Climate Monitoring, Climate Research, and Climate Services for Colorado
Presented by: Colorado Climate Center Staff
Hosted by: Russ Schumacher
Date: September 28, 2018 11:15 am
Location: ATS room 101
The Colorado Climate Center, based in the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University since 1973, has a threefold mission to serve our state. We are responsible for monitoring the state’s weather and climate, including analyzing trends and extremes and operating two of our own weather observing networks; for conducting applied research toward improved understanding and prediction, with a particular focus on drought; and for providing value-added services and interpretation of climate data. In this presentation, the staff of the Colorado Climate Center will introduce and discuss their contributions to these wide-ranging responsibilities. This will include discussion of the CCC’s drought monitoring and early warning activities; an introduction to the CoCoRaHS and CoAgMET observation networks; other projects the CCC is involved with; an overview of our data holdings and resources; and our plans for the future, including potential collaborations with the department and CIRA.