Paul Hamer
Research Associate IV
Mailing Address:
Paul Hamer
Evaluation and Decision Support Branch R/GSD5
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
Evaluation and Decision Support Branch R/GSD5
325 Broadway
Boulder, CO 80305-3328
- 303-497-6342
About Me:
Paul Hamer received his BSc in Mathematics from The University of Kent at Canterbury (1983). His areas of interest include n-tier architectures in support of real-time telemetry processing. He has been working at the Global Systems Division (GSD) of the Earth Systems Research Laboratory (formerly the Forecast Systems Laboratory) since 1999 developing real-time data ingest and management systems for the Data Systems Group (DSG). These systems handle various meteorological datasets and produces value added products for use by other groups from inside and outside the division for model development, verification and display.
An example image from the enhanced 10km global satellite looping product…

An example image from the enhanced 10km global satellite looping product developed at GSD displayed using Google Earth. The framework Paul has developed within DSG is able to support the production of the necessary image and KML files required to provide this display in real-time.