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Day 1: Monday, July 25th
- Volz, Steve
“National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service”
- Kalluri, Satya
“An Introduction to The Joint Polar Satellite System”
- Heidinger, Andrew
“The Geostationary Extended Observations (GeoXO) Satellite Program”
- Bowman, Thad
“NESDIS Early-Career Opportunities”
- Goldberg, Mitch
“Science at NESDIS”
- Ortland, Stephanie
“ThunderCast: A Deep Learning Model for Nowcasting Midlatitude Thunderstorms”
- Hibbert, Keneshia
“Analyzing Sea-Surface Temperatures and Vertical Wind Shear as Precursors to Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Caribbean and an expanding Atlantic Main Developing Region”
- Zhang, Daile
“Developing & Deploying Tools to Better Observe Lightning in the Washington D.C. Region & Beyond”
- Yang, Yifan; Chen, Haonan, Chen; Azimi-Sadjadi, Mahmood R.
“Machine Learning for Precipitation Retrieval Using ABI and GLM Measurements on the GOES-R Series”
- Novoa-Garcia, Maria Celeste
“Design of a Low SWaP Dual-Band Radiometer for UAS Remote Sensing Application”
- Carlo Frontera, Zaibeth; Barnes, Elizabeth; Maloney, Eric
“Using Random Forests to Forecast Hurricane Genesis in the East Pacific”
- Cheung, Alex ‘Alvin’
“Documenting the Progression of Secondary Eyewall Formations”
- Moreno, Hernan A.
“Merging Multi-platform Sensors, Models and Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Hydrometerological Understanding and Prediction”
- Famutimi, Elaine
“Forecasting Solar Radiation over Puerto Rico using Machine Learning”
Day 2: Tuesday, July 26th
- Mahoney, Jennifer; Carlis, DaNa; Petty, Missy
“The Future of the NOAA GSL End to End Science Mission”
- Merchant, Shakila
“NOAA Center for Earth System Sciences and Remote Sensing Technologies”
- Trotman, Audry
“National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: An Introduction”
- Bernal Ayala, Anthony
“Parallax Shift in GOES ABI Data”
- Paganini, Zachary
“Housing Market and Municipal Finance Research as a Method for Understanding In/Equitable Adaptation Pathways”
- Rosen, Zoey
“Shades of Risk: A Social-Scientific Approach to Designing a New Hurricane Map Graphic”
- Arulraj, Malar; Petkovic, Veljko; Ferraro, Ralph R., Meng, Huan
“Assessing the Impact of Precipitation Vertical Structure in the Satellite Precipitation Retrievals – Feature-based Approach”
- Chen, Jessica
“Impacts of Smoke Intrusion on Pollution and Heath in New York City”
- Yang, Kevin
“Near-Cloud Aerosol Retrieval Using Machine Learning Techniques, and Implied Direct Radiative Effects”
Day 3: Wednesday, July 27th