surface to the top of the atmosphere in kg/m2 or, equivalently, the depth, if condensed, in millimetres) blended from passive microwave instruments on five satellites: 3 NOAA satellites and 2 DMSP satellites.