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Jenny Hand
CIRA Fellow

Dr. Jenny Hand

Senior Research Scientist, CIRA

Mailing Address:
Dr. Jenny Hand
Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere
Colorado State University
1375 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1375
  • Office Location:
    CIRA Room 102C
  • Phone:
  • 970-491-3699
About Me:

Jenny Hand received her double B.S. in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Kansas (1995) and her M.S. (1997) and Ph.D. (2001) in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. Her research interests include characterizing the physico-chemical, radiative, and hygroscopic properties of atmospheric aerosols using techniques ranging from single-particle analysis to remote sensing. She joined CIRA in 2003, working full time with the National Park Service (NPS) group. She has investigated the role of aerosols in visibility degradation in national parks and other remote areas using novel techniques for analyzing in situ measurements of aerosol physical and optical properties. Her interests include analysis of long-term trends of major aerosol species at remote and urban sites across the U.S. using data from large-scale monitoring networks such as IMPROVE and CSN.  Jenny serves as the PI for the NPS/CIRA cooperative agreement.

Research Interests:

Atmospheric aerosols, mineral dust, visibility, trends, urban excess

Transmission electron microscopy image of a biomass smoke particle. – Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Transmission electron microscopy image of a biomass smoke particle.

Transmission electron microscopy image of a biomass smoke particle generated in a laboratory setting from the burning of Poplar. The particle is amorphous carbon surrounded by a layer of graphitic carbon, with spherules of graphitic carbon attached. Photo obtained at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.